Friday, July 05, 2024

Assault at Montgomery Mall in Bethesda

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a 2nd-degree assault at Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda Monday night, July 1, 2024. The assault was reported at the mall at 8:40 PM Monday. 

This is the eighth assault reported at the popular retail center this year, as violent crime at the mall continues to outpace the totals of last year. The property had managed to go assault-free since April 14 - until Monday. 

By contrast, only five assaults were reported at the mall in all of 2023. Montgomery Mall is currently on pace to triple last year's total.

Several of this year's assaults have taken place as shoplifters attempted to flee the mall with stolen merchandise, including one on March 5 that came to light last month when Montgomery County police released a photo of the suspect whom they alleged assaulted a Macy's employee.


  1. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Call was dispatched roughly 13 minutes later as several subjects in the movie theater who beat up "a kid" and stole from the victim a hooded sweatshirt.

    Nice to see that at least the criminals are going after worthy bounty/loot. Good grief.

  2. A few of these people need to be shot period. That would certainly have an impact. Police can never respond as quickly as needed, often, even though they are great at what they do. MD is among the strictest state in the country on carry. If these total loser creeps (and many are kids - great job parents) knew that someone may be armed, they'd think twice. We have a right to self protection period. Silly, liberal voters and all county council think they know better and 2A doesn't apply to you. At least carry a Bryna which are legal even in MoCo Unreal.

    1. Anonymous10:12 PM

      JAC, over the years I admit I've been agreeing with you more and more but here you're off the mark. There are simply too many real, live guns out there to counter theses cretins with 'less than lethal' weapons. Even if you're limited to the classic 'standoff' situation, you'd want a lethal weapon. Go get some training and a good, comfortable holster. Remember, when seconds count the police 'are only minutes away,' and facing 12 jurors is far better than 6 pall bearers. These perps go out of their way to terrorize us, it's time they get threatened back.

  3. Anonymous4:18 PM


  4. 10:12 - I'm with you 💯 and was a little disappointed with Scotus this term. But eventually, liberal MD leaders will lose and we'll get our 2A back. As you know, we basically can't carry at all at least in much of MD.

  5. Anonymous10:14 AM

    JAC, my understanding is the victim was “a kid”. Is it not the case that juveniles are forbidden to own handguns, even if they were used by a teen to defend himself from mall bullies who stole his sweatshirt?

    Your answer to so many situations seems to be, as here, that someone should be shot. I have every expectation you have trained extensively, (and continue to do so, as is necessary to maintain the required proficiency,) in close-quarter combat and in tactical shooting, so you would be well prepared to confront any antagonists who made the mistake of selecting you to play crime victim. However, you would surely agree the *average* member of our community is unlikely to be as committed to the rigorous, extensive training required to safely carry a handgun for potential use defending oneself in a crowded public area, such as the mall movie theater where this post’s incident took place.

    Would you advocate as strongly that more people carry guns in such places, with the recognition most of those armed defenders are going to be just as poorly disciplined when it comes time to shoot as they are when they get behind the wheel of a car— something that many people have much, much, *much* more practice time and exposure to than they would with handguns? Again, not everyone would be a disaster, because some, like you, would be well-disciplined, pinpoint-accurate targeters, un-phased by the chaos or adrenaline when encountering an actual, live, life-threatening confrontation that demanded standing one’s ground and defending life by using deadly force. But given the preponderance of bad drivers who jeopardize the lives of innocents around them with a technology as ubiquitous as water, it seems a profoundly bad idea to advocate for abundant, easily available firearms, which people would have far less training time and practice with than they do with cars, where they prove themselves dangerous menaces with tragic regularity.

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Today, as of a few days ago, 29 yes, almost 60 percent of our United States are Constitutional Carry. I spend lots of time in WV and they (we) are polite. I challenge you to search whatever statistics you care to search: I'm confident that most anti gun assumptions you'll find impossible to support.

  6. 10:14 - that's an awfully long response. But an armed citizenry is a safer citizenry for all. Not in every situation obviously. But are we going to let thugs and criminals just take over or are we going to be prepared? Come on, you know the answer.

  7. Anonymous3:39 PM

    "An armed citizenry is a safer citizenry for all."
    Not necessarily for people who happen to be near some miscreant, if a Rambo (or Charles "Death Wish" Bronson) wannabe has bad aim.
    Even the police, who definitely are trained, will miss their targets sometimes.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Do you even have any anecdotal examples? How does the crime (and associated accidents) compare with our 29 Constitutional Carry states? We don't need more emotional opinions.

  8. 12:15 - And yes, MD isn't among them and never will be should Elrich, Moore, etc have their way. Again, I wish SCOTUS took this on this session. Eventually, they will hear a case which will be landmark and Marylanders who want to can carry. Until then, crazy continues.

  9. Anonymous6:34 PM

    In other words, sweatshirt thefts are legitimate grounds for killing somebody, and public places should be potential free-fire zones. Got it.

    Transcripts from the resulting criminal trials should make for amusing reads.

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      6:34, at least for myself I'd only use deadly force if necessary, I bet JAC feels the same. The call of these posts, I believe is about out if control crime and our inability to defend ourselves, not about the relatively minor nature of *this* specific crime.

  10. 3:39 - that's very anti - 2A and not at all in keeping with fact. More guns in the hands of law abiding citizens save lives period. Training is a must and is always ongoing. A gun isn't always warranted but if someone wants to do you or your family bodily harm, good luck cause in MD, you're screwed.

  11. 6:34 - I'm making a broader point that you may not be getting. That's ok. But what if someone who steals a mere sweatshirt decides they want your watch, money car, etc and threaten to severely harm you, your wife and children? Then what do you do? It's insane, that in MD, you are essentially forbidden from exercising your right under the US Constitution. The police can't respond fast enough though they respond and God bless them. Elected officials sure as heck can't help you. It's amazing how officials and celebrities, etc are so anti-gun yet all have armed security everywhere they go. Do as I say not as I do. Great!

  12. 9:12 - Yes, you are correct. Spot on in fact.

  13. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Broken Window theory for all you "ok to steal anything from anyone without return violence" people... Monkey Mall is basically Mondawmin Mall south.

  14. Anonymous12:39 AM

    I guess Brookville CC is a bit out of this blog's area. The pharmacy there was robbed and a kid held at gunpoint. When is enough?

  15. 12:39 - went there as a kid all the time after school. A couple of arcade games in the back. Great local business for years. You're making my point. Actually, the only group that can get a carry permit, should they desire one, are retail businesses and thus ones who deal with money. They should be armed and trained too. When is enough is right. Crime has run amok elsewhere as we know. But the results aren't necessarily the same. The liberal media don't often highlight a store owner fighting back and protecting his store by any means necessary and yes, sometimes by legal force. You'd think the media would champion that but they run story after story of robberies, muggings and the like. Stop voting this way. These fools you've elected are taking away your rights and you've simply let them do it.
