Saturday, May 27, 2023

Montgomery County Council President Evan Glass to host Pride Month events in June

Montgomery County Council President Evan Glass (D - At-Large) will once again host or appear at a series of Pride Month events in June. This will be the fifth year Glass will perform this leadership role. The events will include Rockville Pride, an annual event hosted by the City of Rockville at Rockville Town Square, which will be held on Saturday, June 24, 2023 this year. 

June 11 will be Takoma Park Pride Day. Bethesda's Big Train baseball club will also hold a Pride Night on June 17. Pride in the Plaza will take place at Veterans Plaza in downtown Silver Spring on June 25. Events will kick off with the raising of the Pride Flag at the Montgomery County Executive Building on June 1. 

“I’m excited to host Montgomery County’s fifth annual LGBTQ+ Pride month events,” Glass said in a statement. “This is a time for celebration, reflection and unity. Today, the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans are under relentless attack. Members of the LGBTQ+ community — especially people of color and trans people — continue to face discrimination and efforts to undermine their human rights. As we continue our struggle for greater civil rights and liberties, Pride Month is a time to not only reflect on our progress but to focus on the work ahead.”


  1. Anonymous7:22 AM

    When is straight month?

    1. 7:22 - Such a great comment. How about a day instead. Thank goodness for Walmart. The only displays you see are for the Fourth and summer as it should be.

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Every month is straight pride… It’s the default. Having a group of people who feel like outsiders of society get to have a month to recognize them isn’t a bad thing.

  2. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Your average person is sick and tired of having "LGBTQ+" shenanigans stuck in their face every day. Maybe if the "LGBTQ+" lobby would back it down substantially the "relentless attacks" would diminish some. They can't do that though.

  3. Anonymous8:35 AM

    @ 7:22 AM: Straight Pride Month and White History Month are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November and December.

    @ 7:48 AM: What "LGBTQ+ shenanigans" have been "stuck in your face" "every day"? Please be specific in your answer.

    1. Anonymous11:41 PM

      I'll answer for him/her/it: all these left wing groups took their agendas too many steps too far. That's the problem. "Middle" America fairly accepted first trimester/privacy in bedrooms/private esoteric kink events/legal immigration/basic Affirmative Action/responsible plea bargaining/state and federal non violent diversion/ etc.

      But there's not enough room for y'all in the Democrats' world, much less the real world! Y'all just went too far and now the pendulum is going to swing back fast and hard. Our policies are going to eventually strangle ourselves into the third world cr@p holes everyone is trying to "escape," but really bring with them.

  4. Anonymous9:45 AM

    The militant left are pushing for the total collapse of society. Why else would they cancel these drag-shows just because minors cannot attend?

  5. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Remember that the "rights" LGBTQ+ folks demand are 1) insisting that other folks be forced to use their "correct" pronouns regardless of those folks' beliefs; 2) that women's sports should be forced to allow biological men to participate regardless of fairness; 3) that bakers be forced to bake cakes that violate their religious and free speech beliefs; 4) that your children should be indoctrinated with "queer" ideology and secretly transitioned with no notice to the parents and 5) that minors can choose to undergo life-altering surgical procedures with no parental notice when it is illegal in most, if not all, states for minors to even get a tattoo. In MoCo parents have been forced to file a lawsuit against the public school system in order for them to opt their children out of LGBTQ+ indoctrination. In MoCo it is the religious and conservative "communities" which are very much the marginalized and oppressed minority not the LGBTQ+ community. So mull that over everyone.

  6. Anonymous2:27 PM

    How about some PRIDE for this Godforsaken highly taxed crime infested overly developed sanctuary county?

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      You choose to live in this liberal wealthy town. You can go if you dislike it. I hear rural Alabama is nice and is more suited to your ideas…

  7. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Hey 8:35: 1) Dylan Mulvaney; 2) Target; 3) Pride month; 4) Drag Queens and basically hearing about it ad nauseum if you ever listen to NPR or watch PBS or any other main stream media source. I have had very liberal friends agree that it is way, way too much. Folks are sick of hearing about it and it would behoove you all to take notice, for your own good.

  8. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I appreciate that this site serves as an outlet for the homophobic among us, even the egregiously long-winded. Everyone deserves a safe space /s

  9. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Omg I can't believe gay people got an entire article on here. And I was forced to read it and comment about how enraged it makes me. Why isn't there a white incel month??

  10. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Yes 639 and 645 just remain in your echo chambers and ignore the reality unfolding around you. Resorting to your usual name-calling or sarcastic responses does not begin to address the issues I raised here. But I am not surprised. Let's see what happens when DeSantis becomes president.

  11. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Question the leftist orthodoxy and get branded, (insert your adjectives here).

