Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Police seek suspects in Park Potomac assault

Montgomery County police are seeking the public's help in identifying and located multiple suspects in the June 22, 2024 aggravated assault at the Park Potomac development. Police say that as many as four suspects ganged up on the two adult victims around 4:10 PM that afternoon, in the 12500 block of Park Potomac Avenue. The suspects displayed unspecified weapons, and assaulted both victims.

Police describe the suspects as three or four Black females in their late teens. If you have any information about the suspects or this incident, you are asked to call police at (301) 279-8000. 


  1. Defund, demoralize the police, soft on crime protector, strictest gun laws in the nation almost, and unapologetically a sanctuary county. What to you expect? It's not their fault but the foolish voters with blinders on who vote the same way every time. Remember, you just reelected Elrich. That's a lot more years of this. Most ineffective leader maybe in county history.

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      This The statement makes several assumptions that can be critically examined:

      Assumption 1: "The Montgomery County police are being defunded."
      Reality Check: This assumption requires evidence to support the claim. Without specific data or policy changes in Montgomery County that indicate a reduction in funding for the police, this assertion remains speculative. Research into the county's budget and recent legislative actions would be necessary to verify this claim.
      Assumption 2: "There is a defund the police movement in Montgomery County."
      Reality Check: The existence and influence of a "defund the police" movement in Montgomery County should be substantiated with evidence of organized efforts, public support, or policy proposals aiming to reduce police funding. Assuming such a movement exists without proof overlooks the possibility that local attitudes and policies might differ significantly from national trends.
      Assumption 3: "It is possible to police every single street corner."
      Reality Check: This assumption ignores practical limitations. Policing every street corner is neither feasible nor efficient. Police resources are finite, and strategies often involve prioritizing areas based on crime rates, risk assessments, and other factors. Effective policing relies on a combination of visible presence, community engagement, and targeted interventions rather than ubiquitous coverage.
      Assumption 4: "Increased resources deter criminal intent."
      Reality Check: While increased resources can enhance police capabilities, they do not automatically deter criminal intent. Factors such as socioeconomic conditions, community trust in law enforcement, and the underlying causes of crime (e.g., poverty, lack of education, substance abuse) play crucial roles. Effective crime prevention often involves a holistic approach, including social services, education, and community programs, alongside policing.
      Additional Assumptions and Misunderstandings:
      Marxist/Communist Goal:
      The statement asserts that abolishing the police is a Marxist or Communist goal, equating the "defund the police" movement with Marxism. This oversimplifies and misrepresents both Marxist theory and the motivations behind the defund movement. While some activists may draw on various ideological perspectives, the movement broadly focuses on reallocating funds to community services and addressing systemic issues within policing, rather than adhering to a single ideological framework.
      Police Motivation:
      The claim that reduced police motivation is leading to increased crime assumes a direct causal relationship without considering other factors, such as economic conditions, social unrest, or changes in crime reporting. It also presumes that police motivation is solely driven by funding, ignoring aspects like morale, community relationships, and leadership within police departments.
      In summary, the statement makes several unsubstantiated assumptions that need to be critically examined and supported with evidence. It oversimplifies complex issues and overlooks the multifaceted nature of crime prevention and community safety. pertains to you too.

  2. Anonymous3:30 AM

    What a word salad 2:01 has espoused to deflect responsibility from those in charge to "oh things happen". Nevermind that there is video of leftist politicians espousing the defund movement after George Floyd. Nevermind Restorative Justice policies exercised by district & states attorneys that has demoralized police departments and simply releases repeat offenders over and over again without consequences.

    The essay does prove that a little bit of knowledge combined with a tunnel vision view of news through the eyes of their media masters can prop up their ego but like the debate last week can't hide the truth from reality.

  3. Wow 201 you must really have a lot of spare time on your hands. Maybe get a hobby or get yourself outside more.

  4. Anonymous6:46 AM

    @7:18 pay attention to 2:01.

  5. Anonymous6:53 AM

    2:01 pm - thanks!

  6. The “no evidence” dodge is widely used by lefties when they want to deny an unfortunate reality.
