Monday, December 19, 2022

Remix Recycling Co. opens in new Bethesda location

Remix Recycling Co.
has made its latest comeback in a new downtown Bethesda location. The secondhand clothing boutique is now at 8121 Woodmont Avenue. Remix was previously known as Mustard Seed. Founded in 1991, the business has survived numerous challenges over the last decade, ranging from construction disruption and the pandemic to rent hikes and outrageously-high Montgomery County property taxes.


  1. They should change back to Mustard Seed.

  2. It would be helpful if you gave some landmarks, like this is next to the rear entrance of Guapos and across from the garage.

  3. Anonymous7:45 PM

    How do you know what their challenges were? Please provide sources.

  4. 7:45: My source? The owner, who has publicly mentioned these issues over the years as they happened.
