Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Bethesda Row Giant selling "safety men"

The Giant at Bethesda Row is selling "safety men." They aren't robots to protect you from rising violent crime in Montgomery County. They are those plastic men often found in residential neighborhood roadways that warn drivers of "Children at Play." The Safety Man signs are popular, but are illegal to place in the road, and on lawns they are subject to County sign regulations. Montgomery County says it does not authorize "Children at Play" signs because it is illegal for children to play in the street.


  1. And in related Giant news, the grocer made the national news recently regarding the uptick in theft. Giant is going to restrict store access by closing off extra doors where applicable, hiring security at all times (I've seen this already) and also now limiting the amount of items customers can checkout at the self check among other measures. How limiting the amount of items at self check will help with crime I am not sure. I like that one just based on quickness. They should never have allowed someone to self check an entire large cart full of stuff but I've seen that a zillion times. Anyway, the Giant CEO said they've seen an uptick of crime 1o fold. And he rightly states that you would never worry about a shoplifter 40 years ago. Now? They are all carrying a gun or a knife minimum. Great!

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Oh it's illegal for kids to play in the street - I'll make sure to tell them that. That'll ensure they never step foot in a roadway. The threat of litigation will surely keep a toddler from chasing a ball into the street.

  3. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Robert: What are the County Sign Regulations?

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Signs all over yards in Bethesda. L

  4. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Should add "Gun Free Zone" signs to thwart violent crime. Makes us all safer!

  5. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Adding hundreds of millions of guns to US circulation over the last 40 years now means more criminals have guns?! Say it ain't so! If only someone had warned us this was going to happen! No one could have ever seen this coming!

  6. Anonymous1:30 AM

    It's fine that my "progressive" and woke neighbors have "no guns here" and other equally welcoming signs in their yard, we know that criminals go the easy and convenient route. I think of it like bug spray: I'll use "Off," and they can use "On."

  7. Anonymous5:51 AM

    I know, 7:14. It's almost as surprising as the federal Assault Weapons Ban expiring and then magically mass shootings skyrocketed. Can you believe there are consequences to actions?!

  8. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Well, this Friday in Finn Park in Kensington, you who want to celebrate National Gun Violence Awareness Day can attend and witness the inept Mayor read aloud their new resolution renewing their commitment (had it lapsed?) to reduce gun violence yada yada.
    Meanwhile, real criminals are intent on thwarting (ignoring) any law imaginable.

  9. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I never thought I'd agree with JAC about something, but I heartily agree with restrictions on number of items in self-checkout. And they should also only allow the smaller shopping carts in the area. It's so frustrating to see someone with a large cart full of items leisurely checking their items and clogging up the through lanes.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Maybe some shoplifting is inadvertent, lots of stuff can be confusing.

  10. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I miss the Dr Fauci fan club signs that were popular a few years ago.

  11. 7:08 - I'm glad we could come together.
