Friday, February 24, 2023

Airbag theft wave in Chevy Chase

There has been a rash of airbag thefts in Chevy Chase over the last week. According to police and reader accounts, vehicles were broken into on several streets in order to obtain the valuable airbags. Multiple airbags were stolen from vehicles on Hillandale Road on February 16, and from at least two cars on Chevy Chase Drive yesterday morning. At least two airbags were stolen in the 6900 block of Strathmore Street yesterday morning, as well.

Also yesterday in Chevy Chase, unspecified auto parts - likely airbags - were stolen from a vehicle in the 8500 block of Freyman Drive, and an entire vehicle was stolen on that block to cap things off. This was in addition to the carjacking on Chevy Chase Drive earlier this week, in which the elderly victim was injured by the thief.

What can you do to protect your vehicle from airbag thieves? The best thing is to put your car in the garage, but that isn't an option for many people. Montgomery County police recommend installing or activating a car alarm system, parking in a well-lit spot, and using anti-theft devices that fit across the steering wheel. Hondas and Toyotas have the most sought-after airbags. 

Photo courtesy The Club


  1. And what has the police chief, a veteran of the MoCo police dept, and/or Elrich have ever said publicly about this? I'll wait.

  2. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Congratulations Elrich Voters! You did it!

    1. Anonymous12:25 AM

      13 of you put the popular incumbent over the top! Elrich has a new Mandate for him keeping us safe and watching over us! We are so fortunate, just ask the shopkeepers and restaurant owners!

  3. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Our donation to woke policies!

  4. Let's just keep protecting folks that drive. Free parking and police protection. Pretty sweet deal. Complain when poor folks 3 miles away from them steal. We need more police! How about buy insurance

  5. Anonymous4:05 PM

    12:40 doesn't believe in equal opportunity but blindly thinks that equal outcomes is the answer. The decent into chaos soon follows but where does it stop?

    The problem with people like 12:40, like most liberals, is that it's never enough and giving people things instead of making them earn it teaches nothing but greed and laziness but that's the point. A truly sad epilog for society.

  6. Anonymous9:57 AM

    @12:40 PM: You would vote for Elrich again if your car was stolen. Prove me wrong.

    1. Anonymous12:26 AM

      "Cause and effect," like "nature trumps nurture" are two concepts that counties like MC have effectively done away with.
