Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Bethesda Row Nike store robbed

The Nike Store at 7117 Arlington Road at Bethesda Row was robbed yesterday afternoon. Montgomery County police were called to the store at 3:30 PM Monday for a report of shoplifting. A Twitter user tweeted a photo of several youths running north on Arlington Road, carrying armfuls of Nike merchandise, shortly after the incident. This is not the first time this Nike Store has been victimized in this manner.


  1. Anonymous1:22 PM

    So it begins...

  2. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Just trying to feed their families, right? Elrich and the new president of the council have just pledged to address the two most important things in Montgomery County today: Housing & Climate Change.

    Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

  3. Anonymous2:39 PM

    ONE question...? What took so long?!

  4. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Kaepernick would be proud, but guess what? You come near me, my car or in my store for nefarious purposes, me and my CCH will put you down, especially if you happened to be in a certain Verizon store in Wisconsin Ave today...

  5. Anonymous3:22 PM

    The Bolsheviks are giggling yet again. Their plans are working, as expected. When they're done screwing up this country, they'll take their immense wealth and move somewhere else.

  6. I can solve this puzzle!!!

  7. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Are these kids 12? Why don’t stores just have auto lock doors. There should be undercover police walking around major retail areas ready to arrest…or..

  8. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Meanwhile the Council just passed the Suicide Awareness and Firearm Education Act (SAFE), which will require gun retailers to hand out information about suicide prevention. This ought to stop crime and rampant carjacking.

    Congratulations to the supporters of Elrich and the MC Council!

  9. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Like Nike didn't think their 'Security problems ' weren't going to follow them here, from their closed store in Georgetown. But, hey, they are now on the Red Line, soon Purple too! We are so lucky!

  10. Anonymous7:49 PM

    @2:43 --the following is not an editorial on whether or not the law is good, sound, just, or prudent, but before you click off the safety, do renew your acquaintance with Maryland's Duty to Retreat law:

    Maryland’s Duty to Retreat law requires people who are not in their homes to retreat or avoid danger before using deadly force to defend themselves. A person who does use force on an attacker whom they believed would cause them serious harm would need to prove in court that his life was in real danger since the law requires you to try to find a safe way to escape a threat before fighting back.

    It is insufficient to tell LEO and the courts you used deadly force because you feared for your safety. You must as well prove you had no viable avenue to avoid the threat you feared --be it by fleeing, hiding, or by simply not interfering with the thugs and the sneakers they're stealing.

    Best of luck navigating the mean streets.

  11. Anonymous3:29 AM

    It's not enough that they go out of their way to inflict harm, at any level, and wish to rob you of something.. Then you're still at their mercy when complying, as demonstrated recently with the gun shot after the guy gave up his keys.
    Who'll be the first of us to get killed?
    Eventually business here will really drop off, that might be enough to change the law. Elrich and Rankin need to get out more.

  12. Anonymous3:56 AM

    "Hello, and welcome to the Merryfield Police Department Rescue Phone. If you know the name of the felony being committed, press one. To choose from a list of felonies, press two. If you are being murdered, or are calling from a rotary phone, please stay on the line."

  13. Anonymous3:59 AM

    @2:27 PM
    You forgot to mention Residential Electrification!

  14. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Only a matter of time. If I recall, some of us saw this coming. Will only get worse.

  15. Soft on crime. Rehabilitative justice. Defund, demoralize the police. Every one of these kids should be thrown in prison and charged as adults. Rockville DA is so bad and he won't do a darn thing. Beyond belief. It will get worse and worse and worse. Keep voting Dem. Blue state policies on full display. You just voted in Elrich for another term of 4 long years. Where has he been? Nowhere. Where has the police chief, a black man, been? Nowhere. All these children and they are children, are black. Can't say that. Can't lock a black boy up.
    Crazy, crazy, crazy.

  16. Good advice 749, you are correct. My understanding is that even in a case of legitimate self-defense risk of litigation, both civil and criminal is high. In a very gun unfriendly state such as Maryland risk of prosecution is very high. Another reason I now reside in Florida.

  17. 7:49 - I appreciate the comments about concealed carry. This local area just got slapped by the court and the state is now appealing a higher court's decision on the HQL (handgun qualification license). Sadly, law abiding citizens who wish to carry will have to wait til this is finally sorted out for good. All that being said, you're correct on the Stand Your Ground law. MD is completely nuts on its policies. But all would indeed be advised to know the law before doing anything. Can you imagine a state that requires its citizens, by law, to run away from danger rather than standing up and defending yourself by any means? That's what you are legally bound to do. Someone pulls a gun on you and you're simply told to run and good luck. It's insane.

  18. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Sounds more like gang looting. Folks running away were reported to have “smug” expressions on their faces. Guess if you don’t care about society and have been too naughty for Santa, looting is now becoming a social event.

    1. Anonymous12:45 AM

      I wonder if Mccarthy has the fortitude or smarts to spell R-I-C-O ?

  19. Anonymous3:06 AM

    @JAC 6:35 AM "Rockville DA is so bad and he won't do a darn thing."
    Not true, he thrives on high-fives: https://shorturl.at/iopL7/

  20. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Chickens coming home to roost.


  21. 3:06 - Not sure what that link is but he's not a serious crime fighter. To be fair though, the entire system here is all about rehab, counseling, etc rather than incarcerating people who have committed crimes. Judges have a lot to answer too as well.

