Monday, September 19, 2022

Victim robbed at knifepoint in downtown Bethesda

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a robbery in downtown Bethesda Saturday night, September 17, 2022. The robbery was reported in the 7600 block of Old Georgetown Road at 9:01 PM. That is by the Metropolitan apartments. A knife was employed in the robbery.


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    And now Elrich is going to win the upcoming election because the wokeness about equity and diversity doesn't apply to a black man with an R next to his name even though he's very qualified and someone who has placed emphasis on supporting police and getting tough on crime. And secondly, thank goodness SCOTUS stepped in for those wanting to carry a firearm. By the way, there are non-lethal weapons that require no permit, licensing fees, etc. Perfectly legal.
    I am seriously considering getting the Byrna system. Looks and functions just like a pistol but fires non-lethal projectile. Time to arm up. How embarrassing is this folks? This crime is everywhere now. MoCo proud. Way to go sending Elrich forward.

    1. Anonymous3:43 AM

      So i should send my 17 year old daughter to downtown Bethesda with a gun or should she assume you and your big swinging gun is going to save her wren you’d probably pre yourself and run away?

  2. Anonymous8:33 AM

    The MoCo Council isn't putting enough police on the street to prevent and deter crime, so now it falls to what you're willing to do to protect yourself and those you care about. Your safety has been sacrificed on the altar of wokeness and the continued promotion of failed policies by the clowns on the MoCo Council.

    Accept reality for what it is. Get your Conceal Carry Permit and practice regularly so that you're proficient. I have and do. This would have turned out very differently had this robber tried pulling a knife on me or anyone I was with at the time. Remember that you're not trying to be a hero, but that you're refusing to be a victim.

  3. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Welcome to the new normal of Downtown Bethesda.

    Congratulations Marc Elrich. You did it.

  4. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Yikes. This is really scary. If you haven't considered carrying a firearm or at the very least pepper spray, you need to ask yourself why that is and then look at your loved ones and friends.

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Because it’s now illegal to purchase pepper spray or tasers in the state of Maryland. Yet weed is legal 🤔

  5. Anonymous10:33 AM

    @8:26 AM: The Byrna system looks interesting, but I have concerns. I carry pepper spray in addition to my firearm, but if someone comes up on me with a knife, I'm not using the pepper spray. A knife is a deadly weapon, and I'm drawing my firearm. I'm not confident that the Byrna pellets or projectiles would do enough to prevent that assailant from closing distance and inflicting harm with the knife. Carrying a firearm isn't for everyone, but I have concerns about the effectiveness of the Byrna against an attacker armed with a knife. Also, the Byrna looks very much like a firearm, although it's safety orange in color. So this can go a few ways: It can be mistaken for a firearm by someone with a knife, and actually encourage them to attack you because they think they can close the distance, but you're left without the actual effectiveness of a firearm behind it; The attacker will see that it's clearly not a firearm, and they'll attack you; and finally, you put too much faith in the Byrna to actually provide effective defense for a scenario and take unnecessary risks. Remember that it's not a firearm. You can't act like it is.

  6. Anonymous11:41 AM

    8:26 AM: The Byrna system is surprisingly expensive and the "ammo" isn't cheap either. According to the website:
    Byrna SD Pepper Kit is $399.99 and here's what you get:

    The Byrna SD Pepper Kit comes in a protective, zippered carrying case with everything you need to get started:
    One (1) Byrna SD Launcher
    Two (2) 5-Round Magazines
    Two (2) Byrna 8-Gram CO2 Cartridges
    One (1) 5-Round Tube of Byrna Pepper Projectiles
    One (1) 5-Round Tube of Byrna Kinetic Projectiles
    One (1) 5-Round Tube of Byrna Eco-Kinetic Projectiles

    For additional CO2 cartridges: $19.99 for 10 cartridges. Note: Each cartridge (new) is only good for 15-20 rounds (4 mags in a 5 round magazine) at full speed. Also, punctured cartridges within the Byrna HD will leak over time.

