Sunday, February 26, 2023

New trash cans at Norfolk Avenue Streetery in Bethesda (Photos)

New trash cans recently appeared at the Norfolk Avenue Streetery between St. Elmo And Cordell Avenues in Bethesda. They are a different, more modern-looking model than the standard can found around downtown Bethesda. Slightly smaller in capacity, they also are not yet labeled with Bethesda Urban Partnership graphics. It's not clear if their design will assist in curbing downtown Bethesda's pandemic-era pest issues.


  1. They look prettier. Let's keep the Streetery. Someplace safe for kids to play and their parents to watch them.

    1. Anonymous11:53 PM

      And to learn to ride (and learn trail etiquette)before getting on the CCT..

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Couldn't BUP at least get creative and make them look like porky pig at Cabin John from BITD?

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Hopefully more rat proof than the old trash containers. Somehow rats access them from underneath. (are we allowed to talk about the rat invasion?)
