Friday, April 12, 2024

Montgomery Mall 2024 assault numbers have already equaled total for all of 2023

The latest assault reported at Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda brings the total number of assaults this year to five. That's the same number of assaults that were reported over the entire year of 2023 at the busy retail center. Montgomery County police responded to the latest incident at 3:10 PM on April 6, 2024, when an individual was allegedly the victim of a 2nd-degree assault. Should assaults continue to be reported at this pace, the 2024 number could be at least 15 assaults, which would exceed the record of 12 assaults set by the mall in 2022.


  1. I have a question about this. What if anything is Westfield saying about all this? Yes, there have been incidents at Tyson's which is more than double the size of Montgomery Mall but the security at Tyson's is very visible. Montgomery has security also yet somehow seems to have more trouble than a larger mall. It's a huge issue no doubt. In Atlanta, at Lenox, a very nice and upscale mall, it's almost a no-go zone the crime is so bad.

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    There aren’t enough cops or security there needs to be ads and more incentives for new cops

    1. Anonymous1:55 AM

      We just need to 'back them up,' by prosecuting the perps. Probably too late now fie that, we like many other jurisdictions will only attract the mediocre from now on. We've successfully made merit and discipline a thing of the past.

  3. Anonymous2:08 PM

    It would be helpful to get some demographic and geographic information about the crime perpetrators and victims.

  4. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Who goes to the mall anymore, it's not crowded enough...--yogi bera

  5. Anonymous3:24 AM

    No worries, the FBI has revised crime statistics so there will always be less crime now than under Trump!

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      You can't believe anything anymore! So sad. One more chance.

  6. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Not to worry, the county leaders will propose installation of surveillance cameras to conduct post mortem analysis and then hold a formal news conference to inform us.

  7. Anonymous3:44 AM

    8:31 AM: What happened to the resident contingent of cops?

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      As someone who goes to the mall almost daily for dinner in the food court, I can tell you that I never see police there. The so-called area that they were going to be using in the vicinity of the food court is always empty and locked.

  8. Hey JAC, thanks for the report. Supports my belief that this is a nationwide problem. Where's J. Edgar Hoover when you need him. This commercial crimewave deserves a federal response. Notice how nobody is stealinig converters lately. The feds busted that whole crew in Baltimore.

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      As an aside, and realizing this is not the forum for this, I've been taking it upon myself to email key people such as our worthless CE Elrich, Brooke Pinto of the DC Council, and many others that in this "crime fighting effort" that our jurisdictions 'incentivize' the perps to turn each other in by enhanced Felony penalties. How many times have we seen one perp of a crew get busted bit the po po are still investigating who else was involved? Make 'em talk! We have to overcome 'snitches get stitches,' by sending these cretins a message. Most our efforts short of this are doomed to failure without teeth.

  9. Anonymous3:07 PM

    @7:27 AM Not quite, the CE raises banners with zeal in diverse places.
