Saturday, January 14, 2023

Armed robbery at CVS Pharmacy in downtown Bethesda

Montgomery County police responded to an armed robbery at the CVS Pharmacy at 7809 Wisconsin Avenue at Cheltenham Drive on Thursday afternoon, January 12, 2023. The alleged robber wounded a CVS employee with a knife during the broad-daylight attempted heist at 3:52 PM, but was arrested by officers at the scene. A reader reports seeing an ambulance surrounded by police cruisers outside the store.


  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Another day in liberal paradise.

    When you put democrats in charge, this is what happens:

  2. Yeah, hitting pretty darn close to home. That's our store and many here no doubt. A buddy of mine who also shops there witnessed a similar event. A guy walked in with a backpack and loaded it up with laundry detergent and walked right out the door. This is absolute anarchy. Police and bloated County Exec say nothing because they are completely incapable of doing anything about this. I've been here all my life and can tell you this has never, ever happened here on the level we're setting now. Ever.

  3. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I remember, back in the day, security guards would watch your every move in stores. The Apple store security watched everything, yet these places including Apple continue to get hit by theft they allow. Makes no sense..why have security staff?

  4. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Worth mentioning, @8:55: the CVS assailant was captured w/in ten minutes, which fairly well neuters your "Police. . . are completely incapable of doing anything about this" hysteria. Plus, the laundry detergent thing? I hate to rain [further] on your outrage, but that's been happening not just recently or only here in Bethesda, but nationwide for many years, (see this 2012 article in The Atlantic for confirmation:

    Do carry on with the pearl-clutching if it amuses, but bear in mind the facts do not support your hysteria.

  5. Anonymous5:00 PM

    And now the CVS delivery tractor trailer will regularly be blocking traffic on 47th Ave & Elm Street at the newest CVS on the exact spot where the Fox5 producer was 'jacked... Only a matter of time before what happened at the Cheltenham location becomes the norm in this store...

  6. Anonymous9:56 PM

    When you are quoting the Atlantic you know you a liberal socialist

    Bethesda has now crossed the line to Detroit Chicago

    Democrats destroy every city they touch
    I’m sure our New Democrat Governor will do as good a job as Kathy Hochul in allowing criminals to roam the streets

  7. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Gee no description of criminal..,hmmmm

    DC has signs all over “whites stop killing blacks”
    Gaslighting 101

    We are living in clown world

    We are not supposed to believe our lying eyes

  8. 9:57: The police have not yet released a description of the suspect in this case.

  9. Anonymous4:04 AM

    The problem with people like 3:10 is one of rationalization when it violates their political beliefs. "Anything for the party" are what these drones are about and the results are clear. Keep telling everyone that everything's fine, that there is no inflation, crime and that lost retirement funds is only a "paper loss".

    The chickens are coming home to roost and liberals own this.

  10. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Rising above all the wreckage and rumble
    Bethesda has now become a cement jungle
    Everything is unaffordable and hostile
    An new era of smash and grab lifestyle.

  11. Wes Moore, as was mentioned, is no Kathy Houchul (sp?) From NY thank goodness. Let's see what he does. Let's hope we're pleasantly surprised. Lastly, remember, this is largely a county issue not state. Who is similar, in this case to some of the very far Left clueless leaders in heavily Dem areas, Elrich. And that's a bigger problem because this foolish electorate just voted him in for four years. Gonna get worse. And where is he in all this you ask? On a beach somewhere with Hunter Biden. Not a care in the world. Someone come on here and defend MoCo Council I dare you.

  12. 3:10 - Nice to meet a staunch Elrich supporter. Absolutely unreal. The alleged perp was caught? Laundry detergent theft has been going on all over? Well, the level of crime here that we're seeing now is without precedent. So, you're saying all is well, nothing to see here, move along? Simply mind blowing. This is exactly the type of mindset that got Elrich and the rest here locally reelected. I'd move in a second if I could but can't right now. This area is not what it was under failed Dem leadership. Bring back Doug Duncan. Bring back Ike Leggett.

  13. Anonymous2:29 PM

    The obduracy is strong in this one.

    Dear JAC,

    In response to @5:34, [yet another of] your wildly off-target replies, I refer --yet again-- to your comments @8:55, where you wrote, "Police...are completely incapable of doing anything about this," to which I replied @3:10, pointing out that, in fact, police did do something very specific about "this": they arrested the thief/assailant subject in under ten minutes. No mention was made by me in my post of crime not being a problem, either in the area or across the country. I simply addressed your factually incorrect statement, that law enforcement was impotent to address the issue. I understand your reluctance to concede your error. It must be more difficult to defend a vitriolic jeremiad once you know facts, and where is the fun in actually educating yourself on a situation before scribbling [another] frothing, bitter screed?

