Thursday, November 02, 2023

Police respond to shoplifting incident at Tobacco & More Mart in Bethesda (Photos)

Two Montgomery County police cruisers pulled up in front of Tobacco & More Mart at 7809 Old Georgetown Road in downtown Bethesda Monday night, October 30, 2023, around 9:22 PM. It turns out there was a shoplifting incident at the convenience store, which opened earlier this year. Thefts of merchandise and burglaries at businesses have been a significant part of the current crime wave in Montgomery County, and smoke shops have been among those targeted. Smoke Island, located a few blocks away in the Woodmont Triangle, was broken into in August. Those burglars were caught by police a short time later.


  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Legalized weed, Annapolis ready to release repeat offenders under the "eliminate mass incarnation" scheme. Unmotivated ivy-league psych major slackers living at home What could go wrong?

  2. Anonymous4:14 PM

    There's that airline pilot who admitted to using magic mushrooms who dried to shut the engines off during a flight.

    1. Anonymous3:21 AM

      The 'shroom angle/excuse is in dispute.

  3. Anonymous4:21 PM

    they need to install cameras and hire security

  4. Anonymous5:18 AM

    4:21 PM That will cut deep into their profit margin

  5. Anonymous7:30 AM

    @4:21 - Only if you're paying the fees.
