Monday, January 22, 2024

Giant sending out mailers ahead of January 26 Westbard Square grand opening

is sending out mailers to Bethesda residents about the grand opening of its new grocery store at Westbard Square on January 26, 2024. It touts some of the features of the store that were not at the existing Giant in the adjacent Westwood Shopping Center, including the pharmacy, a sushi bar, and a Starbucks. There's one additional item of interest on the mailer - the store's address, 5320 Zenith Overlook, which officially confirms the first internal street name at the new Regency Centers development.


  1. Anonymous4:53 PM


  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Zenith overlook? say whaaaat?

  3. Anonymous8:17 AM

    4:53 PM Enter at your own risk!

  4. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Can someone please explain why they are dedicating space to a Ledo's in the store when there is a Ledo's location less than .5 miles away?

    The dedicated space to Ledo's and Starbucks (when there is a Starbucks slated for the same development) is duplicative and a waste of space that could be better utilized to serve the community.

    Am I missing something?

  5. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I am really confused too. Is there supposed to be a separate Starbucks space outside of the store? Or is it just only going to be in the Giant? It doesn't make sense to have one in the Giant as it doesn't seem very convenient.

  6. 3:33: There's going to be a small Starbucks in the store, and then a full-service, standalone Starbucks store (like the one that just closed) downstairs on the ground level of the building, facing Zenith Overlook and the future Town Square.

  7. Anonymous5:19 PM

    @ Robert. That's good to know, thanks!
