Saturday, October 15, 2022

Bethesda Streetery reopens on Woodmont Avenue (Photos)

The Bethesda Streetery has reopened on Woodmont Avenue, between Elm Street and Bethesda Avenue. It now features a reduced outdoor dining space, a protected bikeway, a short-term parking space for delivery drivers or takeout customers, and two lanes for automobile traffic. As I reported earlier this week, the orange barricades will soon be replaced with decorative planters. The new configuration is an attempt by the Montgomery County Department of Transportation to reach a compromise between residents who wanted the Streetery to continue, and drivers and business owners who wanted to restore auto access to the street, which has been closed for two years.


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I drove it today. So glad to have this back, especially with all the construction and congestion on Wisconsin Ave.

  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I hope they include something nicer than tropically painted picnic tables for dining. I wonder if the will take our all the parking meters?

  3. It's not what should have happened but at least it's open. Forget about parking conveniently outside any of those businesses. Those days are clearly gone.

  4. Anonymous5:07 PM

    @JAC This may improve the situation. In the old days, you'd always get a slow-moving vehicle in the right lane hunting for a parking spot, then holding up traffic while they try to parallel park.

  5. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Poor idea. The road should be fully open. Barriers, planters? Doesn't matter. At some point a driver or a biker is going to run into whatever is installed to allow for table space on the street. That happened a while back in upper NW.

  6. 5:44 - Thank you! Yes, I stated that exact same. An elderly driver is gonna plow right into someone enjoying a $10 latte. Remember, it's called a road not a park and not a dining patio. We're stuck with this now. It'll never change.

  7. 5:07 - That's a fair point. But does that occasional scenario justify removing all parking and choking the traffic down along there to one lane? Cars need to move, people need to easily get to places do they not? Ah, cars. These moves are designed to do one thing, remove as many cars from the road as possible. Make it so difficult to drive that you won't. Get it? All MoCo Council members are also card carrying members of the Green Party don't be fooled.

  8. Wasting money on a pipe dream compromise. I used to love it, but it's dead now that there's traffic. I'll miss watching the kids/dogs playing in the street

  9. Shanel - A compromise that should have never been made. These are roads not parks. Save a lot of taxpayer money and leave it along. During Covid? Sure, it wasn't a bad idea. But now we are back to normal which many, including me, ever thought would be the case. But we are and roads need to flow. Bikes are great but there are places where you shouldn't ride them.
    CCT isn't enough? Everywhere can't have a bike lane. It's just nuts. No parking, no extra travel lane and expensive bike lanes that really won't get the usage they thing they will. Do you know how many bikers use the lanes on Old Geo'twn per week? I drive there every day and I would bet you it isn't 10 people per 7 day period.

  10. Hey JAC, I don't think that we're that far apart. I suspect that I don't like abandoned lanes of anything anymore that you. The Streetery wasn't abandoned.

    It was a lively spot to sit out on a long weekend. It was standing room only several times this year when live music played. Can we please shut those roads after rush hour on Friday and reopen them Sunday night? No barriers necessary. Give me 3 cruisers lights flashing and 1 lifeguard so to speak. Shut it down at 9 every night.

    Bethesda is a ghost town for traffic after weekday rush hour traffic. That's a compromise that works, right?

  11. Anonymous5:58 PM

    JAC - Someone running into the dining area barriers doesn't have to be elderly. I see young and middle age ppl on their phones and driving all.the.time. As for bikers - they need to obey the rules of the road! I rarely see any using the expensive "bike lanes" and have never seen them used on Bethesda Ave or Willow next to the Women's Farm Mkt.....

  12. Shanel, I actually really like that idea. Yes, no lane reduction, no nothing. Roads are roads. But a temporary block party? Brilliant.

  13. 5:58 - Agree 100%