  22. Anonymous7:26 AM

    @3:06AM - Nothing to see here, and get your facts straight, Rockville doesn't have DA's.

    @11:06AM - Not happy with MoCo, then why the H are you still here. JAC off to FLA were the killing is crazy illegal.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Ok, Attorneys that represent their District like County Attorneys might. It's because of obstinate people that nothing gets done right.

  23. Anonymous7:40 AM

    @JAC 6:35 AM "Rockville DA is so bad and he won't do a darn thing."
    Not quite, he does thrive on high-fives:

  24. This is the second time it was robbed. They will close and I don't blame them. Private security guards are expensive and if the guards do take action they are sued. Alternatively the police could be present in the area. I have never seen a policeman walking around Bethesda Ave. The only time I see a police car is when there is an traffic accident or they are getting food. What could be a deterrent, is when these organized under 18 year old criminals are arrested the judges do not immediately release them. The kids who steal this stuff know this are no consequences in DC or Montgomery County

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      This won't make them close. It's built in to their business plan, not in a nefarious way: they rationalize higher premiums and know this kinda goes with the brand's panache. But they do get to externalize security costs and risk to patrons and non patrons onto the community.

      They know what they're doing: all numbers for them.

    2. Anonymous6:30 AM

      What he said! The Bethesda 'demographic' that would never buy 200 dollar 'athletic' shoes isn't the target for Nike!

  25. And LB, how sad is that? The police station is blocks away. They don't run radar. They don't patrol neighborhoods looking for porch pirates or anything else. They can't have a car somewhere on Bethesda Row all day, every day? That would make the shoppers and stores feel a lot better wouldn't you think? It's really beyond belief that this is happening. Dem controlled cities and Dem controlled state. Chaos.

  26. 7:26 - Ok, State Attorney. Excuse me. And what does crazy illegal in FL mean? Why am I still here? So, just because someone who is critical of elected officials, etc, etc means they should move? Many have clearly from this blue state and others. But things are going great here? Make sure you request that all the other commenters here move as well because many are of a similar bent here. This is unprecedented in these areas which are very nice, very upscale. Yeah, people went to top schools, got top grades and have top jobs that enable them to live in upscale suburbs. Great, no problem. What they don't want, and no one wants, is this kind of unchecked crime. Dem run total control. Disaster. 4 more years of Elrich.
    Great job.

  27. These kids will be admitted to Harvard in a few years after putting this on their resumes: "Interests include liberating consumer goods from capitalist pigs, keeping it real and sticking it to the man."

  28. Anonymous3:15 PM

    30+ comments and counting... People are paying attention! #LocalBlogsRule

  29. JAC, don't be surprised at the invitation to leave. The MoCo lefties want not just a one party county but absolutely no dissent. I call it the ChiCom paradigm of government.

  30. 3:36 - It's coming for many no doubt. The stats of southern migration are not made up. Hundreds of people move to Greenville, SC Ave other areas South every day. That's right. Every, single day of the year, people move to these states away from the soft tryanny of deep Blue areas such as ours. We've long ago given them an inch. So what do you think? They're free to take? A mile as the expression goes.

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      I like your postings and usually agree 99.9% of the time, but I'm curious as to why you happened to mention Greenville, SC so specifically? I watch a live tv show on REELZ© Channel every Friday and Saturday nights at 9:00pm-12midnight, and one of the real time departments they show (and ride with) is Greenville, SC and it seems really busy and really bad. Tons of nightly crime of all kinds mostly black on Caucasians and their police department seems VERY busy. They DO arrest & they DO haul perps & thugs off to the jail. The powers that be seem to be on the side of the police and support all of the deputies 100%. Lots of crime & lots of cops. Also, EVERYONE'S packin' down there, legally & illegally. So, if you could elaborate on your comment I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

    2. Anonymous12:57 AM

      What I really think is that Bethesda will be reduced to looking like something between Silver Spring a d Wheaton in about 5 years. All the big investment money will move north, Columbia is the future.

  31. 3:15 - They are but unfortunately not the ones who matter. Elrich & Co apparently see no problem whatsoever with 12-year-old black children stealing from the Nike store and running down Arlington boulevard with their loot on a busy Christmas shopping time of year. Where's the police chief? What microphone have they stepped to in order to comment about any of this? None. They won't say or do a darn thing so don't wait up.

  32. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Where did the article say '12 year olds'? Is that a fact? I figured a bit older like 18 to 20. Makes a big difference.

  33. Anonymous11:34 AM

    It really doesn't matter to elected democrats as they can be in complete control but blame everyone but themselves.

    San Francisco has no conservatives yet:


  34. 6:10 - I spend a lot of time in SC and have family and many friends in Greenville. You should visit sometime. No area is foolproof but the crime in the area is way less than even Bethesda and I guarantee you they don't have children running out of stores carrying arms full of stolen loot. Now, Spartanburg is a little different. Maybe you're thinking of that part of the area. Fact is, hundreds of people move to Greenville and other cities like it daily. And I've never experienced there what you mention.

  35. Anonymous11:05 AM

    The level of overreaction to this is so funny. We live in an extremely safe and wealthy town. Calm down, everyone. Also, to whoever brought up concealed carry: What? What do you plan on doing with your gun exactly, shoot a 12 year old in broad daylight for stealing a pair of shoes? Give me a break.
