Sunday, December 17, 2023

Police step up presence at Bethesda Row after mob robs Nike Store (Photos)

Montgomery County police increased their visibility at Bethesda Row this weekend, following the robbery of the Nike Store last Monday by a mob of young people. Two police cruisers were parked in prominent locations at the Federal Realty development. 

A police officer was posted right inside the door of the Nike Store at 7117 Arlington Road. The word "POLICE" on the back of his jacket was clearly visible to any potential thieves or robbers approaching the entrance. Shoppers wrapping up their holiday gift lists at the busy retail center appeared undeterred by recent events, with eight days to go until Christmas.


  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    The problem is that John McCarthy will release them with no-cash bail in the name of equity with a mere promise to show up for their court date. What could go wrong?

  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    What did we think was gonna happen?

  3. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Is Nike paying for this enhanced private security? What a blessing having prestigious Nike here!

  4. Anonymous2:32 PM

    There's a great Bill Hicks stand-up comic bit from the 90's, "Too little too late!"

  5. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Same problems when in Georgetown. One common denominator is 200 dollar shoes that are theft magnets.

  6. Anonymous3:16 AM

    It was obvious that they knew of the peril when on their ''grand opening' they employed a squad of thuggish looking 'Security.'

  7. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Predictable knee jerk reaction: Bolt the stable door after the colt has bolted!

  8. Anonymous3:52 AM

    @7:51 AM By the time he gets to court they'll be gone!

  9. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Were these local kids? If not, how did they get away with the loot?

  10. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Maybe Nike (and other stores) should invest in/use those SmartInk security tags on their inventory. Does anyone know how well those tags work as a deterrent?

  11. And recently, I saw a police car at Leland Street entering Chevy Chase just sitting there waiting for cars to come thru the stop sign in violation of the Do Not Enter 4-6. Talk about priorities. They have enough personnel to have a car waiting to give someone a ticket for that but kids run out of Nike with arms full of stuff with no police anywhere? That Leland Street officer was 6 blocks away from the Nike incident. Where's that investigation by the way? They'll likely never be caught and will no doubt strike again.

  12. Anonymous5:26 AM

    @12:44 PM It is all about collecting cash NOT catching criminals.

  13. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Lots of Cabernet and Merlot flowing.

  14. Anonymous11:21 PM

    The blue lights are about image not about crime reduction. But it's a double edged sword. We honest citizens see where they are waiting to avoid tickets and the criminals just wait or go down the street. It's become a synergism vs. a crime deterrent. Can't blame the cops tho, it's the judicial system driven by our toothless liberals. Not even any barl left, bite left a long time ago with Silver Spring.
