Monday, May 08, 2023

JANUS et Cie to open downtown Bethesda store

JANUS et Cie
, a retailer of modern outdoor furniture for home and office settings, will open a showroom this fall in downtown Bethesda. It will be located in the ground floor of the 7101 Wisconsin Avenue office tower. Named after the Roman god whose two faces gaze forward and backward, JANUS et Cie's stated corporate goal is to honor the heritage of the past while creating the designs of the future. The company founder's name just happened to be Janice - Janice Feldman, who founded the brand in California in 1978.

Furniture giant Haworth, Inc. of Michigan acquired JANUS et Cie in 2016. Haworth and its Poltrona Frau subsidiary have showrooms in Northwest Washington, D.C. A JANUS et Cie showroom in Georgetown recently closed, so this may be a relocation to Bethesda.


  1. Anonymous7:45 PM

    This is getting into the weeds, but the big signs in the windows of this store have a very obvious typo: They've spelled "definitive" as "definative." I noticed it this evening when I was out for a walk, and it stuck out like a sore thumb. I guess they didn't run a spell check or Grammarly. Can someone let them know?

    1. Anonymous3:36 AM

      Not to worry, that's acceptable now: everything is now acceptable! I saw a lit faux neon sign that said "Close" for "closed," they're making and marketing them that way! Very sad what is eroding away...

    2. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Yes, previous generations didn't have typos. Society has now eroded away! Thanks, Obama!

    3. Anonymous4:29 AM

      Much more than a typo, maybe you need remedial reading lessons.

  2. Anonymous6:09 AM

    It will be great to see this retail space filled with a luxury furniture brand. Since the Georgetown store has closed, this will be the only DC area location, and one of only 13 in the United States. A great “get” for downtown Bethesda! I wish Design Within Reach (DWR) would reopen a store in Bethesda as well.

  3. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Why would the founder possibly think that "Janus" was better than "Janice"?

    I'm sure that naughty teens will try to cover up the first letter of that name on their signs.

  4. Anonymous1:44 PM

    @6:59 I credit the "Every Child Left Behind" (sic) legislation from the Bush (W) administration for the start of the marked and more recent decline in education. What a nightmare!

    1. Anonymous11:41 PM

      The common. denominator of the problem is classroom discipline, burned out teachers pulling along the incompetent ones, and the end of "tracking," i.e., classes based on performance and smarts. Additionallly cripppling, an educator, I can attest that not one study says 'computers' (or digital devices in any form) promote learning. Nope! It's a fad that we need to get over.

    2. Anonymous8:37 AM

      "Additionallly cripppling, an educator"

      I think we've found patient zero. How does it feel to have caused the erosion of modern society? As a species, we are never going to recover from all those typos.

  5. Anonymous3:16 PM

    @ 1:44 PM - "Is our children larnin'?" -George W. Bush

  6. Anonymous7:24 PM

    @3:16 PM Another (bad) trip down memory lane! *sigh*