    There was a time when liberals stood for the 1st Amendment but now even what was once ground zero for free speech, (Berkeley), now has a blacks-only graduation. MLK is turning over in his grave to see how far democrats have fallen.

  12. Anonymous11:48 AM

    More events than our veterans get in a year.

  13. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Liberals used to stand for the 1st Amendment. Now only Ron Desantis does! We must make sure we force (in the name of freedom) schools and libraries to ban hundreds of books and no one can learn anything about sexual orientation, gender, or the impacts of slavery because they make exceptionally insecure straight (commonly closeted) white people feel super duper icky.

  14. Anonymous2:15 PM

    12:50 is an avid CNN watcher:

    But if you're talking about Maia Kobabe's book, I'm all for banning that one out of public schools. Groomers not so much. Which side are you on?

  15. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I'm on the side of the 1st Amendment which is why I love banning books!

  16. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Reading is fundamental but comprehension lasts a lifetime.

    Unfortunately 5:00 PM will do neither because regurgitating false narratives to tow the party line is all these liberals can do when they can't argue their way out using facts not to mention the current administration gaslighting their support of the 1st Amendment all while using federal agencies to suppress it.

    Go ahead and read Kobabe's book Gender Queer and tell us how removing it from public schools, (especially elementary schools), is a bad thing.

  17. Anonymous3:54 AM

    The agenda:

    1. Anonymous4:40 PM

      3:54, You left out 'equality of outcome regardless of merit, sacrifice or investment.'

  18. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Let's not forget that the libs were all for banning The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because it contained the "n" word. As well as many other masterpieces of Western Civilization because they hate their own culture for being "colonialist oppressors". Hypocrisy is very much their thing.

  19. Anonymous5:03 AM

    I love how the person who repeatedly is trying to politicize this topic accuses everyone else of the same. And how they mock reading abilities while typing "tow the party line." You just can't make this stuff up. It's like a walking, typing SNL skit.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      We are laughing!

      Just not with you...

  20. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Lol, no schools have banned The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. What a moronic lie to fabricate an embarrassingly desperate whataboutism. A school taking a book off the required reading list doesn't mean it's banned, obviously. Acting like liberals are as bad as conservatives when it comes to banning things is dopey as hell. Banning things would be priority #1, 2, and 3 of the Republican platform, if they bothered having one.

  21. Anonymous9:54 AM

    You're correct 503 it should be "toe" not "tow". However he is very much correct in his overall point that it is progressives who are all in on suppressing speech with which they don't agree or, in the case of the laptop story, might cause them to lose an election. You apparently get a big kick out of looking down on folks with whom you disagree.

  22. Anonymous11:39 AM

    None of you are being forced to do absolutely anything. You could carry about your normal daily lives and at most notice a pride flag or two. Nobody is physically pushing you into a drag show, nobody is strapping you to a chair and forcing you to think empathetically about different people's lives, and there is no mandate that you even have to read articles about Pride Month. You could stop at the title once you realize what it's about, and carry on your day. The truth is that absolutely none of this (pride, pride month) affects you, but you go out of your way to let it because for some reason you believe everyone should act the same as you and have the same belief set as you and you want to pick a fight about it.

    Don't like it or agree with it? That's fine. It really is. But to advocate for others to have fewer rights than you because they are different in ways you don't agree with is anti-American, and deep down, you know it. But I guess that's too much cognitive dissonance for a Monday morning.

    1. Anonymous2:24 AM

      You missed the article posted at 9:45 which points out the agenda of grooming minors. Why sue to allow minors to attend drag shows?

      The problem with liberals nowadays is an all or nothing platform which has now been hijacked by insane leftists. Live and let live used to be the standard but now it's forced into our schools and to disagree means risking a weaponized DOJ/IRS knocking at your door. Parents in Loudoun County learned this the hard way after two sexual assaults were suppressed by the school board. The assailant in this case demonstrates that certain groups have more rights than others.

    2. Anonymous4:20 AM

      I'd just like my kid to go thru her normal changes and confusion without having to process bearded men in dresses and garish makeup at the library. There are private venues for that which I do support

  23. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Why is there a Pride event at the Glen Echo Family Day?
    Please stop the gay/trans indoctrination of our youth.

  24. Anonymous3:51 AM

    4:40, Touché!

  25. 4:50 - That place is about as far Left as Takoma Park. I agree but good luck there.

