Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Smoke Island opening second downtown Bethesda location

Smoke Island
is opening a new downtown Bethesda location at 4949 Bethesda Avenue. Can downtown support two separate Smoke Island locations? I'm forced to assume this will be a second, additional location, because the idea that the current Smoke Island would move from Norfolk Avenue over to here would be a real mind-boggler. Not only did they just recently open in their Norfolk Avenue space, but just last week they installed an elaborate mural in the storefront that depicts their store and its block of Norfolk. Which would instantly make no sense if it was installed over here on Bethesda Avenue. Not to mention that the foot traffic going past the Bethesda Avenue location would be only a fraction of that in their existing spot.


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    This is so people can buy smoking requisites without the chance of running into people they know.

  2. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Washing some money through?

  3. A smoking shop is so popular it's expanding? Dumbest thing I've ever heard. Yeah, there's a market for that around here? I've seen maybe 5 people smoking in the last few months. Worst possible thing you can do for your health is smoke. And yeah, pot is right up there.

  4. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Better than money laundering Hookah lounges any day.

  5. i disagree jac. There's a market in Bethesda for smokers. Smart folks are starting to recognize that pot ain't the worst thing in the world. Take a little hit or eat it. It doesn't lead to opiod use. Our Lord gave us weed. I don't get pills

  6. The proliferation of pot is all about money and big money. Do your research. Pot is terrible for you and it is now and always has been a gateway drug. Don't be fooled.

  7. Anonymous3:35 AM

    So smoking cigarettes has effectively been banned from all public buildings and many private ones as well due to well known cancer risks. They're also trying to ban gas stoves for perceived air-quality degradation.

    But smoking weed is AOK? The slackers will tell you there's no downside when collecting their entitlement checks, ("smart folks"). It’s almost impossible to walk anywhere in downtown DC and not be inundated with the smoke, especially after 3pm or outside before any event.

    Some say that it isn't a gateway drug but researchers are split seeing a much higher incidence among adolescents. I just wish these idiots wouldn't drive.

    A truly sad sign of the times.

  8. 3:35 - absolutely spot on.

  9. Anonymous9:17 AM

    "Our Lord gave us weed"? What about common sense? As someone who has employees, I can tell you that the difference in productivity is vast and I'm not talking about minimum wage starter jobs, (which frankly is what most of them are aspiring to for life), but actual jobs which require some form decision making.

    Unmotivated slackers.

  10. Anonymous9:40 AM

    The 'gateway drug' canard has long flew away per the professional addiction recovery community.

  11. Anonymous5:37 AM

    The article might be too long for the professional addiction recovery community.

  12. Anonymous7:28 AM

    NiH has bout zero credibility in the bona fide addiction community.

  13. Anonymous8:32 AM

    @ 3:35 PM - smoking marijuana is subject to the same restrictions as smoking tobacco. No double standard here.

  14. Anonymous10:33 AM

    The double standard exists as a matter of public money used to promote a known carcinogen not to mention stigma. The poster @1:03 even refers to "smart folks" which is laughable on its face but actually very sad.

    7:28 better put the bong down before it's too late.

  15. Anonymous1:07 AM

    No, Cannabis is not a "Gateway Drug." Here's an article that sums up the misunderstanding:
    There are many studies that support this, plus, IMHO, only fool would summarily believe the NIH, especially from what we've been learning.


  16. 1:07- Exactly.
    Just like Fraud Fauci and others stated that Covid related anything was settled science, this too is much debated and not at all conclusive. Remember, pot is a multibillion dollar business. Keep telling yourself that pot use is good for your brain. These places and others will thank you.

  17. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Ugh--this is the last thing I want in our neighborhood--a head shop. What a shame that this is what is happening to the former location of the beloved Griffin Bikes. Hopefully it will be gone soon. We really need two head shops in Bethesda? Money laundering maybe?

    1. Anonymous3:00 AM

      3:21, with all due respect, a head shop may not be the "last thing" you want.... i venture to say that hookah lounges and Hip Hop bars better approach that 'last thing.' Bethesda is on track, following Silver Spring. I'm surprised there's not a 'Unity' Nike shoe store in Silver Spring, we get to singularly host that.

  18. Anonymous5:54 AM

    The liberal plans to keep a compliant populace. Used to be called a medical necessity for certain people but now the curtains have been open so they can push recreational drugs on the weak-minded.

  19. I stepped in the other day. Just looking for some smell good. If there is anything that weed smokers know about other than weed, then it is smell good.
    I marveled at the variety of smell good! The employee was so nice. I bought a couple of sticks of incense. They smell better and last longer than anything I've bought in years. Thumbs up. I see why they are popular.