    I also responded to your remark about laundry detergent being an item "a buddy" of yours had, at some other time, observed being stolen from the CVS drug store where the crime discussed in this post took place. I inferred from your mention of it you felt theft of such items is a new development, something unusual happening here, in Montgomery. It isn't. It's a nationwide problem more than a decade old. My presenting this fact by linking to a publication not on some zealot-endorsed list of fabulist, panophobic, yellow-journalism sites does not diminish from the veracity of the statistic. It may be news to you, who has arrived quite late to the information, but thieves have been fond of targeting this cleaning product long before the fact seeped into your sleepy consciousness. Again, I understand your reluctance to concede when you are wrong; the idea of your admitting error must embarrass you terribly. But facts are facts, however much they conspire to disprove the dystopian fantasies you seem to relish.

    1. This is exactly how Elrich was reelected. What we are seeing with all manners of crime is labeled fantasy, not factual. Words like dystopian are thrown around. We're to believe that this situation is merely our imagination. Absolutely incredible. That's the real problem here that shockingly, there are thousands of county voters who are like this and simply think all of well. But it isn't and this is not successful governance but failed leadership across the board. Any attack from a keyboard assassin weakens your argument every time. Any alternative viewpoint is more than welcomed here thankfully.

  14. Anonymous2:45 PM

    In addition to the County Executive's complete failure to address the soaring crime rate in Bethesda, where is the County Council? I've written to the District 1 council member multiple times to ask what he's doing to address the crime problem, and neither he nor his staff have ever bothered to reply. I guess the council members are all too busy virtue signaling to actually try to make Bethesda safe again.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      I’ve written to Friedson about the same thing and got no reply.

  15. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Robert- Thank you. While I’m a bit more liberal than you, I appreciate all your posts and insights. And I’ve learned to agree with you in a few cases.
    You’ve also been wrongly criticized by some liberal folks.
    I sincerely do wish you’d also remove some posts that are conservative comments without providing insight. Ij this thread, those are the first comment, snd the one talking about socialism.
    You provide a valuable service that is hampered by such comments.
    I would like to hear your thoughts on this, if you choose not to delete these comments. Thank you!

    1. Unlike the former comment section of the local website with the glossy magazine, which is now failing badly by the way and was hardcore Left, maybe that's the reason, Robert approves posts from different sides of the spectrum. So to ask that any alternative viewpoint (you label those Conservative) will fall on deaf ears. Sorry to disappoint.

    2. Anonymous7:15 PM

      JAC- I only ask they be constructive. Thanks.

  16. Anonymous4:36 PM

    @5:07AM Spot-on Haiku.

  17. Anonymous2:42 AM

    2:29 Loves to give wordy excuses to justify the their view of "Its happening all over" so nothing to see here and posts a link to approved liberal media.

    Same media who still believes Adam Shiff has "plenty of evidence" on Trump Russia collusion. The only thing factual is how compromised MSM and social media actually is by a corrupt DOJ thanks to Twitter. Oh and those "zealot" media outlets your side loves to bloviate about are now more trusted than liberal legacy media.

    JAC doesn't need my help but your excuses versus what's actually happening, (don't believe our lying eyes), could be a university study on media manipulation.

  18. Anonymous5:49 AM

    @3:24 Of course any other opinions outside your comfort zone should be censored.

    To connect the dots for you, liberal policy in Rockville is directly responsible for the topic being reported and the article posted points out the consequences our future holds here in Bethesda. Elrich and the council will ignore these problems with support from an ignorant and apathetic electorate.

  19. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Extra points to 2:29 for the big words, and especially for "vitriolic jeremiad" (I think I once heard a band by that name) and "fabulist, panophobic."
    Way to class this place up, 2:29!
    (But I also agree with 3:24.)

  20. Anonymous7:33 AM

    To 4:36

    You can't stand conservative comments, like the first one? What more insight do you need? Can you point to this happening in, say, Florida or Texas? On the other hand, I can point to San Francisco, Venice Beach, or many other Dem run cities. There's your insight, thoughtfully provided by me.

    Secondly, do you see any calls by conservatives to delete liberal comments? No, you don't. Only liberals like to censor. This is a natural outcome of their total self-rightousness. This is a fact. I could provide the insight you seem to need, but I won't, because like a lot of other things, it's just so darn apparent that no underlying proof is necessary.

  21. 2:42 - Correct that no help is needed. But what is really needed, which you've done, is to point out the ludicrous comments that many of us are simply living in a fantasy world and that Elrich & Co are doing an amazing job. There's no rampant crime, etc, etc. Unreal. Elrich thanks all those commenters for their vote and support.

  22. 5:50 - The comments that you mentioned which you liked were made by the same person is my guess. Doesn't think that any other view should be accepted and is actually requesting, publicly, that a blogger not approve them to post. Shocking. As others mentioned, any liberal slanted comment should be "green lit" without delay. Unreal.

  23. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Can any of you devote followers of JACs preaching's point out for me any other jurisdiction in the DMV with far fewer of the crimes that seem to strike the fear of god in you? I seriously doubt you can, yet here you ALL are, ad nauseam, playing a pointless, obviously political, blame game.

    1. 9:52 - I can go on all day because it's comments like this that are just so beyond belief. Others are devotees of mine? Huh? No, they are county residents who think for themselves and are not part of the "group think. So anyone who dares to agree with another view from the group is labelled a devotee. Unbelievable. This is a pointless, political blame game? Well, who is in change then exactly? Sully Reardon ran on a rough on crime platform and got crushed. Does anyone remember what Elrich ran on? His record? A record of failed leadership and his focus on banning leaf blowers not serious issues that affect all citizens like crime and won anyway. So he is our leader and he's not to blame? Just incredible

  24. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I feel sorry for the wounded employee!