    For additional Projectiles: $43.99 (Sale) for 95 Kinetic Projectiles; $63.99 (Sale) for 95 "Pro Training" Projectiles; $111.99 for 25 "Max" Projectiles (Pepper + Tear Gas)

    Don't forget your holster, oiling kit, extra magazines, magazine carrier, etc. This is really starting to add up and you're locked-in for proprietary accessories and ammo from Byrna.

    I'm not at all a fan of it having a 5-Round Capacity either. That isn't nearly enough. Better practice reloading to a new magazine.

    Your typical Glock 9MM for Conceal Carry (Model 43X/48 with 10 Round Capacity compliant for MD and DC) runs you around $500. Holsters, Mag Carriers, Extra Magazines and maintenance supplies are all around the same cost as what Byrna is charging. Training Ammo if bought in bulk can be had for $14/box of 50 rounds. Hollow Points for Self Defense can be had for ~$40/box of 50 rounds. That's a lot cheaper than what Byrna is offering and you need to use enough ammo in practice to become proficient. Also, there's no ammo lock-in as with Byrna. I can purchase ammo from a variety of quality brands.

    You're also not spending money on CO2 cartridges that can go flat. Honestly, if you pull your Byrna and there's no CO2 pressure, you're holding a paperweight. That's not a risk I'm ever willing to take when confronted by an assailant. I know my firearm is well maintained and I know what to do in the event of a click instead of a boom.

    The licensing cost for your typical MD Conceal Carry Course can vary. I've seen combined MD/DC courses for $375 with training, firearm rental and range fee included. I've also seen MD-only carry courses for $250. The application fee for MD is $75. The application fee for DC is $75. Fingerprints are a nominal cost in addition for any application, but honestly, don't get the Byrna SD thinking it's going to save you much money over a firearm. It really won't.

    If you're not comfortable carrying a firearm, that's ok. However, it's important to know the limitations of the Byrna and what it truly costs in comparison to one.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      11:41 - I totally hear you about non -lethal option, etc but that Byrna concept is legit. A firearm is a good choice too no doubt and all should train like crazy of course. But this area charges way too much for all the training, fees, etc. Plus, an insurance policy from NRA or USCCA, etc to protect against liability. It can be done but I just wish we were like our friends in SC and even VA where it's a bit more streamlined and cheaper to accomplish.

  7. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Every comment here is spot on correct. Arm up with whatever you are comfortable with.

  8. Anonymous12:43 PM

    This is horrifying.

    You need to be prepared for the possibility that this could happen to you here, because this is proof that it could.

    Based on everything I've read on this Blog and on my conversations with others, I'm off to get my carry permits for DMV and properly train.

  9. Anonymous1:09 PM

    10:01 - You know what's even scarier? Marc Elrich for 4 more years. Voters do have a choice but a Republican in MoCo? And a black man even? Nope. He won't even get close. Friggin insane people to reelect that fool.

  10. Anonymous2:03 PM

    10:01 AM is asking the right question here. Well put.

  11. Anonymous2:07 PM

    The Byrna is marketed well, but it'll be come a "drawer queen". It's too expensive to practice with and it's too ineffective to replace am actual firearm. I'm already carrying a firearm, and the last thing I'd want on me would be something else that also resembles a firearm. Even though you would draw it from the opposite side, it's very easy to make an error. My pepper spray is on the opposite side of my firearm carry holster, and it looks nothing like a firearm.

  12. Anonymous2:15 PM

    @1:09 PM: It doesn't seem to matter. As has been discussed in other posts, getting your car stolen isn't enough to change most people's votes from Elrich to Blair. I've accepted the reality that Marc Elrich will be running things for another term and run the County into the ground. However, I won't let his failures compromise my safety. Unfortunately, it falls to me to take the steps to protect myself that I need to in order to make up for his failures.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      2:15 - No, it doesn't matter. It's insane is what it is. These people here are far from dumb and far from unsuccessful. No, this is affluent and smart and always has been. But it's gotten very liberal and therefore they pull the lever for anyone running as a Dem no matter what. Many Dem leaders across the nation are ruining the places they govern and we'll see things worsen here too.

