Sunday, May 28, 2023

7340 Wisconsin developer applies to initiate environmental remediation of former gas station site

Greystar Development East, LLC has filed an application with the Maryland Department of the Environment to enter the Voluntary Cleanup Program for the former Exxon gas station property at 7340 Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda. Last year, Greystar introduced its proposal to redevelop the site with a mixed-use residential tower. At that time, the developer expressed hope that a groundbreaking would take place in Q2 or Q3 2023. Remediating any remaining soil or groundwater contamination is the first step in finally redeveloping the long-dormant site, and it looks like that could begin as soon as this summer if approved by the MDE.


  1. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Really glad/surprised that the high loan rate environment doesn't seem to be slowing down projects. Onward and upward!

  2. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Nice to see this project get started, and it will be great to get any toxic material removed. I hope Greystar’s recent very large lawsuit loss and separate fire at a construction site do not slow this project. The proposed design of the 25 story tower with the angular pinwheel massing and sloping glass shards at the top is quite striking and would be a welcome contrast to the boxy blandness of the nearby Bethesda Metro Center.

  3. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Yep. That Gas Station needs a Good “Cleaning Up” !! It’s been a terrible eyesore for many years.
