Monday, May 15, 2023

Two assaults in three hours in Friendship Heights

Montgomery County police responded to reports of two 2nd-degree assaults within three hours in Friendship Heights this past Saturday night, May 13, 2023. Police responded to the first assault in the 5500 block of Wisconsin Avenue at 5:22 PM. The second assault was reported at a bus stop in the 5400 block of Wisconsin Avenue at 8:05 PM Saturday.


  1. What's of particular note here is the time of day these incidents occurred if accurate. Before, crimes of assault would typically be at night or more likely, very late at night. Today, it seems like crime of all kinds are being committed not only at will but at any hour especially when folks are out shopping, dining, exercising, etc. I know a long time member of MoCo Police who is currently going through retirement transition. So many cops are getting out and for good reason.

    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      I really do miss the postings on this or Robert's older blog site from the commenter using the Gardez Bien moniker...

    2. Anonymous11:59 PM

      Everything is pointing to the idea that we deserve it.

  2. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Any more information, images, or descriptions of the suspect(s)?

  3. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Has anyone noticed how the demographics of people walking around Bethesda Row have changed dramatically over the past year or so?

  4. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Suburban Decay.

    1. Anonymous11:41 PM

      Urban decay migrating to suburban. Ftfy.

  5. @549: I have but presumed they were workers? If not, where are they shopping/dining and where are they coming from?

  6. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Out of control, MOCO is burning right now, where is the county council or Elrich? I am noticing graffiti popping all over the place now, hordes of homeless all over rockville pike coming from the shelter that Elrich just opened. The smell of weed everywhere and criminals going into CVS and other stores and stealing things with no repercussion whatsoever.

  7. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Bethesda-Chevy Chase has become the second-degree assault capitol of the universe under the MoCoCounty Cartel.

  8. Anonymous11:47 PM

    It would be great to establish a 'baseline' of crime stats and see how our new big retailers, such as say, Nike, for instance may bring changes. North Bethesda seems to attract the bigger players and Nike seems to have broken that paradigm.

  9. Anonymous4:05 AM

    They need to convert the now defunct Banana Republic store into Fort Apache in Friendless Heights.

  10. 10:43 - Thanks for mentioning skunk weed. Yes, as I've said too, it's everywhere. Politicians will hopefully soon realize what medical and mental health experts have long known. Duh, pot is a powerful drug especially today and should be avoided at all costs.

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      It's interesting that vaping places were shut down but the county encourages marijuana use, leading to every downtown and many neighborhoods having that wonderful pungent odor of weed. At least vaping doesn't impact others.

  11. There's a very good opinion piece in other local media comparing Dan Snyder to Marc Elrich. It makes some excellent points. Voters are just stupid. In this very consequential general election coming up, will people wake up and realize that we cannot re-elect octogenarian Biden? Is Trump a great choice on the other side? No, he has issues clearly. But just like local, elections have serious consequences. At least Trump would be working 19 a day, 7 days a week. Biden border rages and he rides his bike in Rehoboth looking like he's a 100. Elrich is in charge for four more long years. Helluva job Brownie!

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Imagine Harris 2025!

  12. Anonymous5:00 AM

    5:22 happened on the street, 8:05 at bus stop

  13. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Are you sure about that? The Banana Republic closed in Georgetown and the J. Crew and Old Navy closed in Friendship Heights (both on the DC side).

  14. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Ever since Big luxury mansions and aunt tifa and Biden the USA has gone to pot
    God Bethesda was the most wondrous place to grow up

    Even the private schools like stone ridge and holton are hiring BLM and pushing DEI garbage down little kids throats