  26. Anonymous7:56 AM

    @4:20am with the weakest, oldest "argument" against gay lifestyles in history - the "what am I supposed to tell my kids when two men are holding hands?" argument. Perhaps your kids can't process seeing those sorts of things because your parenting skills are lacking. Your inability to educate your child about how different folks can lead different lifestyles should not be the problem of others. Here's a thought - tell them that some men like other men instead of women, and like to dress in feminine instead of masculine ways. It's not like your kid will never, ever see or hear about drag queens if you don't tell them about them -- they will eventually learn about that side of life on their own even if you say nothing about it to them.

    You are channeling your internalized fear of homosexuality into sheltering your kid from the world around them. I wonder what else you attempt to hide or mislead your children on just because you yourself don't understand it?

    Questions to consider.

  27. Anonymous9:22 AM

    So according to 4:20, (appropriate time stamp), if you would prefer your elementary school age child not be indoctrinated into the "lifestyle" where pronouns are mandatory and books like Gender Queer, (which I'm sure you made available to your 4th grader), are available, you're misleading your children. Just wow.

  28. Anonymous10:56 AM

    7:56 and 9:22, Too bad we have to share space with people that choose to make their dysfunction a defining characteristic.. I choose to share my kinks with the like minded, in private. Everything is not about an individual's sexuality, don't they have any qualities they'd rather be associated with?

  29. Anonymous12:27 PM

    9:22 et. al.,this may shock you, but you can learn about things without being indoctrinated into them. You've learned about other religions of the world that may not be your own, such as Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism, and were aware of them and their history without being converted.

    You disagree with and are potentially even scared by homosexuality and queer lifestyles. I get it. But your outdated and bigoted state of mind should not be passed down to the newer generations simply because you can't imagine life any other way. Ironically, you and other conservatives indoctrinate your children into conservative viewpoints, religious ideologies, and social preconceptions all the time. The only difference here is that you align closely with conservative ideologies but fear homosexuality, perhaps fearing most that your child will eventually realize they are gay and potentially even be accepted by a community you are afraid of and never made a good faith effort to learn anything about. If that day comes I guarantee you it will not be due to kids book or they/them pronouns they hear as homosexuality is not a choice (a preschool level concept extraordinarily difficult to grasp, for some). Do you understand?

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      I get it! Grooming is like Missionary work! Thanks for making that clear.

  30. Anonymous2:25 PM

    9:22's reply was to 7:56. Sorry 4:20

    1. Anonymous1:38 AM

      I kinda thought so... thanks for clarifying.

  31. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Hey 1227 what about "queer"? Is that a choice? Maybe you can explain the difference to me.

  32. Anonymous3:18 PM

    @12:27 Tries to argue with reason at first but then falls into what leftists do best, reductio ad absurdum. The true bigots are on display with Brandon and supporters like you who seek to crush any opinions outside of the narrow view of "acceptable" thought.

    There was once a time where debate meant opposing sides would present their ideas with outcomes based on presentation of facts. Democrats have thrown all of that into the trash and have moved to silence all debate and now even using the DOJ to punish unapproved thought. You guys are the model day brownshirts and if you ever bothered to look in the mirror of history would have to ask how you got here.

  33. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Did 12:27 take their elementary school children to drag shows? I would guess probably not as with most leftists who posture one set of rules for themselves and one set for the little people.

    Also get a grip as not one person here is arguing against being able to do what one wants to do behind closed doors but to parade it in the face of everyone including children, (for a good portion of the calendar year plus using taxpayer dollars to do so), flies in the face of reason.

  34. Anonymous9:35 AM

    4:48 has a great point. If you want to be able to do what you want, do it behind closed doors without children coming into play. Protect the children from things they have no control over that may indoctrinate them, a good old Conservative value. Thank you for your excellent argument against prayer in public schools, signs in lawns advocating for marriage only being between a man and a woman, political campaign signs for your preferred candidate outside the local library, ads on storefronts depicting men and women kissing, religious radio stations that children may hear, and so much more.

    You are absolutely right -- let us free ourselves from double standards and apply our convictions to everything it has relevance to. I can only imagine what I've proposed aligns beautifully with that conservative value and your vision for what our kid's deserve.

  35. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Arguing with leftists like 9:35 is like convincing a toddler that ice cream isn't a substitute for broccoli as there is no reason beyond their opinions.

    Keep telling yourself that you're not grooming children, there is no border crisis, there is no crime problem, democrats reduce the deficit and whatever helps you sleep at night. The rest of us can see the forest from the trees.

  36. Anonymous7:41 AM

    When folks like 2:51 are faced with their double standards and hypocrisy, they resort to ill thought out analogies to distract from the lack of substance in their own arguments. But playing that game, it's amusing for people like 2:51 to pretend their disdain for queer people is not just an opinion itself.

