Friday, January 06, 2023

Armed carjacking in downtown Bethesda

Montgomery County police responded to a report of an armed carjacking outside of the Fox 5 studios at 7272 Wisconsin Avenue early yesterday morning. A reader reports seeing five Montgomery County police cruisers parked in front of The Wilson office building with their lights off shortly after the incident occurred. Fox 5 later revealed the victim was a producer at the TV station.

Fox 5's Sierra Fox reported that the victim was parking her 2018 Hyundai Tucson on Elm Street at 12:11 AM, when a dark colored SUV appeared and began making an illegal turn. The suspect emerged from the SUV, and forcibly stopped her from closing her door. He then pointed a gun at her, and shouted for her to get out of the vehicle. The victim was reportedly not physically injured.

"The safety of our employees is always our first priority, and we are in constant communication with the [Montgomery County Police Department] about the incident, safety in the area, and other steps that may be taken," Fox 5 General Manager Patrick Paolini said in a statement. The police department has not said anything publicly about the carjacking as of this writing.



  1. Anonymous7:16 AM

    The criminals have gone from stealing cars without people in them to stealing cars with people in them with a firearm.

    It's terrifying to think that these criminals cruise the neighborhood looking for cars to target and carjack, but that's the reality now.

    You Elrich voters got exactly what you voted for. Congratulations.

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Because this doesn’t happened if the county executive was a Republican?

  2. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Welcome to DTSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bethesda is going downhill!

  3. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Elrich and the MC Council have also essentially gone around the Constitution & SCOTUS by disarming law abiding citizens.

    Doesn't seem to bother criminals at all.

  4. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I wish gun crime was treated seriously in this country. Use a (real or fake) gun in the commission of a crime? Automatically add 20 years to the sentence. See this shit stop real quick.

  5. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Elrich has literally nothing to do with anything. He doesn't have even a fraction of the power you pretend, troll.

  6. Also a police department one street over.

  7. SCOTUS said we can carry outside the home and MoCo said we can't. Why isn't Elrich ever held to account on stuff like this? Crime run amok and they say and do nothing. Settle in folks, it's gonna be a long 4 years. Well done Dem voters.

  8. Anonymous1:09 PM

    @7:16 *yawn*

  9. Anonymous2:02 PM

    This is all part of the Bolshevik plan. It’s been in the works for a long time, and they’ve done well so far. In a nutshell, it’s about the destruction of American society. Oh, they’ll never phrase it that way, just like they’ll never call themselves Communists. No, “progressives” sounds much much better, with catchy slogans like “Forwards”.
    There are several components.

    Debauching of the currency, through debt and inflation. Keep borrowing from that private bank called “The Fed”.

    Sow racial disharmony by badmouthing white people and society, causing POC to hate white America. Blame whites for all their angsts and woes. This increases crime, which further increases distrust and bad feelings. The B-controlled press exacerbates and inflames this, through subtle yet effective dissimination of pure propaganda.

    There’s some collateral damage. Some Bolsheviks will die, or be injured, or be the victims of this increased crime. Despite their victimhood, they’ll insist their side is not to blame. This is the desired result. The propaganda is working. The Bolsheviks at the top, the ones pulling the strings, consider these people to be useful idiots. They’re actually right in that respect.

    Let’s move on to the next component, moral decay. Bolsheviks love this part, for some twisted reason. Create new genders, worship deviant behavior, teach school children that anything is permissable. Allow trannie teachers in drag with size Z fake tits to continue teaching. Bolsheviks have always claimed that whoever controls the school system has a huge advantage.

    Finally, size down the police. When absolute power by the Bolsheviks is achieved, the police will be their battle dogs. Until then, the less of them, the better.

    There’s so much to write about this... there’s a lot I’ve left out, but in a nutshell, all of this leads to the types of crimes occurring lately.

  10. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Called "cause and effect" most people learned this in elementary school. So very sad that our liberal neighbors can't grasp why lowering/eliminating bail, releasing repeat offenders all while demoralizing and restricting what police are able to do has created an environment where crime can thrive.

