Sunday, August 25, 2024

Montgomery County deploys surveillance camera on Cordell Avenue in Bethesda

Montgomery County deployed a surveillance camera robot on Cordell Avenue in downtown Bethesda yesterday. It was placed across from Caddies in front of the Brown Building at 4931 Cordell. This camera does have the County seal on the side. We've seen camera numbers 2220165 (Bethesda) and 2220161 (downtown Silver Spring). This is camera number 2220164.


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    So sad we need to do this, and it's even more sad that so many feel we deserve it.

  2. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I wonder (impossible to measure) how much of a deterrent effect the presence of that camera setup has-- on potential law-breakers, and on potential patrons generally.

  3. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Fine. Don’t know why others above seem unhappy with action being taken.

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      It's not action - it's disgraceful. But hey, keep voting Democrat. Just got a contract on my house and close 9/13 and will be gone. Been here since the early 80's. Sad to see how far MoCo has fallen.

  4. Anonymous9:04 PM

    No, it's not 'fine.'

  5. Anonymous5:45 AM

    It just means the bad guys will wear hoodies and Covid masks. Not sure why Comrade Erlich wont get us some foot patrols in the CBD.

    1. 5:45 - Good post. And Comrade Elrich says nothing. He hasn't said a word. The only comment he's made publicly was regarding the antisemitic messages on synagogues. That's important obviously but silence on crime has indeed been deafening. He's possibly the worst county exec in history. Great job just recently granting him a new term

  6. Again, disgrace. Defund, demoralize the police and soft on crime policies are to blame. Surveillance robot? How about surveillance policemen? Aren't they walking distance away? Yes, they are. Heavy and frequent police presence would send a strong signal. Oh, and lastly, voting Dem everytime isn't helping this situation either. Where's Marc Elrich, at the beach with Biden? Wake up people. Your liberal elected officials could care less about this.

  7. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Might as well call it the La Catrina camera. There has been a stabbing and a mass fight outside of the place, both in the last 6 months.

  8. I went to check out La Catrina one evening early this year and there were bouncers who barely spoke English frisking everyone down, I guess to check for weapons. I suppose this is to provide for the comfort and safety of customers, but I'm more-bothered by why this place alone has the need to do this based on who they're attracting. Who do they market to and how do they do it?

  9. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Across the street with their annunciation blue light would be a good place for our po po to park.
