Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Tobacco & More Mart opening in downtown Bethesda (Photos)

It turns out the new store opening at 7809 Old Georgetown Road in Bethesda is going to offer a lot more than CBD products, as shelves and displays begin being stocked. Tobacco & More Mart will sell tobacco and CBD products, and...more. "More" includes chips, bottled water, snacks and candy. And incense sticks and smoke odor "exterminator candles." So it will be a hybrid of smoke shop and convenience store.


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I find it interesting that so many smoke shops are popping up in downtown, and most of the apartment buildings enforce no-smoking everywhere on the premise, including inside your apartment. I guess that explains the smoke-elimination candles…

  2. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Marijuana is even worse...the second hand odor really sticks in your throat. Smoking it just isn't compatible with multifamily housing.

  3. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Interesting we banned vape places but now we get more "cigar" (wink wink) stores. Is this progress?

  4. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Oral and Lung Cancer for everyone!

  5. Anonymous11:25 AM

    When I commented here that Bethesda is turning into a mini Manhattan, I had not considered it to mean the place was going to replicate 8th Street and Astor Place with such zeal. These sorts of places can't possibly be good for the overall effect, can they?

  6. Anonymous2:12 PM

    This is leftist logic: Ban cigarettes because it's bad for your health. Legalize marijuana as in addition to lung cancer, it has the added benefit of turning a productive population into unmotivated slackers who also drive.

  7. How absolutely embarrassing. This awful place would fit perfectly in the inner city, think Chicago or Harlem. Curb appeal is beyond zero and this demographic is about as close to polar opposite of this smoke shop it's not even funny. Of all the places that fail quickly, this may garner Guinness World Book attention. What a joke.

  8. Anonymous7:16 AM

    My conclusion from reading the above post is that most conservatives, i.e. right-wing-nut-jobs are complete A-holes, along with "JAC".

    1. 7:16 - My conclusion from reading your post is that so very many people in our area and nation as a whole are angry and post silly comments like yours somehow equating an opinion on a mini Mart with right-wing conservatism. Couldn't you simply disagree and say, this looks great, I'll try it?

  9. I'm guessing that the investors are hoping this sell all shop becomes a go to convenience store for the local workers looking for a cheaper alternative than the Exxon or 7-11. I can see it earning a look from the folks who aren't too afraid to shop in Harlem or "Chicago". It's on the Circulator loop. I'll be stopping in to see.

  10. Anonymous12:06 PM

    JAC @ 5:13 PM wrote:

    "This awful place would fit perfectly in the inner city, think Chicago or Harlem."

    A Dog-Whistle is not supposed to sound like a Foghorn.

    You're doing it wrong.

    1. 5:13 - Simply disagreeing is much easier. Don't like it, just offer another take.

  11. Anonymous12:10 PM

    @ 11:25 AM:

    "8th Street and Astor Place"

    I'm intimately familiar with that neighborhood, and I suspect that your image of it is 20 or 30 years out of date. It is thoroughly gentrified now.

  12. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Funny that 7:16 just proved 2:12 correct. Put down the pipe get a job, read a book or just simply contribute to society instead of feeding on it.

  13. OK JAC. You know folks that haven't had an opportunity to "offer another take" until the internet might have a problem with your rules. Let's at least consider what the rule breakers are saying.

  14. Shanel,
    That makes no sense.

  15. Anonymous7:15 AM

    @1:36PM Your equating these two comments is totally backwards, and involve no smoke, mirrors, or delusions. BTW I love my job.

  16. Anonymous7:17 AM

    @ 3:09 - He's triggered when you hit that RW never of his. You go, do it again.

  17. Anonymous10:07 AM

    @7:15 Too funny! The fact that you have to make a statement about you love your job demonstrates how THC has affected your logic. Try taking a break from it to clear your thoughts.

  18. Anonymous11:01 AM

    JAC @ 5:13 AM wrote:

    "...this may garner Guinness World Book attention."

    The book you want is The Guinness Book of World Records. You have apparently conflated that with The World Book Encyclopedia.

  19. 11:01 - No confusion, on the name of the record book but, thanks.

  20. Anonymous9:55 AM

    @10:07 My thoughts are crystal clear, but yours definitely suffer from lack of oxygen to say the least. BREATHE!!

  21. Anonymous10:53 AM

  22. Anonymous7:39 PM

    "added benefit of turning a productive population into unmotivated slackers who also drive."
    I just want to say I think this was pretty funny!