    Take Elrich's priorities in his newsletters for 2022. None of them mention crime, (except his interest in traffic citations - technically the 1st one of 2023 but still), and while DC is set to unleash repeat offenders throughout the region, liberals moonbats are perfectly happy to blame anyone except the ones in charge, (leftover stage 4 TDS).

    The council did take action on guns so we should all feel safer right? Hint: Criminals, by definition don't obey the law but liberals never learned that either.

  11. Paul Grothaus4:02 PM

    2:02 - I’m sorry Anonymous, did you suffer a serious concussion or other brain damage? Your comments are just ridiculous.

  12. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Last Sunday night while watching the later re-air of Yellowstone, peaked out my window from Whitehall and saw 5 cruisers and then 6 all lined up in the driveway at Sussex House, lights off just like at the Fox5 building. Every officer got out at the 5th floor. No perp or complainant was ever seen. Then the police finally left. Are there only 5 patrol cruisers attempting to keep us safe here in this district? While they were all "here", all kinds of crimes could have and probably were being committed during that exact time. They were posted up, patrolling or being proactive. They always show up after the barn door has closed. People us d to be afraid of the police, but it is the police who are afraid if us. This wasn't a staffing issue, it was poor dispatching. Montgomery County police are supposed to Serve and Protect, however, they do neither.

  13. Anonymous5:05 PM

    exactly 2:02 and 2:46. agreed.

  14. Anonymous5:34 PM

    "And for what, a little bit of money?"--Fargo

  15. Anonymous5:41 PM


    I agree with you. The new Bolsheviks want to destroy the middleclass and zombify the lower classes.


    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Exactly right!

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Democrats are bringing crime to every democrat controlled city. Bethesda was a wonderful place to grow up…now can’t even go to eat in Bethesda or take a trip to Montgomery mall without being carjacked

  16. "the Bolshevik plan" lol

  17. Anonymous12:30 AM

    I have noticed repeatedly there is little Police up and down the streets in Bethesda late at night. That needs to change………….They need to be cruising around at regular intervals late at night to thwart some of this stuff………

  18. I agree with you too;)

  19. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Robert, I applaud your reporting crime news, but can't you moderate some of this crap? (Is there even worse stuff that you're actually blocking?)
    For instance, I think we all know what group "Bolsheviks" is a dog whistle about.
    Just to add an actual fact to the comments above, if you watch the intersection of Woodmont and Rugby in the half hour before 6:00 a.m., you'll see at least a dozen police cruisers returning for what I presume is a shift change.
    I don't think the Bethesda Police are to blame in any way here.

  20. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Guns and politics. Politics and guns…oh brother. How about we have a drug and poverty issue in this country and people are just getting more and more desperate? Arming people will just cause street shootouts with innocent bystanders as casualties. More police and longer jail sentences have NEVER been a deterrent. Those are short-term aftermath solutions to deeper problems. No one EVER talks about plain ole prevention. There are many countries that don’t have half the issues we have in the US, some of which do not arm their police or allow guns, some of which pay their college students to be educated, some of which offer free healthcare…mitigating many of the problems we face here. And 2:02…blaming whites increases crime…? What in the world are you talking about? Poor whites exist. Poor whites are hungry too. Poor whites take drugs and commit crimes too. Rich whites take drugs and commit crimes too. I cannot wait until the day when people wake up and understand that race is made up! Geez! Can we just ever talk about humanity?! Human beings have basic human needs. Take those away and you will have crime…no matter who is in office, no matter how many guns we have, no matter how much melanin someone has…all of this is about basic human needs!!!!

  21. It's an easy equation More guns = More gun violence. Countries with strict gun laws have far far less gun violence then we do here.

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      That is not true …it’s democrat cities with gun control ie Detroit Chicago DC and NYC that have rampant violent c rime .

  22. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Nobody is advocating turning Bethesda into the Wild West. Trained gun owners know to practice restraint. What is very clear is that lax enforcement of laws, corrupt DAs, and judges who release criminals are at the root of these problems. Turning a blind eye which is what our elected officials do is especially harmful. Defund and demoralize the police-that’s really helpful. And I call bs on this crime due to poverty excuse! That is pure stupidity and ignorance.

