Friday, December 23, 2022

Van Hollen secures funding for NIST, NIH in U.S. Senate omnibus spending package

A massive $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill for FY-2023 passed by the United States Senate yesterday will include substantial funding for two major federal employers in Montgomery County, the National Institutes of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg and the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda. Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen pressed for those and other Maryland priorities in the controversial and complicated negotiations and agreement. The deal found some Republican senators joining with the Democratic majority in an attempt to lock in spending before the GOP gains control of the House of Representatives in January.

The Senate deal includes $48 billion for NIH, and $1.7 billion for NIST. It also includes renovation funds for a failing bridge over the Baltimore-Washington Parkway to Goddard Flight Center. Van Hollen and other Democrats lamented they could not get other priorities filled in the agreement, but considered the end run around potential GOP cuts in next year's session to be a success worth compromising for. "While I was deeply disappointed that Republicans refused to support a number of key priorities, it was vital that we pass a new government funding bill instead of kicking the can down the road," Van Hollen said in a statement late yesterday afternoon. "On balance, this package will meaningfully invest in the critical priorities of our state and nation.”

Senate Republicans who voted for the bill were Roy Blunt (Missouri), John Boozman (Arkansas), Shelley Capito (West Virginia), Susan Collins (Maine), John Cornyn (Texas), Tom Cotton (Arkansas), Lindsey Graham (South Carolina), Jim Inhofe (Oklahoma), Mitch McConnell (Kentucky), Jerry Moran (Kansas), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Rob Portman (Ohio), Mitt Romney (Utah), Mike Rounds (South Dakota), Richard Shelby (Alabama), John Thune (South Dakota), Roger Wicker (Mississippi) and Todd Young (Indiana). The majority of them have already publicly distanced themselves from President Donald Trump in varying degrees.


  1. Anonymous2:00 PM

    All fun and games until you run out of other people's money. Just pathetic.

  2. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Republicans who hate investing in our country are the worst type of Republicans. Thank you to those who voted for this bill.

  3. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Don't you just love liberals who use the word "investment" and have no idea what it means.

    Check out the earmarks for their little pet projects and you'll eliminate over half of the 1.7 TRILLION dollars that we don't have. No worries, just print more and further devalue the currency.

  4. Anonymous7:54 AM

    @6:59 I think I'd say they are second worst. The worst Republicans actively try to turn our country into a racist xenophobic fascist dictatorship. Unfortunately the latter is a growing population. But I heartily agree with your message of thanking the few Republicans left who choose to govern, rather than divide our country.

  5. Anonymous8:25 AM


  6. Anonymous9:36 AM

    More money so NIH can give four hour early release yesterday Or shutting down because of wind.
    This is high fat bacon.

  7. Anonymous10:14 AM

    So for the past 2-years, democrats own the show. Look at the results: Crime waves across the country including murder at an all time high in most major cities, Economy in shambles, (seen your 401K lately?), Illegals storming the border and growing worse by the day, Record fentanyl overdoses and things are better now?

    With all those successes, it just demonstrates that these moonbats can be sold anything by the MSM and when you can't argue facts, just pull the race card.

  8. Anonymous10:20 AM

  9. Anonymous7:36 PM

    The earmarks in this bill are for Ukraine but none for border
    NIH should be closed after the covid funding in wuhan

  10. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Democrats and McConnell are destroying America

  11. Anonymous9:10 PM

    "So for the past 2-years, democrats own the show. Look at the results: Crime waves across the country including murder at an all time high in most major cities"

    The crime spike occurred in 2020, if you bother actually educating yourself on the topic.

    "Economy in shambles"

    Huh? 3.7% unemployment and over 11M new jobs created in 2 years. Are you living under a rock? Compare those numbers to TFG.

    "Illegals storming the border and growing worse by the day"

    The past two years has literally been the same as Trump's border policy - a continuation of the Title 42 immigration ban.

    "Record fentanyl overdoses"

    Again, the worst spike by far occurred in 2020. Are you actively trying to select issues that Biden has performed better than his predecessor?

