Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Car stolen in Mohican Hills area of Bethesda

Montgomery County police are investigating the theft of a vehicle from the Mohican Hills neighborhood in Bethesda early Sunday morning. The vehicle was parked outside a home in the 6000 block of Onondaga Road. Property was stolen from a second vehicle parked in a driveway.


  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Another public transit rider! Congratulations and welcome!
    - MoCo Council

  2. Now all the thousands of law abiding county citizens who spent hard earned time and money can forget about their carry permit. The totally insane County Exec you just reelected, signed County Bill 21-22E into law that essentially renders your right to carry outside your home null and void. Yeah, it's likely unconstitutional but now good and decent folks who want to protect themselves from serious bodily harm by legally carrying a firearm can't..

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      This insane bill will be overturned in courts. But it shows us how out of touch MoCo politicians are. They love to skirt existing laws and mandate their socialist views.

  3. Anonymous2:57 PM

    How about we ALL (aka, the rest of us) start packin' illegally too to level the playing field?! If the prosecutor goes after "US", we can claim reverse racism. The courts will be overrun and...
