Thursday, September 29, 2022

Woodmont Avenue bikeway construction update (Photos)

Work is already underway on the extension of the Bethesda Avenue bikeway onto Woodmont Avenue at Bethesda Row. The construction area has now been cordoned off along Woodmont. Concrete forms have been created for the islands that will protect the bike lanes from automobile traffic. The Streatery outdoor dining area on the roadway has been closed and cleared away.


  1. I can't ride a bike, but I'm a big fan of those that do.

  2. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Bikes = good. Cars = bad. At least the silly Streetery will be no more. I am positive that there will be issues, crashes, people yelling, etc when these bike lanes are opened. You know what bikers almost never do, obey stop signs (and I mean the ones one the bike lanes themselves) not to mention any other traffic signs. They think they own the road. I have seen it time and again. For the last time, cars have the right of way all the time. Bikes must yield to traffic not to dictate where it goes and when. This is going to cause many more accidents. Although, interestingly, they jam the traffic up horribly and few bikers are ever on them. The ones on Old Geo'twn are empty all the time. These are right downtown but still.

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Cars don’t have the right of way. People have the right of way.

    2. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Bikes and cars must follow the State of Maryland rules of the road. A lot of bikers do not, running through stop signs all the time. Where is the MontCo enforcement?

  3. Anonymous6:03 AM

    There's the moribund nighttime economy we've been missing out on all this time. Great work!