  23. Anonymous4:15 PM

    To 5:27

    This is the Bolshevik guy. I have no idea what you're talking about with this "dog whistle" stuff. Perhaps you can enlighten me. Or perhaps you can just google Bolshevik. Bolshevism is a way of thinking (read Communism) that basically strips all human rights and freedoms, while continously asserting that it is the world's staunchest defender of human rights. If you want to understand what Bolshevism is in its purest form, watch the movie "The Chekist", if you can stomach it (I barely could). It's on the Tube.

    Are you suggesting that Robert filter the comments? That's the kind of thing the Bolsheviks do. I personally enjoy reading all the viewpoints. It'd be a real shame if the only comments allowed were those deemed totally inoffensive to anyone. And believe me, it's not hard to offend Bolsheviks.

  24. Anonymous5:46 PM

    So 5:27 wants to downplay whats actually happening in Bethesda so as not to highlight the utter failure of MC leadership let alone the pretend deference to MCPD. How about joining the real world where poor decisions lead to poor consequences?

    8:36 Really doesn't get it in that putting toothpaste back in the tube is nearly impossible but lets disarm law abiding citizens so criminals will simply disarm as well. Lets start with you by putting the "No Gun" symbol on you car along with a sign you can wear that symbolizes your anti/no-gun stance. What you say would be nice but when you get released from candyland back into the real world where there are bad people who do bad things, and realize that citizens have the right and responsibility to protect themselves and their loved ones.

    Criminals are like bullies and only understand strength and consequences.

  25. Anonymous7:29 PM

    @10:55 AM: Are you for real? Elrich is the Montgomery County Executive. He could demand that the County Council provide substantially more funding for substantially more police, but he hasn't done that.

    @12:08 PM: If this level of crime was happening under a Republican County Executive, I would hold them accountable for that failure. Of course, it doesn't surprise me at all that you wouldn't do the same here for a Democrat County Executive under which it's happening.

    @12:29 PM: The Police Department is no longer at that location. District 2 HQ is now on Rugby in Woodmont Triangle:

    @1:09 PM: An Elrich voter like you would "yawn" about this. You don't actually care about how much crime there is as long as your Team gets to run things here as a one-party cartel. I'll bet you or someone you know had their car stolen and voted for Elrich anyway.

    @12:30 AM: There simply aren't enough police on the MoCo Police Force to regularly patrol the community and be a visible crime deterrent. There are barely enough officers to make emergency service calls, and that's probably with officers putting in major overtime to cover multiple shifts. This is due to a lack of funding by County Leadership and a lack of concern for the public safety of MoCo residents. In this case, Elrich voters got exactly what they voted for and it's affecting everyone's safety here.

  26. Anonymous11:31 PM

    @5:27 AM: The police aren't to blame here at all. They serve at the direction of the County Executive and County Council. It's not the MoCo PD's fault that County Leadership hasn't provided enough funding to hire enough officers so that there are enough on patrol to be an effective and visible deterrent to crime. Put bluntly, MoCo PD's officer staffing level is about half of what it should be for a county this size. You can read a Legislative Report on it which County Leadership ignored. This Report speaks for itself:

    "The Committee has received regular updates on Police staffing and is well aware that while the Department’s staff has historically been lower than the average for similarly-sized jurisdictions, Montgomery County continued to have relatively low crime rates. After taking significant budget cuts during the great recession, Police staffing increased slowly over the past 10 years, from 1,159 authorized sworn positions in FY12 to a high of 1,306 in FY21."


    "For FY22, MCPD has an authorized sworn complement of 1,281 officers. This number reflects 1.2 officers per 1,000 residents. It is significantly lower than the average 2.8 officers per capita reported for counties, and the 2.5 officers per capita reported for suburban areas. While per capita staffing is just one measure of police department strength, it is important to note that MCPD’s per capita staffing has remained about 1.2 for almost 20 years."

    Those crime rates aren't low anymore. People are getting carjacked with guns in Downtown Bethesda quite frequently now. County Leadership is continuing to put all of in danger by not having enough hired police on the MoCo Police Force.

  27. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Easy equation: More cars = More car accidents. Countries without cars don't have car accidents.

  28. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Since the liberals here believe in a disarmed populace, start with a public database advocating your beliefs. I'm sure criminals will respect your integrity. I'll pay for your yard signage.