    Alas, the GOP, the party of projection and hate. It always seems to be GOP politicians and conservative-preaching members of the clergy who are getting busted for pedophilia -- mostly involving little boys. I wonder why that is? Probably why you never see politicians like Matt Gaetz and the people they accuse of grooming kids in the same room. Those are the groomers you are fearing, but since it's within your own party, a blind eye is turned.

  37. Anonymous10:00 AM

    251's "disdain" may be just an opinion but that there are only two sexes is most assuredly a scientific fact. Despite the Left's, and specifically the "LGBTQ+" lobby's strained efforts to argue otherwise. Consequently, the general belief that God ordained the act of sex between a man and a woman in order to procreate and maintain the population is the paradigm. You all may argue that you are free to engage in any form of sexual behavior which strikes your fancy but you are not occupying the moral high ground when you do so, despite what you think.

  38. Anonymous10:15 AM

    7:41 must be a fanboy of the administration as gaslighting is their favorite activity covering up their own crimes. If not for a completely compromised DOJ you would be singing a different tune perhaps even from lockup. To answer your question with another on the same level: When did you stop beating your wife?

  39. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Not everyone shares your religious beliefs, and not everyone should be forced to abide by them. Freedom of religion is a core principle of our country need you be reminded. Also, sex is a biological construct. Gender is a social construct. Therefore, gender can be fluid and immaterial, whereas sex is scientific basis. This is a very simple difference that I assure you people on the left know well, and it is why their arguments revolve around gender (the social, subjective concept) rather than sex (e.g. presence of gonads). Perhaps a sociology 101 class would do you wonders.

    10:15, if the DOJ was not completely compromised? Is that an obtuse joke? Perhaps your memory is betraying you, but the Trump administration stacked the SCOTUS and many, many other courts to the brim. How is that statement by you based in fact whatsoever? It is a well known sisyphean effort for liberal Democrats to try and re-balance the courts in their favor as they know it is current lopsided conservatively, and without much hope to pick major seats back in their favor. I think the last time your statement was true was in 2004. Just what an nonfactual and ill-informed thing to say.

    Also, lively way to avoid my point about Gaetz and other hypocritical pedophiles within the grand ol' party. Like I said and predicted, a blind eye is always turned.

    Stick your heads outside of your echo chambers every now and then. I spent most my life in a deep red state but, fortunately, stopped watching major news networks and and learned enough about our political and judicial system to think for myself and conduct due diligence on news I hear instead of having to rely on talking heads to have points for me to parrot on blogs. Registered independent, I'm happy to call D or R out on their BS. But this forum is rife with closed-minded NIMBY conservatives who would probably not be worth the effort if they were not my proverbial neighbors.

    1. Anonymous2:14 AM

      Right from Alinsky's playbook, project what you're doing and scheming onto your adversary! Brilliant, but Middle America is getting Wise, not Woke.

  40. Anonymous2:43 AM

    1:34 Fails miserably again as historical facts get in the way. Accusing Trump of stacking SCOTUS when it was Harry Reid who used the nuclear option on Senate approval of judicial appointments. I realize that democrats, when in the majority, can never imagine being in the minority but this is what happens when you fail to remember history.

    Remember: You're entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts. Oh and stop grooming children.

  41. Anonymous4:53 AM

    See 134, that thing about "genders" is just an opinion. And a dubious one at that. And your second paragraph shows that you are every bit as brainwashed as you say your not. Trump did not "stack" the court, Dems had a very liberal SCt for decades with Dem and Rep appointed liberal justices making up non-enumerated constitutional rights willy-nilly. Now that the Court slants right you all want to erase all the norms just so you can have your way again. The pendulum swings both ways.

  42. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Nice try argument from 1:34 whose side can't even state what a woman is.

  43. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Wonder why democrats are pushing to eliminate the word "pedophile" and use the liberal correct acronym/language: MAP - Minor Attractive Person. The left really is sick.

  44. Anonymous3:03 AM

    The 'proof is in the pudding,' any and to a great extent, all, policy put forth by the Dems is detrimental to overall healthy outcomes, we only need to look at DTSS, Wheaton, much of Rockville, and now Bethesda. Compounding our future problems will be a new administration in Annapolis, eventually even Bethesda will have Hookah bars and Hip Hop clubs: the changes are always happening. Dems don't see 'cause and effect,' where one policy they claim as fair and benign creates havoc when that same lax mindset affects other established lifestyles. We like a crime free, family oriented lifestyle, yards, safe litter free streets, and freedom from crime. Montgomery County is not 'going that way.' A surfeit of empty real estate, encroaching crime, scared money, and bad policy will cement our future.

  45. Anonymous3:40 AM

    "Attracted" - Doesn't change the facts that the largest enablers of pedophiles are democrats pushing their grooming agenda.
