Thursday, October 06, 2022

Armed robbery at Bethesda convenience store

Montgomery County police responded to a report of an armed robbery at a convenience store in Bethesda early yesterday morning, October 5, 2022. The robbery was reported at a store in the 5100 block of River Road at 2:49 AM Wednesday. 7-Eleven is the only convenience store on that block open at that hour.


  1. And Elrich & Co are announcing funding for a new "bikeway". This is Dem slight of hand. Look over here not there. Disgraceful. Elections have serious consequences. Do Dems want to see armed robbery on River Road? Do they want armed car jackings in downtown Bethesda as they come out of Mama Lucia with family after a night out? Of course not. Well, that's exactly what is happening and will continue to happen should you pull the lever for Marc Elrich who is simply not qualified to lead this county, the largest in our state. Think about that Elrich voters. This upcoming vote may be the most significant in local political history. It will get worse, much worse. Want to support diversity? Fine, elect Sully Reardon. We can have Wes Moore in the governor's mansion but cannot and will not make it here if you reelect Elrich.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      What is the connection to the bikeway? Is it that you think that is a bad use of funds, or that you think bikers commit crime?

  2. Anonymous10:57 AM

    9:00 AM is completely right. This is getting worse day by day. This County can't afford to have another Elrich term.

    Congratulations MoCo Dems. MoCo is currently having a rampant violent crime wave with no end in sight. You voted for Elrich and its one-party leadership and they're doing nothing about it. You own it along with them. Well done. You are the reason I legally carry a firearm here.

  3. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I'm amazed that 7-11 can find anyone to work there at this point.

    You MoCo leftists who voted for Elrich have no appreciation of or compassion concerning the daily danger that the employees of this store are in now. You just drive by, completely oblivious to it. Your support for the MoCo leadership with its failed policies on public safety has put them in that position.

  4. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I also conceal carry in Bethesda, and I've been to that 7-11 a number of times at all hours. It's scary to think that I could be there when something like this goes down and otherwise have no ability to defend myself. All this does is reaffirm why I went through the process and training to legally carry here. Yeah, you can thank Elrich for that.

  5. Anonymous1:38 PM

    11:15: I've read that convenience store clerk is one of the most hazardous jobs because of crime.


  6. C-stores. We all love them, but OMG, I don't want one in my neighborhood. If we're serious about crime prevention, then I'd vote to have our PoPo parked outside of them and the bars after dark instead of chasing stolen cars which should be insured against theft anyhow.

  7. 8:14 - I believe I mentioned priorities.

  8. Anonymous5:43 AM

    @6:54 AM: If you were serious about crime prevention you wouldn't be voting for Elrich. MoCo Police doesn't have enough officers to do the job effectively. That's something the people you voted for did.

    See the briefing that the Montgomery County Council previously received on calendar 2021 crime statistics, including information on trends in violent crime (1/18/2022):

    "Police Staffing: A primary consideration is adequate staffing that affords MCPD with the flexibility to implement best crime suppression tactics.5 MCPD currently has an authorized complement of 1,271 officers, which is 1.3 officers per 1,000 residents. This is significantly lower than the average 2.8 officers per capita reported for counties, or the 2.5 officers per capita reported for suburban areas.6"

    The MoCo Council President is holding a media availability today at 12 PM:

    "Council President Albornoz to hold media availability on Oct. 10 at noon. Discussion will include latest crime data, efforts to recruit police officers, public health information and a preview of the Council’s Hispanic Heritage Month Commemoration."

    Think anyone will hold him to account for how dangerous MoCo has become? I know you don't.

  9. Anonymous8:44 AM

    6:54 AM: Maybe MoCo should have enough police officers on the force to do both of these, not that you'd ever vote for candidates who actually support having that.