  13. Anonymous2:23 PM

    It's not a big jump to go from a knife to a gun being used in a robbery. That's what's coming next. MoCo Police need to get a handle on this and quickly.

    Lay this right at the foot of Marc Elrich and the fools on the MoCo Council.

  14. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Marc Ehlich is a peace of work. He needs to get the message that 32 more people voted for him. That’s it. He is a fool that is trying to make Bethesda the San Fran of the east coast. Plastic bags, no school resource officers, and not funding protection (except for him).

  15. Anonymous2:56 PM

    On cue out come the big-talking’ tough guys saying they’re going to get strapped. None of you are going to do that. How do I know? Because walking around Bethesda is fine and walking around with a weapon (concealed or otherwise) creates more risk for you than anyone else because you don’t have the ethos or training to do so.

  16. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Not to get into the "concealed carry" narrative which everyone should, but if you're not at least carrying a knife in your pocket at all times, you need to start. Turn the tables with a good return knife fight.

  17. Anonymous3:44 PM

    @2:56 PM: I don't have to be big or tough with a concealed firearm. If there's a genuine deadly threat to my life from an attacker and I am unable to retreat from the threat, I will draw my weapon and fire, and that's justified under MD Self Defense Law. I already conceal carry in MD/VA/DC, including in Downtown Bethesda. I practice every week at a range and I do dry fire drills several times per week as well. I don't have to depend on people like you for my personal safety and I'm fine with that. Don't lump me in with posers or weekend warriors. That's not me.

  18. Anonymous3:47 PM

    @3:33 PM: Knives aren't good primary self defense weapons because you are too close to your attacker when using it. Also, knives can easily be taken from you and used against you if you haven't trained with one. You are much better off with a stand-off weapon such as pepper spray or a firearm which can be used at a greater distance. Honestly, I would never utilize pepper spray in a knife-fight. That's what a firearm is for.

  19. Anonymous4:07 PM

    3:33 - great point. I have many excellent and sharp folding knives. Thank you for suggesting it.

  20. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Gun-lovers you are the ones robbing and killing Bethesda people. There is no wokeness in the society, another lie propogated by gun lobby and their members in every sphere of life.

    1. Anonymous4:54 AM

      "5:16" you're being sarcastic, right???

    2. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Finally someone with a brain!

  21. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Cancel culture woke culture are all gun loving folk's fake agenda just to maintain relevance in this competitive America.

  22. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Right next to the Chipotle, right?

  23. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Heartbreaking to see a place where one born, grew up and worked in an area becomes unsafe to walk the streets without looking over your shoulder. Citizens should be outraged at this state of affairs where it can be viewed as a freedom being taken from them, but it doesn't need to be this way.
    Activism is needed to expose the socialistic politicians who play the progressive game for their own self interests

  24. Anonymous8:49 PM

    If someone is robbing you at knifepoint, it's not likely you're going to see them walking toward you with a knife conveniently displayed so you can pull a weapon yourself. More likely they'll walk up close to you and suddenly there will be a knife at your throat and a demand for your property. You need presence of mind, not a gun.

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Thank goodness their are actually people who are using their minds and not their “have to have a gun” brain! This is not about politics it’s about getting educated and knowing Truth from Lies.

  25. Anonymous3:09 AM

    @8:43 PM: It’s not illegal to purchase or carry pepper spray or a taser in Maryland:

    (C)(2) A person may not wear or carry a dangerous weapon, chemical mace, pepper mace, or a tear gas device openly with the intent or purpose of injuring an individual in an unlawful manner.

    It’s illegal to carry these items for the purposes of specifically committing a crime against someone. This doesn’t prevent you from purchasing, carrying and using them for legitimate self-defense purposes.

  26. Anonymous4:42 AM

    😂😂😂 WOKENESS CAUSES CRIME 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  27. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Arm up and protect yourself!