  12. Anonymous5:44 AM

    9:10 is entitled to their own opinion but their own facts. Without wasting time posting the actual facts, (not that you would read anything outside your little circle of propagandists). Grade-schoolers can see the difference in the economy and actual labor participation rates., but then again ignoring what's actually happening is a liberal staple.

    You seriously need to seek help trying to blame the border and fentanyl on the last administration. This is why no sane people can have a serious conversation with liberals. Mayorkas keeps parroting "the border is secure" so therefore there is no problem. The cackling "border czar" hasn't even been to the actual border.

    This would all be funny if liberals and the dementia president weren't in charge telling everyone how good thing are in the face of reality. In the real world, results matter.

  13. Anonymous2:39 PM

    @ 5:44 AM -

    The Labor Force Participation Rate was 60.2% under Donald Trump in April 2020. It was still only 61.4% in January 2021, his last month of office, when he launched his failed coup.

    The Labor Force Participation Rate is 62.1% under Biden as of November 2022.

  14. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Unfortunately for 2:39, there was a thing called Covid which skews your dates. But that's ok, having cheerleaders like you and the MSM has made Reagan's quote, "trust but verify", words to live by.

    Telling everyone that things are better today than under Trump reminds me of the "summer of love" riots with a CNN reporter saying the riots are "mostly peaceful" while in the background shows leftists burning buildings.

    So Trump hurts your feelings on Twitter but losing close to 20% of your IRA is framed as a positive, there is no border crisis, inflation is "transitory", and thanks to liberal DA's, crime & murder are breaking records but releasing criminals with no little or no-bail is better for society, got it.

  15. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Definition of recession used to be two consecutive quarters of economic contraction. Enter Brandon and the bootlickers in the MSM, (yes this includes 9:10/2:39), aka bureaucratic weatherman telling everyone that that’s no longer the correct definition. Clownshow doesn't even begin to describe it.

  16. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Q1 2022 had negative GDP growth. Q2 2022 had slightly negative growth only on an annualized basis but not actually quarter-over-quarter. Q3 2022 had 3.4% positive GDP growth. There was no recession in 2022.

    Inflation reached its peak several months ago and has been declining.

  17. Anonymous5:06 PM

    This is why the moonbat left can be told anything by the MSM and be trusted to regurgitate on demand.

    "Q1 2022 had negative GDP growth. Q2 2022 had slightly negative growth"

    By your own words, it looks like two consecutive negative quarters but let's consider the annualized basis so the definition is not actually the definition. Even the 2022 deniers at the NYT don't see rainbows in 2023:

    No inflation either, right? No imcrease in crime, No massive increase in illegal immigration. Don't believe your lying eyes, just trust government bureaucrats to tell us what to think and believe. Keep it up, every excuse made demonstrates how detached from reality you propagandists are.

  18. Anonymous4:13 AM

    5:06 can cry all he wants, but fact are facts whether he wants to accept them or not. No matter the issue: unemployment rate, labor participation, crime rate increases, fentanyl overdose increases, etc. all were far worse under Trump than today.

    Did you seriously live through the Trump years and thought they were good? Nothing but debt, unemployment, more debt, worst crime spike in modern US history, years of rioting, groveling at the feet of Kim Jong-Un and Putin, Covid clusterfudgery, an attack on the freakin' US Senate, etc. etc. etc. It's perfectly fine to disagree on Biden's politics or politics in general, but you appear to simply be delusional if you can't recognize 2017-2021 as one of the lowest points in US history.

  19. Anonymous10:07 AM

    4:13 Continues to gaslight due to liberal dementia because their feelings are more important than actual facts. I realize that your MSM and their prime time viewers, (all 85 of them), continue to cover only what they can spin to make you feel better but seriously, open your eyes and maybe read something else.

    Especially interesting these days are the Twitter files which show a direct link to the FBI and DOJ not to mention topics like Brandon's connections to Ukraine. But because you're allergic to any news outside your bubble, let's concentrate on fictional the assertion that Trump is the ultimate evil. Seriously, get help.