  25. Anonymous11:18 AM

    The Venn diagram of this crew would show a significant intersection between those dismissing facts not in accord with anecdotal reporting and those for whom writing above a 10th-grade level is heretical.


  26. Anonymous1:28 PM

  27. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Hi JAC

    If all Elrich ever did was ban leafblowers, he actually would have gotten my vote, and I'm a conservative! Leafblowers, if you hear them constantly revving and buzzing all summer and fall, are indeed serious business.

    But he couldn't even do that... that made him good for nothing in my book!

  28. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Absolutely unreal. . . Simply mind blowing. . . Absolutely incredible. . . Shocking. . . Unreal. . . beyond belief. . . Unbelievable. . . Just incredible

    JAC, your astonishment would be mitigated handily were you to reply to what was actually written, rather than consistently resorting to strawman arguments in which you [willfully?] misrepresent the posts of those to whom you are responding. I'll not hold my breath waiting for you to abandon such a dubious tactic, which seems to be your primary method of communication. It is nonetheless worth observing, however, if only to call out such unsavory behavior.

  29. 1:43 - He's good for nothing alright. Yes, leaf blowers are loud that's true. But they like to ban things and I'm absolutely against government intruding into my private business and private lawn. Tht leaf blower ban of course is just a symbol and I know you get that.

  30. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Oh how 3:12 loves to gaslight. In several previous threads, you never answered why your sides results never bear fruit but instead tries to paint lipstick on a pig, (in this case Elrich and the council).

    You manage to find MSM articles with narrow statistics to support the lies, (crime, border, Brandon's integrity, Russian collusion etal), that anyone can see as laughable.

    Self actualization is obviously something you'll never achieve as a narcissistic shill for the left but at least your entertaining as that stereotype.

  31. Anonymous8:50 PM

    14 assaults in Montgomery mall
    Felony armed assaults
    Montgomery mall was once a really safe mall

    Bethesda is imploding
    When people feel unsafe they will leave
    Exodus from NY to the south is starting to occur. 3 families on my block are relocating to South Carolina and Florida

    Question at what point do democrats who vote for these do nothing county execs realize their home values decreasing enough to give up their pro lib derangement

  32. Anonymous7:24 AM

    7:15 PM - Let me move a mountain for you instead.

  33. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Here's another "good idea" by Elrich and the council:

    So with very few exceptions on the residential side, get ready to use electric-only appliances and heating. As usual, democrats never think any of this through as the grid will not be ready by 2026 for the increase in electrical demand. Add to that the inevitable increase in EV's and you have a recipe for disaster not that ANY liberal will take responsibility, (demonstrated by the increase in crime due to bail policies and disregard for law enforcement.

  34. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Dear 5:35,

    Since the questions to which you refer were red herrings having nothing to do with the discussion under way, I declined to respond to them. Goalpost moving has little effect on me.
    I am, it is true, indulging this specific tangent of yours because it offers opportunity to clarify the following:

    Gaslighting, is defined as:

    psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator


    the act or practice of grossly misleading someone especially for one's own advantage

    Into which camp do you fall, 5:35? Are you uncertain of your emotional or mental stability and becoming dependent on me, or have you been grossly misled by my not answering the off-topic questions with which you [or others] sought to redirect conversations?

    Neither? Then it's not gaslighting. But my thanks to you for providing this teachable moment, not that I think it will be adequately absorbed where most it is needed.

  35. 10:38 - Factually accurate so get ready to be ridiculed here as has been done toward my comments which are along the same lines. Crazy. Exactly how these people got reelected.

  36. Anonymous4:29 PM

    So nice of 2:05 to describe the malady that beholds them through at least 5 previous threads as stated but an expectation to actually read the entire paragraph would be too much to hope for. But is does prove the ability to copy & paste so good job!

  37. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Good grief this comment section has turned into a mudpit. Lots of unstoppable forces meeting immovable objects here in terms of opinions. I think time and time again we see that arguing on the internet leads nowhere, though I do think it's important to at least initially voice opinions, but getting into back and forths where people bust out Merriam-Webster, etc. isn't productive.

    In short, I hope each of you not only votes, but is actively engaged in town halls/local government forums if issues like this are of great importance to you - whether it's suggesting alternative policies backed by research or providing valuable perspective or context on local issues.

  38. Anonymous8:47 PM

    6:02 AM

    Said magazine didn't close their Disqus section because it's a "far-left" magazine. They closed it because it was an absolute cesspool, and they were sick of having to moderate a bunch of children. I'm sure you saw all the questionable things that were said there.

  39. Anonymous7:14 AM

    @ 8:47 PM

    Yes. And Gee-Gee-Doubleyou closed their comments because the effort needed to keep them from heading in that same direction was taking up too much of their staff's time.

    Also, most news sites close their stories about crimes, to comments. And with good reason.