  28. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Where did this report come from? I can't find it anywhere.

  29. Anonymous6:32 AM

    @8:49 PM: If you’re carrying a firearm, you definitely need presence of mind. I’m always aware of who is within 21 feet of me. I’m able to draw and put my first shot on target in about a second or so.

  30. Anonymous7:28 AM

    2:07 - I understand what you're saying but the non-lethal weapon is a good choice for many. Kimber, one of the highly respected American firearms company, also has a non-lethal option. Will these options perform the same as a pistol? Of course not but they may indeed help to protect life. These options are 100% legal to carry and require no permit, training or licensing. What's more, no need to get an extra liability insurance policy. No, they aren't the same but better than nothing in this environment which I suspect will get worse.

    Elrich will be Co. Exec and Wes Moore (Spike Lee's buddy) will be our next gov. Then we will be fully run like every other Dem area and state where anything goes, no cops, no bail, no tough on crime period. In PA, their Lt. Gov is leading who has not recovered from a stroke and who also said all 2nd degree murder convicted should be let out of prison.

  31. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Reardon Sullivan is our only choice for protection from crime here in MOCO! Go Sullivan for Montgomery County Executive! Protecting the public. Protecting our students. P.S. - I'm a 48 year democrat but it's time to vote wisely.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Thinking the same! True blue active Dem but we need help with public safety. I’ve seen Reardon Sullivan signs in my neighbourhood - highly unusual to see so many Republican signs. He may end up surprising people.

  32. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Can you provide a link to the crime report for this incident? TIA

  33. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Although I'm a tennis player, it's time for me to walk around with my aluminum baseball bat!

  34. Anonymous9:32 AM

    @8:49 PM - Spot on! Not a knee jerker like the majority of the comments above, nor a statement of political whining from the opposite side.

  35. Anonymous9:54 AM

    8:43 PM: Pepper Spray and Tasers are actually legal to purchase and use for self-defense purposes in Maryland. However, you are not allowed wear or carry them openly with the intent or purpose to injure an individual in an unlawful manner.

    So get Pepper Spray/Taser and put it in your pocket with a clip or on your belt as part of your conceal carry setup.

  36. Anonymous9:57 AM

    8:49 PM: It's super important to have situational awareness when you're carrying a firearm. I'm very mindful of who's even on the same block as me at all times. When you're proficient at carrying and drawing from a holster, you can clear your garment and draw in about a second or two at most. If you can't, keep practicing. One trick when confronted by an individual who somehow manages to get into your space is to back up and create additional distance between you and them.

  37. Anonymous10:07 AM

    @5:57 PM: It is insane what it's become. People are willing to tolerate unbelievable levels of crime and keep voting for the officials who fail to address it. Even a Democrat (Blair) who runs on a pro-safety/pro-police/pro-equity platform manages to lose by 32 votes to the incumbent. I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it as long as Elrich is politically relevant in MoCo: Hundreds, if not thousands of people who have had their car stolen over the past few years still pulled the lever for Elrich. It just didn't matter. I'm sure the same is true in other Dem governed places across the country.

    @7:56 PM: It is hard to believe what's happening here, and yes it's heartbreaking for people who've grown up here and lived here a long time. Someone should organize a visible public safety campaign for Bethesda and bring attention to the failure of the MoCo Council to take public safety seriously here. You could simply set up a table at the Bethesda Metro Stop with some basic MoCo crime statistics displayed:

    in 2019, there were 914 Motor Vehicle Thefts.
    In 2020, there were 1,178 Motor Vehicle Thefts.
    In 2021, there were 1,444 Motor Vehicle Thefts.
    For 2022: "As of June 6, there have been 511 auto thefts in the county this year, according to police spokesperson Carlos Cortes-Vazquez." (

    Hey Reardon! Are you reading this?

