Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Pink Chicken New York opening in Bethesda

Pink Chicken New York
is opening a Bethesda location at 4925 Elm Street, at the Shoppes of Bethesda. Signage has been installed over the storefront, which was recently vacated by Claire de Lune. Pink Chicken sells vintage-inspired apparel for women and children. It's the latest arrival in the Gotham-to-Bethesda pipeline that has brought many NYC brands to the area in recent years, and from Levain Bakery to Tacombi, they've generally done extraordinarily well. Employees were stocking the store last night, and it appears just about ready to open.

Founded by Stacey Fraser, Pink Chicken celebrates the relationship between mothers and daughters. With a focus on sustainability, the clothing is designed to last so that pieces can be handed down from one child in the family to the next. Excess inventory is donated to clothing banks. 

This will be Pink Chicken's first Washington, D.C.-area location. The brand has boutiques in the Hamptons, Raleigh, Charleston, and Santa Monica, in addition to its namesake Big Apple locations. We'll soon find out if the latest arrival from the City That Never Sleeps also does well in the Town That Goes To Bed At 9:30.



  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    At first glance I thought this is a restaurant that will never get my business, with a name like that. Now I know what they are into, but it's not my style.

  2. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Sounds like a nice Sushi Grade Chicken place…
