Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Car stolen in Grosvenor area of Bethesda

Montgomery County police are investigating the theft of a vehicle from the Grosvenor area of Bethesda early yesterday morning, November 29, 2022. The vehicle was parked outside a home in the 5800 block of Grosvenor Lane. It is believed the vehicle was stolen sometime between 10:00 PM Monday night and 3:00 AM Tuesday morning.


  1. Theft of all types every night. And now, the leadership that was just reelected, has taken away our conditional right to carry. Thanks!

  2. Anonymous6:26 AM

    "Another public transit user! Congratulations and welcome!"
    - MoCo Council

    Don't expect the Council's new law restricting carry to remain in effect for very long. Maryland Shall Issue has its pre-motion conference with the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland on its request for leave to file a Temporary Restraining Order and a Preliminary Injunction on Tuesday, 12/6 at 2:30pm. The County Council is eventually going to get slapped down hard on this and if they don't for some reason by the District Court of Maryland Judge, you'll see him get slapped down by his "superiors". Three Supreme Court Justices live in Montgomery County: Roberts, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh.

    Read more and see the legal filings here:
