Monday, May 29, 2023

Brick wall smashed at 7-Eleven in Bethesda (Photos)

A brick wall on the property line between 7-Eleven at 7820 Wisconsin Avenue and the vacant EagleBank at 7815 Woodmont Avenue in Bethesda was badly damaged Sunday. It's unclear what happened, whether it was a large vehicle backing up and accidentally hitting it, or an intentional effort. A significant portion of the wall was knocked over, and even more of it is cracked. The metal fence on top was completely knocked off along the most heavily-impacted section of the wall. Both properties will be demolished if Montgomery County approves the Novel Bethesda development on this block, so it will be an unfortunate expense to have to repair this for the short-term.


  1. It's hard getting in and out of that parking lot. Maybe it won't be one of those trucks folks rent to move, but I wouldn't be surprised. As sportscaster George Michael used to say, let's go to the videotape. There's a man that deserves a feature biographical film.

    1. Anonymous11:31 PM

      That was Warner Wolf, I believe...

  2. Anonymous6:49 PM

    what is novel bethesda?
