Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition to protest at Congressman Jamie Raskin's office today

The Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition will hold a protest rally at the Capitol Hill office of U.S. Congressman Jamie Raskin (D - 8th District) this afternoon, May 17, 2023 at 3:00 PM. They are seeking action by the congressman on the issue of the desecrated Moses African Cemetery in Bethesda. BACC representatives "confronted Jamie Raskin on his silence regarding the issue of Black cemetery desecrations in Maryland" last December, the organization said in a press release. Raskin promised to meet with them, they say, but "Mr. Raskin has ignored every single letter and email sent by BACC members and our community."

As a result, the BACC says it will rally at Raskin's office at the Rayburn Office Building, Suite 2242, today. Moses African Cemetery is located mostly on the site of the Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Commission-owned Westwood Tower apartments in Bethesda, and on a second parcel Montgomery County purchased on the other side of the Willett Branch stream to prevent cemetery advocates from having a professional archaeological study performed on any part of the cemetery site.


  1. Anonymous7:37 AM

    The Left eating its own.

  2. Anonymous8:17 AM

    7:37 This is how it should work. Nobody, not even members of your own party or general political ideology, should be safe from due criticism. I find it admirable a presumably left leaning group is not afraid to stand up for what they believe is right rather than blindly fall in line simply because Raskin has a (D) next to his name.

  3. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Raskin couldn't give a wit about African Americans in his district. This is all about media face time.

  4. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Green Party performativeness.

  5. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Jaime, throw our money at them! That's what they want.

  6. Anonymous3:08 PM

    What does Raskin have to do with it? He's a Congressman and this is a local issue outside of federal jurisdiction.

  7. 3:08: It's within his congressional district, and many of the questions and issues surrounding the cemetery and its desecration certainly fall under federal oversight.

  8. Anonymous5:03 AM

    How many showed up at Raskin's office on Wednesday?
