Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Assault at Bethesda Metro station

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a 2nd-degree assault at the Bethesda Metro station during the early Monday morning rush hour. The assault was reported at the station at 5:45 AM on Monday, March 18, 2024. It was the second assault reported to police in a public area of the central business district in 48 hours. The first took place Saturday afternoon at the Woodmont Corner garage, which is two blocks from the Metro station.


  1. Reported to police yet no media, even channel 5, whose new offices and studio is a two minute walk to the metro where this occurred. Has anyone seen any reports on the local news that Robert is sharing on this blog? I sure haven't. Not a single story of this type.

  2. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Fertile ground for felons.

  3. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Media playing their part while redefined statistics says that everything is safer, inflation is down, gas is cheaper and the border is secure.

  4. Anonymous5:19 AM

    If only police had been funded and appreciated. Need routine bike cops now more than ever as we had in the past. Sad turn Bethesda has taken.

  5. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Unappreciated and underfunded police will get you here. Sad state of affairs Bethesda has become. Need to bring back the regular police bike patrols which are needed now more than ever.

  6. Anonymous8:04 AM

    @ 6:17AM - If it ain't fit for FOX5DC then it ain't newsworthy. You people on the right think every single crime is reportable by the media. Get over your sanctimonious selves.

  7. 8:04 - So, does that mean that people on the Left are ok with innocent citizens being assaulted? An assault is an attack you realize that right? So, crime shouldn't be reported. Is that the message? That's really one of the most incredible things I've ever read. Trust me, that's not a popular position and is not shared by many.

  8. Anonymous2:42 PM

    8:04 AM - Wait until you become a helpless victim then comment with such an air of authority.

  9. Anonymous3:38 PM

    8:04 is a reliable supporter of the mendacity of liberal think. If only you get it right this time...

  10. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Speaking of Fox 5 News in Bethesda, one of their Producers was Car Jacked for his SUV at Gunpoint at 5:30 in the Morning literally right in front of their new offices about 6 months to a year back so they have their own experience with violent crime !

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      It was just past midnight and it was a she... It took way too long for the station to even do an interview (anonymously) by a reporter who was good but no longer with the station.
