Thursday, October 06, 2022

Aggravated assault with gun at Montgomery Mall in Bethesda

Montgomery County police were called to Westfield Montgomery Mall Tuesday night, October 4, 2022, after an aggravated assault with a firearm was reported there. The assault was reported at 8:36 PM. This is the 10th assault reported at the mall since May 18. The police department announced it had opened a "resource room" at the mall in August.


  1. Robert, thank you for posting these stories that seem to occur daily. This type of crime and level of crime has never been seen in this area ever. Unprecedented. Elrich & Co are noticeably silent. Why hasn't local media asked them about this? This is beyond outrageous.
    This violent crime is good in one way. It hopefully will dissuade enough Dem voters away from Elrich. This will get worse. Someone will be killed and soon. No you say? Tell that to the father who was checking out of his Marriott hotel after visiting his son at Marist College in NY? Shot randomly by a career criminal and mental patient. Interesting that Old Joe is gonna be in that area today for another purpose. Elrich is following along with Biden and team and saying nothing and doing nothing about crime. No talking about it doesn't help. You voted for Elrich I didn't. Put him in and this gets worse. Remember, that's 4 years.

  2. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I'm not surprised that I'm not surprised. Montgomery County Mall is not a safe place to take your family anymore. What a shame. It's only a matter of time until there's a smash and grab at Mall Stores. I'm putting that marker down right now. The resource room clearly isn't enough to deter this kind of crime.

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      There has already been one at the sun glass place. It’s ridiculous!

  3. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Looks like that Police "Resource Room" needs more resources.

  4. 11:07 - The Resource Room is lipstick on a pig to borrow a phrase. It's a joke. They have security personnel though which I saw yesterday. That's not what you want to see but a good idea. Something goes down and they can radio for help immediately. This will end up like Lenox Mall in ATL. Anyone here know that upscale mall? I've been there a thousand times but no more. They recently had a shoot out right outside the Apple store. Yep, right inside the mall. It's absolutely not safe there ever. That's where we're headed.

  5. Anonymous11:57 AM

    @11:27 AM: Yup. MoCo Mall has a well-earned reputation now as an unsafe place just like Lenox Mall does. MoCo Mall needs to spend the money on much more visible, effective security and have them do roaming patrols that trespass troublemakers. The police need to invest substantially more resources in protecting such a highly trafficked location, which is clearly drawing criminals. The Mall needs to be a place that has sufficient deterrence that no criminal in their right mind would try anything there. It's nowhere near that now.

  6. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Montgomery Mall is now a chaotic funhouse for troublemakers and easy pickings for criminals. Oh well, the place had a good run, but I would never take my family there now. The Mall and County leaders aren't taking this seriously at all. That's a real shame.

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      12:41pm According to the police PR folks, Montgomery Mall is the top place families go to assault family members.

  7. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Parents need to be responsible for their kids.
    How about the two 14 yo kids from the DC getting caught for assault and car jacking? Instead of incarceration they recv home detention.parents and delinquents probably laughing their asses off.

  8. Anonymous10:05 PM

    So sad
    Moved to Bethesda in 1970
    Spent days there with my mom and dad shopping and brothers and sisters
    It was literally a family outing every weekend as my dad shopped for appliances at sears and my mom for school clothes for us

    As a teen would go shopping with my girlfriends
    Saturdays at food court

    Never saw one incident or fight

    Heartbreaking how Bethesda is now becoming as bad as SW DC

  9. Just to add a bit more to this. When I do go to the mall, which I did this week for lunch at the food court, my situational awareness is on high alert. What everyone needs to do there, and everywhere else in public these days, is to be acutely aware of your surroundings and in a particular way, know where your exit points are at all times. If anything goes down, experts agree, flee is the first move. No need to be a hero.

  10. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Yup, and a planned smash of the side glass door at Strosnider's Kensington 2 Thursdays ago and those fine young cannibals stole 9 chainsaws - Hey MoCo - how do ya like me now??
    The young men were driving - a BMW, probably stolen as well.
    I'm getting out of this sinkhole.

  11. Anonymous6:30 AM

    @10:05 PM: Agreed. Many good memories of what Bethesda and MoCo Mall used to be. It's now been ruined by incompetent leadership that doesn't take public safety seriously.

  12. Anonymous9:46 AM

    @2:15PM "Montgomery Mall is the top place families go to assault family members." Families assaulting families? That's a new one. What's your source for this info?

  13. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I wonder when the last time Marc Elrich was even at Montgomery Mall.

  14. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Montgomery Mall is no longer the great, safe experience that it used to be. It's really hard to see this happening to a place that I have so many good memories in. Damn.

  15. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Some advice for those thinking about an "exit route" when at Montgomery Mall: the mall has unmarked service corridors which is how deliveries are made and trash is hauled. They run behind the stores. Look for a set of double doors. That's the best place to go in an emergency, as most "bad guys" won't know about them. You can often access them via the back room of a retail store also.

  16. Please, if you've commented 10 times in the last month about your concealed carry and how you plan to protect yourself, then that's enough for this month. We know already.

  17. Kids being kids that grew up playing shoot 'em up video games. When I grew up, it was porn and drugs. Now, you need porn and drugs to relieve the stress from dealing with these youngsters.
    Get off of my lawn!

  18. Anonymous5:31 AM

    @6:18 AM: Still going to vote for Elrich in spite of his indifference to and failure on MoCo public safety? We know already.

  19. Anonymous5:53 AM

    What's happened to Montgomery Mall is really sad. The place is just not safe anymore, and Mall Management isn't willing to take the steps necessary to make it safe.

  20. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Of course 6:18 AM plans to vote for Elrich again. It doesn't matter how bad of a job he's done or how dangerous Montgomery County gets. When it's all about power, it's all justified somehow. Yeah, we know already.
