Thursday, November 24, 2022

Marriott seeks liquor license for Bethesda HQ cafe

Marriott International
has applied for a liquor license for the ground floor cafe at its Bethesda headquarters at 7750 Wisconsin Avenue. A hearing will be held on the request on December 15, 2022 at 11:30 AM. Can booze entice more employees back into the office? Based on what can be seen through the windows on the ground level and office levels above during business hours, there are not that many employees choosing in-person work over working from home so far.


  1. Anonymous5:00 PM

    What could possibly go wrong?!

  2. Anonymous5:38 AM

    I think we've found Casey Anderson's next employer.

  3. Maybe instead of this. Marriott can give back the garage that is across the street. I mean I thought that I had read that they weren't going to build a garage because they expected people to use the metro. Now I have to find another garage to use instead of that one.
    Must be costing money to have a guard there to ensure that no one else uses a PUBLIC garage.

  4. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Then coffee shop is a tough sell with Starbucks across the street.

  5. Anonymous5:58 AM

    The coffee is much cheaper at the Marriott Cafe, compared to Sevenbucks, and has a much more spacious seating area.

    Marriott did indeed build a five level parking garage under their office and hotel towers. And yes they negotiated a deal to use the county deck during business hours. They pay the full rate for 100% of the parking spaces in the deck, so the county has quite a windfall of income to maintain and build other public parking decks, like the proposed deck behind the Farm Women's Market.

    Even with all this above grade and below grade parking, Marriott have stated that about 35% of its 3500 employees and hotel guests use mass transit, bike, ride-share, car share, carpool, bus or simply walk to their place of work or hotel room. This an extremely high percentage for any corporation, and far higher than their former suburban office park HQ.
