Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Brick paver replacement at Bethesda Public Parking Garage 57 (Photos)

Brick pavers in the driveway entrance are being replaced at the Bethesda-Elm Public Parking Garage 57 at 4841 Bethesda Avenue at Bethesda Row. Last night, part of the Bethesda Avenue entrance driveway was cordoned off for the work. The pavers line up with the sidewalk on Bethesda Avenue. They are the official, mandated downtown Bethesda streetscape pavers.


  1. Looks expensive. Remind me Robert, when was this mandated by who. TY

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Yeah, I second that emotion.. I asked the same question on a thread and nothing but crickets... THIS would be hardcore delving into B-town history. What street was bricked first, when did it start & what entity started & continued it? I've been here all my life but I honestly don't recall. It just started appearing. Did someone have a sweetheart deal with a major kiln or distributor in the area? I know this started waayyyyyy before Drug Duncan.

  3. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Streetscape design guidelines are generally set by local jurisdictions. In MoCo we have the master plan/sector plan process for various neighborhoods, including sector plans for downtown Bethesda (1994 and 2017) which outline everything from the type of sidewalk pavers to the style of lamp posts which should be used. This ensures a consistent aesthetic throughout the CBD rather than allowing individual developers to use whatever materials they want during redevelopment.
