Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Purple Line bridge work at Chevy Chase Lake (Video + Photos)

Purple Line contractors began installing a pedestrian bridge over Connecticut Avenue by the future location of the Chevy Chase Lake light rail station last night. Police were on hand to assist with lane closures late Tuesday. Eventually, the entire road was shut down from midnight to 5:00 AM this morning. A detour was put into effect during the closure. According to the Montgomery County Department of Transportation, the road will close during those hours again overnight tonight.


  1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    It's pretty telling that 9-figures are being spent to bridge over Connecticut and tunnel under downtown Bethesda but downtown Silver Spring/Georgia Ave/Colesville Rd. are just told to suck it up and deal with additional at-grade traffic.

  2. Excellent. The structure wasn't tacky enough looking before.

  3. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Good thing we are spending money on a project that no one will use, ballooned way over budget, and took 3x the amount of time to complete. The Trifecta of Leftism!

  4. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I drive south on Connecticut every day and was so surprised when I saw the bridge structure. I think looks like a very cool gateway into Chevy Chase.

  5. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Imagine calling a PPP "leftist." Not to mention a PPP renegotiated by a Republican governor. One thing's for sure: this clusterfudge of capitalistic incompetence has shown other jurisdictions that BS about how efficient and fast private companies work is nothing more than a mirage. If the state was GC of the project it likely would have been done by now and for BILLIONS less.

  6. Anonymous5:58 AM

    8:28 Makes assumptions that historically never happened. Why is it when a government run project goes way over budget leftists blame capitalism? This is because liberals never take responsibility for the results of their own policies. Meanwhile, government pushes the price of anything it touches so high that it needs subsidies to function.

    Take a look at Venezuela for your answers to what happens under "ideal socialist conditions". Even socially-liberal countries are a lot more free market than democrats want to admit.

  7. Anonymous7:20 AM

    This isn't a government-run project. That's the entire point. Various private partners are financing, managing, designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining the Purple Line. So far that has proven to be a horrific decision compared to the traditional route of transportation infrastructure being owned and operated by a government-run entity. It's stunning you disagree. The fact you're babbling on about Venezuela shows how irrelevant your opinion is and how ill-informed you are regarding literally anything to do with economics or public infrastructure.

  8. Anonymous9:54 AM

    7:20 Is so confused. Maryland DOT & MTA are in charge of this project. The fact that they hired the wrong contractors upfront that made unrealistic promises, (lowest bidder for a ONE BILLION DOLLAR PROJECT that is now expected to hit TEN BILLION DOLLARS). Now that they have hired two foreign companies, they are still beset by delays and don't respond to any public inquires.

  9. Anonymous5:50 AM

    So funny when people like 7:20 have no problem spending 10B public tax dollars and then complain when it all goes south. Typically their answer is always more money so 5:58 is correct in pointing out socialist comparisons. I'm pretty sure you also supported the LFP diet so your agenda is transparent.

    This could have all been solved by adding a few more busses to the J2 but that doesn't stroke the vanity of the politicians who favored the PL.

  10. Anonymous6:38 PM

    The J2 runs a tiny fraction of the Purple Line's route. There really should be a basic competency test to comment on this site. It's obvious some people aren't even from around here.

  11. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Sad that 6:38 has trouble understanding basic economics but perhaps they're financially incentivized to promote a line that will never achieve ridership goals. We all know one thing for sure, when it does fail they won't be around to take responsibility or even comment on how they supported such a financial boondoggle.

    Now the predictions say 2027. Betting they miss that date and budget as well. All fun and games until you run out of other people's money.

  12. Anonymous9:33 PM

    The only judge I ever had respect for in the history of judges, tried to stop this project from hell, but was outnumbered by corruption & greed, but at least he tried. #CommunitiesNOTCanyons! I got that bumper sticker AND attended that rally held at Elm Street Park, now look at what the corrupt rubber stamping county council will allow to occur. Makes my blood boil.

  13. Some video of the construction:
