Sunday, January 28, 2024

Assault at Bethesda convenience store

Montgomery County police were called to a convenience store in downtown Bethesda early Friday evening, January 26, 2024, after a 2nd-degree assault was reported there. The incident was reported at 6:05 PM Friday at the 7-Eleven at 7820 Wisconsin Avenue. Police reported that there was also damage to property there.


  1. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Hi Robert, Thank you for continuing to report on stories others neglect. I’m going to try to find the police report. For future posts, would you consider linking to the crime reports? Thank you!

  2. 10:54: MCPD crime reports are usually issued many days after the incident takes place, so there is not often a published report to link to, as was the case here.

  3. Anonymous5:42 PM

    As we all know by now (or should know), that assault is merely words (telling someone to shut up or talking so loud) like I did tonight at the grocery check out line because I couldn't concentrate on my transaction... Battery is the act of actually beating the crap out of said inconsiderate individual. People hear the word "assault" and always think that it's the aggressive violent sounding word in the English language confusing it with "assault rifles." Until I hear or read about "battery" I'm always going to assume it's no harm no foul... unless expectorating is involved.

  4. Anonymous4:25 AM

    10:54 AM: For future reference, if you want a police reports just call: 1-800-STARBUCKS!

  5. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Earlier commenter is incorrect. In Maryland (and some other states), assault, and/or battery, are all charged as battery. Second degree assault, charged here, can be serious or fairly minor, with sentences ranging widely from a wrist-slap to 10 years in prison. (First degree assault, NOT charged here, can get you up to 25 years.) So we’ll have to see police report once available. MontCo’s just trying to be more like DC.
