Sunday, January 29, 2023

"As Seen on TV" at Spanish Diner at Bethesda Row

There's a bit of cross-promotion going on at Spanish Diner at 7271 Woodmont Avenue at Bethesda Row. A sandwich board outside the entrance is inviting you to watch chef-owner José Andrés' wonderful new Discovery+ show, José Andrés and Family in Spain. But to then "enjoy a taste of España at Spanish Diner!" 

Of course, any mention of Discovery can't help but remind us of how Montgomery County lost the Discovery headquarters to Knoxville, Tennessee, an embarrassment that stings all the more after Discovery CEO David Zaslav ended up becoming the most powerful man in the Warner Bros.-Discovery merger. On the very days that Knoxville was wooing Discovery and sealing the deal, the Montgomery County Council was memorably debating a ban on circus animals. "Heckuva job, Brownie!"


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Discovery Channel merged (again) with Warner Bros. last year. They closed the Knoxville office, which was never their headquarters, only for back-office operations.

  2. Discovery has not closed its Knoxville headquarters (which most definitely was its headquarters until the WB merger, and almost all jobs from its former Silver Spring HQ moved there). It is going to relocate to a new building in Knoxville this summer, as the existing building is too large now that many employees are working from home. In short, Montgomery County indeed was - and still is - the loser in the Discovery affair.

  3. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Discovery Channel's headquarters has been in Manhattan ever since the first merger with Scripps in 2018.

  4. 4:13: Nope. They've had an office in New York for many years where the top company officials work out of, as a major media firm would, but the headquarters with all the employees was in Silver Spring until it was relocated to Knoxville.

  5. Conceited Jose Andres has done amazing work but I'm afraid his fame has gone straight to his head. I know several people originally from Spain who have known of Andres from the beginning. He's not that guy anymore. Very conceited

  6. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I would go to Jaleo but I am LIVING IN FEAR due to the rampant and DANGEROUS crime wave going around Bethesda. IT IS NOT SAFE TO BE OUTSIDE.

  7. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Andres wants that coveted Nobel Peace Prize and be "seen on TV" rather than cook in any of his damn restaurants him and his people monopolize, only coming out for "show" during the Taste of Bethesda, stiring the pot of paella.

  8. Anonymous6:04 AM

    JAC 'knows people' who 'know of' someone, y'all!
    He'll be presenting this solid information on Newsmax this afternoon.

    1. 6:04 - Yeah, I know quite a few people who have known him for years back before they and he moved here from Spain. What's so hard?

  9. Anonymous7:34 AM

    @5:48 - Good one save it for an open mike night at that new MoCo comedy club, you'll be a hoot. Chicken Little.

  10. Wild guess: The same people that denounce the awfully selfish Jose Andre also praise the fine humanitarian Donald Trump.

  11. Anonymous12:13 PM

    JAC loves tearing down anyone he can - even complete strangers. Anyone with morals is virtue signaling; anyone who does good things for the world is conceited. How sad.

  12. Anonymous1:51 PM

    @ 6:13 PM

    "his damn restaurants him and his people monopolize"

    What does this mean?

  13. Anonymous3:31 PM

    12:13 - How sad indeed that any opinion not shared or liked is mocked. Jose Andres has done amazing work and I said that. As a person, he's gotten conceited and big headed. My gosh, just disagree instead of saying someone is sad.

  14. Anonymous4:36 PM

    @10:59AM Nope, just stating in my own way that Jose' has his hands in too many pots, similar to Taylor Sheridan having too many shows (8) in the pipeline, hence fevered ego while the quality of Yellowstone declines. PS-- I don't vote anymore to reduce my odds of jury duty, because I'd recommend the death penalty in every case! But thanks for participating.

  15. Anonymous5:14 PM

    @12:13p Minor correction: JAC loves TRYING to tear people down. His posts are so illogical and immature, they don't really work, and you can easily knock JAC OFF his soap box.

    1. 5:14 - All sound and no furry. Offers nothing but criticism of another who is simply posting. Keyboard cowboys are angry. Draconian and unnecessary lockdowns will do that to people as we've seen here and elsewhere. Can't offer any thing of substance just attack. Nice.

  16. Anonymous9:51 PM

    @3:34 You're employing a trumpian tactic of "many people are saying" which who cares what you or anyone you supposedly 'know' says? Meanwhile, what have you done for your fellow man, while Jose Andres has fed people in war zones and natural disasters for years? Get your JAC ASS to Ukraine feeding people while missiles fall, and then I'll care what you have to say. Is it not completely arrogant and repulsive to disparage a person doing worldwide humanitarian work based on your claims of what you heard from others? Who do you think you are to pass judgement, that sounds pretty conceited. Pathetic, JAC, even for you.

  17. 9:51 - Again. Angry. Can't read apparently either. How many times does someone have to say that Andres has done amazing work? Just because someone is a humanitarian doesn't mean that they are a great person. He's gotten pretty conceited. You know Chef Andres well enough to disagree? Fine. Calling someone pathetic? Personal jabs weakens your position
    It's a bit like a comic who resorts to cursing.

  18. Anonymous7:15 AM

    "Can't offer any thing of substance just attack."

    JAC with the perfect summary of his own sad comment history. Andres contributes more to the world literally every minute of the day than either of us have in our lifetimes and your knee-jerk reaction is to insult the man's character as if he isn't a complete and utter stranger to you.

    And even when everyone points out how terrible your comments are (here and in most threads) you're still unable to see the obvious moral failings. Yes, "sad" is an appropriate word to use. I know you're elderly, but there's always time to reflect and grow.

  19. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Upon hearing of the miracle of two fish and five loaves, JAC ran to his keyboard to weigh in about this Jesus fellow. Yuck! Quite conceited with all his attention-getting. I, surely, am the better man.

  20. 7:15 - Just disagree that would be much better

  21. Anonymous6:11 PM

    @7:15 I am the 6:04, 5:14, and 9:51 poster who called JAC out for his typical asinine, pompous, and disparaging posts, yet you summed it up so perfectly. Thank you, sir.

    @7:20, that made me literally laugh out loud! I am sure JAC knows "many people" who grew up with Jesus in Nazareth and remember him before all the fame got to his head.
