Friday, November 24, 2023

Giorgetti opening at the Collection at Chevy Chase

Italian furniture brand Giorgetti, is "coming soon" to the Collection at Chevy Chase in Friendship Heights, according to signage posted in its future storefront. It will be located next to Joy by Seven Reasons at the Chevy Chase Land Co.-owned property. The company says the American market is increasingly essential for Italian furniture makers, but that the middlemen who dominate the home furnishing sector here are unfit to represent fine Italian products. Its solution is to open its own retail showrooms in the United States, and sell directly to customers. The first three flagship stores will be this one in Chevy Chase, one in Miami, and one in New York City.


  1. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Porshe is opening at the Collection too. There's a third business coming to the Collection but so far no signs.

  2. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Anony @6:03, it's the Brooks Bros moving from across the street. You can see it on one of the permits.

  3. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Non of those ventures ever figured out that the primarily 'old money' mostly older local residents are notoriously frugal with their millions. The Real Estate Mavens that bring us 'manufactured' enclaves like 'North Bethesda,' 'Chevy Chase DC,' 'AU Park,' ad nauseated like to think our area is like Ballston, all filled with new money billionaire techies.

    They just don't get it.

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Maybe a bit hyperbolic but demographically spot on.

  4. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Yes, everyone knows techies - not old money - like Italian furniture. And everyone knows Ballston is absolutely "filled" with exactly zero billionaire techies.

  5. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Reminds me of a conversation I had with an owner of, now out of business, Fresh Bikes. Fresh Bikes was very high end, typically around $4k bikes, primarily. He shared with me that "everyone who walks in here may be a millionaire but no one wants to spend more than 600 bucks for a bike, we are selling them like hotcakes in Arlington tho."
