Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Armed robbery at Potomac mansion

Montgomery County police responded to a report of an armed robbery in Potomac early Sunday morning, June 23, 2024. The robbery was reported in the driveway of a home in the 9100 block of Persimmon Tree Road at 2:26 AM Sunday. That is a two-lane residential road lined with mansions near the TPC Potomac at Avenel Farm country club.


  1. Anonymous5:06 AM

    One day one of us sitting ducks ain't gonna go down so easy.

  2. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Not even close to the metro and thanks to MC States Attorney McCarthy, Elrich & Moore, our future in a nutshell.

    "Crime is down!"

    Even lefty sites see a problem:

  3. Anonymous6:05 AM

    That is no random act of street thug violence. The dispatched call said it was three assailants and that the property was gated.

    Someone who knows that a homeowner is going to be in his driveway at 2:25 in the morning has either spent time watching the victim's movements or else is someone familiar enough with the victim's routine to know when the person will be outside their place. This will be interesting to watch develop.

  4. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Just think about it this way………..

    All Those Millions tucked in to one of the Wealthiest Neighborhoods on the East Coast and that still doesn’t keep three guys from Robbing you at Gunpoint !!


  5. Anonymous8:44 AM

    6:05 - You are the only common sense reply on this story, the rest are a bunch of knee jerk, whiney a**, elephant dungers. They can't see the sky for the trees, and everything is a chicken little issue. This certainly was a planned hit, maybe to please 5:18 they drove back to the metro and waited for it to open, to make their getaway. Duh! Learned.

  6. Anonymous8:50 AM

    It's all good...we have a leafblower ban instead!

    1. Anonymous11:57 PM

      Which isn't enforced. More bs.

  7. Can't carry a gun in MD basically. Plus, the threat of legal action against you is too great. Get a Byrna. They are 100% legal to carry even in MoCo. Non-lethal weapon. Believe me, bad guys do not want to get hit by that thing and it's a very effective deterrent you can use to protect yourself and your property. It's also affordable. Police can't protect you and certainly local and state leaders cannot and will not protect you.

    1. Anonymous12:01 AM

      Anything isn't better than nothing. Putting them 'down' but able to shoot back won't get us anywhere. Double tap to the chest and head will. Remember, they're coming to you. They usually don't practice much and have poor skills, with some training we can overcome.

  8. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I wouldn't jump to conclusions, 6:05.
    Maybe the criminals just saw an expensive car being driven in or near an exclusive neighborhood very early in the morning, followed it home, and then robbed whoever was in the car.

  9. Anonymous5:35 PM

    @6:05 My guess is they followed the homeowner home from somewhere. Since that's right on Persimmon Tree, they wouldn't suspect they are being followed as plenty of legit traffic passing through on that road.

  10. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Unacceptable. Potomac residents should band together and hire armed private security to augment whatever coverage the police might provide to the area.

    1. Anonymous4:25 AM

      I'd be interested in volunteer bike patrols in and around Bethesda. DC upper NW, used to have 'orange helmet' neighborhood volunteers.

  11. Anonymous10:29 PM

    @5:35, @9:27 -- you may be entirely right, that a carful of criminal opportunists spotted an enticing target in DC or Bethesda and simply followed the victim, having no idea where they would end up, even as they headed out the unlit, single-lane River Road, past Congressional. You are entirely wrong that there is "plenty of traffic" in the area, especially at half-past two on a Sunday morning. One person who *was* in the area at that time was an off-duty county police officer, who was on-scene in under 90 seconds from the time of dispatch, having been on an adjacent street, according to radio transmissions. Despite that proximity, the officer did not report seeing any vehicles in the area, heard no squealing tires, which might at least suggest the crimers had sufficient familiarity with the darkened streets to know which way more quickly led back to River, and that Persimmon Tree has a nasty curve you don't want to learn about in the dark while speeding from a robbery.

    Call me naive, but I am of the belief a trio of gun-wielding robbers, even seasoned quasi-professionals, might be a bit jangled and confused in their adrenaline-infused post-crime rush to escape a crime scene. Those unfamiliar with the neighborhood might perhaps be confused about how best to exit a dark residential area where they randomly wound up after having followed home a rich-looking target they had locked on elsewhere. In other words, while it may be as you say, a completely random thing, where urban crimers followed their mark from the big city lights to the darkened wilds of Potomac and still managed to slip past a cop who was literally around the corner and on-scene in under 90 seconds from the call going out, it seems equally plausible it was thugs who have at least some knowledge of the victim or of the victim's family --schoolmates of the victim's child?-- and knew when and where to strike, and how to escape.

    As I said earlier, it will be interesting to watch this develop.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Just Stupid lucky maybe.

  12. Anonymous5:20 AM

    5:18 AM
    Our illustrious leaders seem to excel in making flashy public announcements, attend high profile conferences and participate in banner raising ceremonies. But, when it comes to anything of substance they make themselves scarce.

  13. Anonymous5:22 AM

    It's possible it was a random follow home target. The incident in Landon Woods last year was a targeted car and happened early after sunrise with 4 armed thugs driving around looking for a car they wanted. Turned into a home invasion to aquire keys.

    Instead of simply releasing these criminals for property crimes with no consequences outside of an arrest record, let the damage caused by theft & fleeing for all property affected, (including damage to law enforcement vehicle and innocent byproducts of escape), follow them until restitution with no statues of limitations.

    Never going to happen in this state.

  14. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Also noticed an assault around the corner earlier that night -

  15. Anonymous9:30 AM

    @5:22 The ruling party in Rockville, now Annapolis is more concerned about virtue signaling topics than citizen safety.

    People like 8:44 are part of the problem like the CNN reporter saying "It's mostly peaceful" while buildings are being looted and burned in the background. Don't believe your lying eyes...

  16. Anonymous12:42 PM

    @7:35 -- the call to which you refer was a multiple stabbing inside a residence, possibly at a party or some large gathering, judging from radio transmissions. A lunatic with a knife slashed several people, but there were no firearms, no robbery -- just violence and mayhem.

  17. Anonymous1:03 PM

    9:30 AM Don't believe what you hear and only half of what you see.
