Thursday, February 09, 2023

Bethesda Row Apple Store gets an exterior touch-up

An after-hours effort to spruce up the front facade of the Apple Store at 4860 Bethesda Avenue was underway last night at Bethesda Row. Workers from building maintenance firm Stuart Dean were on scaffolding out front, leading upward to the store's iconic illuminated logo. Apple, as always, is meticulous about every detail when it comes to design and aesthetics. It has contracted with Stuart Dean for over a decade to prep its stores for grand openings, and to handle routine maintenance like this. Stuart Dean specializes in upkeep of some of the trademark materials Apple employs in its retail store design.


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Never used an Apple product in my life, Linux baby! To hell with that "Tim" guy.

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM


    What is the best way for a non-techie to get started in Linux?


  3. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Should install some bullet-proof glass the way things are going in Bethesda these days.

  4. Anonymous11:26 PM

    9:17AM Find a mentor and download a free Distro, then experiment. #OpenSourceCode #Community

  5. Anonymous1:10 AM

    That's the next stop after 'visiting' the Nike store.
