Friday, May 17, 2024

You're on Candid Camera in Westbard Square garage in Bethesda - forever

UPDATE - May 18: I have been informed by Regency Centers that the signs were posted temporarily for a promotional video shoot at the property, and are not permanent.

There's an unusual sign posted inside the parking garage at the new Westbard Square development at 5400 Westbard Avenue in Bethesda. "Notice of Filming," it reads at the top. But it's different from the typical disclosure of surveillance camera monitoring. 

The notice advises patrons that not only are you being filmed, but audio recorded as well, and that your image, likeness and voice can be used by property owner Regency Centers in perpetuity. This use of your image and voice can be in any form of media that exists now, or in the future. I am waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out.


  1. Anonymous7:50 AM

    As SAG member who fought against this type of crap during the recent strike, I despise this AI taking over the world.

  2. This is the garage for the Giant store 2.0 correct? Went there once to check out the new store. Never again now. Thanks Robert for the heads up! It's hard to know what to say about this. It's just so unbelievable that this stuff goes on. I guess one question would be, where else in the country do property management firms, parking garage companies, etc do this? There's just no privacy anymore and definitely watered down civil liberties. Finally, few will ever know about this which they're likely counting on. And the radical libs inside the Beltway, if this becomes widely known, I'm sure would have zero issue. This would be a great story for Sheryl Atkinson to do.

  3. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Thanks for posting the notice. Although this is a public space and understandable that surveillance would be done for security purposes, this seems very extreme, to say the least.

  4. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Robert, in light of 12:54-- any chance of installing a similar surveillance mechanism on this blog?

    1. Anonymous9:02 PM


    2. 2:50 - Yes, in light of any differing view or one that someone may not like, there should be a blog surveillance feature. There's already one in place it's called disagree. Don't like it? Move on or offer something of substance. Offer a counter point. Criticizing what someone else says is easy.

  5. Anonymous6:04 PM

    How is this legal and why is this necessary? Image, likeness, voice in perpetuity???

  6. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Can you describe the "area" referenced? Where does the area end?

  7. Anonymous6:54 PM

    "Filming"??? How 19th century! Maybe they're as dumb about tech as they are about language.

  8. Anonymous7:59 AM

    That’s because they’ve been covering up a crime problem in the new Giant parking lot.

    There was a crime problem in the old Giant parking lot where the cameras were busted. Given the new restricted road access, it takes a long time for police to get there, if they come at all. Criminals know this.

    New cameras get a photo after the fact, which is worthless.

    Lock your car doors and don’t go at night.

  9. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I guess Regency Centers didn't include surveillance cameras as part of their sales pitch for the new "green and connected" shopping experience. Just wait until those green elevator townhomes come in. I guess "connected' was referring to electricity and big brother.

    Buyers Beware. These are the dogs in your neighborhood.

    Remember those tiny little decades old businesses that Regency disconnected last Christmas?
    They just got hefty invoices today to pay Regency reconciliation fees for insurance and taxes from 2023. Who knew there was still some meat left on their bones? Judge them by their actions, not their propaganda.
