Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Armed robbery in downtown Bethesda

Montgomery County police responded to a report of an armed robbery in downtown Bethesda Sunday night, August 11, 2024. The robbery was reported in the 4900 block of Bethesda Avenue at 9:37 PM. A firearm was the weapon employed in the robbery.


  1. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Montgomery county only allows tax free for shoes up to $100.

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      The five finger discount never has any tax.

  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Interesting that Google hasn't upgraded their video (mapping) feature: Nike doesn't yet show at that 4900 Bethesda Ave corner.

  3. And the former police chief makes more money per year as the head of security for MCPS than the new MoCo Police chief. Check me on that but I think I read that. More media today and more ability to report out these incidents as was mentioned by another poster here. Maybe. But I really don't recall the level of crime and certainly not armed robbery right in the heart of the downtown district. Yes, a long time ago, there was no such thing as Bethesda Row and Apple Store, Nike, etc. But there were always shops and restaurants. So, this is a disgrace. The police have been vilified, demoralized, etc that's just a fact. Also, factual is the soft on crime policy from John McCarthy and his team. Lastly, what I have heard, and would not be surprised, is part of the soft on crime stance is due to the majority of these thugs are people of color and it really doesn't look good to have one group locked up. That's racist? No, crime statistics aren't racist or anything they are simply stats. You can't have a color filter or anything in regards to crime. Hit them hard and don't let people out of jail with the notion that they can go to a program and be rehabilitated. You do the crime, you better do the time. Disgrace.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      I'm courageous enough to totally agree with you.

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      I am curious to find out what are the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities(KSAs)
      for the Head of MCPS security position.

    3. Anonymous9:37 PM

      JAC is absolutely right on all this. I'm also courageous enough to agree, as an anonymous poster, of course. The Bolsheviks will definitely come after people who disagree with them. They've had 150 years of practice, and totally control almost everything you see and hear. Thugs have no fear any more, because they know that the Bolsheviks are on their side. I don't think the thugs understand why, not that they really care. For them, it's good enough just to know that around here, surrounded by yard placards proclaiming the Bolshevik's love for them, crime actually does pay.

    4. Anonymous9:02 AM

      "The pattern was much the same in Montgomery County,
      where robberies rose from 278 to 325 but
      homicides decreased from 15 to five;
      rapes from 227 to 176;
      and aggravated assaults from 518 to 503."

  4. Anonymous8:27 AM

    McCarthy, Elrich and the entire council are a pathetic waste of taxpayer dollars. Better to governed by the first entries in the phone book than morons bent on destruction in the guise of equity.

    Meanwhile the latest property tax bills are out and it looks like Annapolis needs to hit that ATM machine again.

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      I have you know that Mr. McCarthy is a professor of law
      at Maryland's Premier Community College!

  5. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Registered with the state of Maryland right, ballistics tested and all, right before it was purchased legally, right... Oh, wait...

    1. Anonymous1:33 AM

      Only the law abiding in theory need to do that. That's if you can jump.all the hoops of the asterisks the libs think are in our Constitution.

  6. Anonymous1:26 AM

    I'd be interested in .volunteering to bike patrol. We need to send a message that Bethesda won't fall to crime like our neighbors did.

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Bring your own Kevlar jacket.

    2. Anonymous4:45 PM

      But it will... mark my words.

  7. Someone alluded to gun rights here, permit, etc. Well, for the thousandth time, MoCo and the state of MD have made it very difficult and expensive to get a carry licence for those who want one and many do. You know which group is the fastest growing gun owners in the nation, women. How does this make any sense that a bad guy can have a gun (cause bad guys don't care about gun laws) and essentially the good guys can't? Keep voting Dem election after election but don't expect different results. MD is among a tiny list of states in the entire country that are as strict on guns and carrying outside the home. Time to get SCOTUS on this and they have already in a few cases brought. It's called 2A and if you don't like that, I can't get help that.
