Thursday, August 01, 2024

Curtains for Butter Chicken House at Montgomery Mall in Bethesda?

Butter Chicken House
in the Dining Terrace food court at Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda has been closed during business hours on visits to the mall over the past week. Last evening, funereal black curtains were drawn across the front of the business. Men were seen removing kitchen equipment from the stall. Butter Chicken House opened here in September 2023.


  1. Anonymous5:34 AM

    With Chick-Filet right there, they had a tough row to hoe.

  2. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I commented when they opened that they wouldn't make it a year. I don't know why they keep putting in small family owned businesses that can't pay the rent (not to mention make mediocre food - they're butter chicken was super bland). Westfield's rents are way too high and only chains can make it in the food court now

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Agreed the food was super mediocre and not worth it. I knew they were going to close soon because nobody was giving them a shot

  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

    They could’ve done a better job of making their space look welcoming. I would walk by there almost every day, and I still wouldn’t know what kind of food they were really selling. They never had any menus out. They never had any thing on the TV screens, such as menus that I could see, they also never had any thing in the display cases that they had. It was also hit or miss whether you would see an employee there, so it was something that never looked interesting to me.

  4. Anonymous5:34 AM

    8:32: Good points. I agree. If I opened an eatery like that, I would give family and friends discounts just so folks could see other folks ordering and what they got for the money. I do that all the time -gee, what that guy has looks interesting.... Learning
