Thursday, May 23, 2024

Westbard Giant locks up Dove products

The full line of Dove beauty and skincare products has been put under lock and key at the new Giant grocery store at 5320 Zenith Overlook at Westbard Square in Bethesda. Similar products from other brands remain on open shelves right next to them. I think this is the first time this type of product has been locked up at the Westbard Giant. 

Perhaps this the beginning of the installation of more barriers around more products, and this is how far they got yesterday. It starts like this, and ends like the San Francisco Target store. Another jarring reminder that there's nothing of substance in the Montgomery County Council's FY-2025 budget to address rampant crime. Montgomery County won't enforce the law, and retailers are forced to take it out on customers as a result.

Product lockdowns and armed guards in stores are like Neighborhood Watch signs - super tacky, and simply advertising that you are in a bad neighborhood. When I walk into a grocery store and there's an armed guard inside the door, my first thoughts are, "Am I safe? Have I gone into a dangerous part of town?" Not what you expect in 20816. We're devolving backwards at an ever-increasing rate.


  1. Anonymous5:09 AM

    When you don't prosecute thieves in the name of restorative justice the results are predictable. Who's in charge of this mess anyway...

  2. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Oh, the antics of our youth today!!

  3. Anonymous7:15 AM

    What’s so special about Dove products anyway?

  4. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Hopefully this Giant doesn't become like the nearby Target in Tenleytown. That store isn't very shopper friendly, with most personal care products locked up.

  5. So nice to shop in NOVA where none of this goes on. Walmart, CVS, Target, Safeway, etc are all fully open and unlocked. Yet another place to not shop. What a disgrace. This is also the lot that records your image and voice forever essentially without your permission. Great!

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      My friend, just move there already. You can probably carry a gun wherever you want too.

  6. Anonymous9:05 AM

    "Another jarring reminder that there's nothing of substance in the Montgomery County Council's FY-2025 budget to address rampant crime."

    Well that's nonsense. MCPD and the State’s Attorney’s office saw huge increases in funding - nearly 50 million dollars between the two. And whether you disagree with it or support it, the widescale expansion of PD programs like the drone as first responder (now also to cover Bethesda) certainly can't be classified as "nothing of substance." Your absurd exaggerations make your posts appear completely unserious.

  7. 9:05: The police budget goes up every year, but the money hasn't gone to hiring enough officers to reduce response times, which are way up. Very mysterious. Where has all the money gone?

    Same with the SA's office - if the office continues its soft-on-crime approach, another $25 million won't make much difference.

    At least the SA and Council are on the same page philosophically - soft on crime, hard on taxpayers.

    And we get another property tax increase, to boot.

  8. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Just like downtown silver spring!!!!

  9. 10:17 - exactly. And that's a problem and that's a disgrace. Keep voting Dem.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM


  10. Anonymous5:59 PM

    It's not the funding but how it's used. The politicians in this county measure their success by how much they spend. Guess what? In the real world, results are the only thing that matter. This is why Elrich and the council will always fail.

  11. Anonymous10:49 PM

    i remember from working in a CVS, the Dove Products are Very Popular.

    Problem is they are very popular with thieves as well !!

  12. Anonymous12:59 AM

    It's wearing thin, the reason we can't have anything nice.

  13. Anonymous3:38 AM

    9:05 AM You must be a 'drone' operator. And all that money goes to fund social media events etc.

  14. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Nothing good will come to that Westbard Area. Between the cemetery and the bloody redevelopment, you will reap what you sow. Had better lock everything up.

  15. Anonymous1:39 PM

    10:17 AM Famous last words:

  16. Anonymous1:40 PM

    How can you tell the difference between 'drones' and drones?