  38. Anonymous10:53 AM

    10:07 - Well, Reardon should run an ad on TV citing some of the data you shared here and fast. I really think that Elrich or any other Dem in MD could do almost anything and folks would still vote them into office and/or reelect them in Elrich's case which is even harder to believe. No you say? Fetterman in PA is beating Dr. Oz right now. Fetterman is not fit to run because his stroke was severe enough that he's not quite recovered. What's more, he wants to let all 2nd degree murder convicts out of prison. All this and he'll still likely win. No wonder people are moving. This is beyond insane and sad for multi-generation natives like me.

  39. 4:51: The information is directly from police communications, which anyone can monitor using a scanner app. An armed robbery with knife was reported to 911 at this location at this time and date, and officers were dispatched. These are the facts that have been established so far, and the department may or may not comment further publicly at a later date, such as if they are seeking the public's help in locating the suspect(s).

  40. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Robert, thank you for reporting on crime - you seem to be our only news source. We are lucky it wasn’t worse this weekend, given that DC and PG instituted curfews for youth. So the only place to hang out was MoCo. I’d love to know how many crimes were committed by DC and PG youth this last weekend vs our local hooligans.

  41. Anonymous11:53 AM

    3:43 PM asks "So i should send my 17 year old daughter to downtown Bethesda with a gun or should she assume you and your big swinging gun is going to save her wren you’d probably pre yourself and run away?"

    No you should not. Maryland generally prohibits any person under age 21 from possessing a handgun. Maryland also prohibits any person from transferring a handgun to a transferee who the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe is under 21 years of age. You cannot wear and carry a firearm in MD without a "Wear and Carry Permit".

    So both you and your daughter are committing a crime if you do this. Maryland gun laws are among the strictest in the nation. Gun charges in Maryland can have severe consequences.

    Illegally carrying a firearm in Maryland is a misdemeanor. Penalties vary depending on the number of previous offenses:
    Penalties for first offenders include up to 3 years in jail and fines ranging from $250 to $2,500.
    A second conviction carries a prison sentence between 1 and 10 years.
    3 or more convictions requires a minimum of 3 years in prison with sentences up to 10 years.

    To answer the other part of your question: No, you shouldn't count on me to save her. That's a job for the police to handle. They should be called and there should be enough of them to respond quickly. I carry a firearm to protect myself and people with me for self defense purposes only. If she happens to be near me, and there's a genuine threat to my life or those around me which drawing my weapon would neutralize, I may use my discretion to act. However, I will not endanger myself or anyone else around me to be a hero. I carry to prevent myself from being a victim.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      911 put me on hold for 5 minutes after I was attacked in a park in the white part of DC. Then they dropped my report. Nothing came of it.

  42. Anonymous12:04 PM

    @7:28 AM: The Kimber non-lethal looks like a viable option for people who want it. Any defensive weapon is better than having no defense. It's just important to set expectations for what threats it will actually stop and not put yourself in a position where it's not enough. I disagree about the "no training" aspect. You definitely need to train with any defensive weapon that you plan to use.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      12:04 - of course all should train. what I meant was non-lethal doesn't mandate the training whereas to carry a firearm you are mandated to go thru training classes, etc. For those who find that burdensome or expensive, non -lethal is a good option. But all should train I agree

  43. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Not just Bethesda as we know although crazy to think how different downtown is when the sun goes down. And it's not just defunding the armed patrolling police that did it. How long do you think it takes 911 to answer? Not RESPOND, just answer? You can be on hold anywhere from 10-15 minutes waiting for a dispatcher. Then how long till cops show up. This is a purely budgetary issue as well, they are understaffed and overworked. Ehrlich and the other democratic candidates and current Council do not want you safe. It's ok to vote for a non DEM. It doesn't make you racist or a bigot, or extremist despite the lefts narrative. Fight back against their manipulation and get some common sense checks and balances back into MOCO.

  44. Anonymous7:09 AM

    @1:22 PM: That's why I carry. You can't depend on 911 to be there for you when you need them.

    @5:27 PM: Order one to practice with. Order one to have ready. You don't want to be using it for the first time when you need it.

    @6:44 PM: A lot can happen in five minutes. That's why I carry.
