Monday, August 21, 2023

Bethesda Row plaza construction update (Photos)

The late July completion date has come and gone. But work continues on the construction of a new plaza outside Anthropologie at Bethesda Row. The updated plaza will include an interactive fountain, a canopy for shade, new seating, and landscaping. It is also designed to enhance the adjacent Woodmont Avenue Streetery configuration. A worker at the site said the project is now expected to be finished by the end of October 2023.


  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    That's not a very big canopy.....

  2. And it has lots of holes. Not sure how much shade will be produced unless they are going to plant vegetation on the top or cover it with something else.

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    It's beginning to look like the "La Sombrita" bus shade which received national news/mockery for its poor design:
