Friday, August 23, 2024

Montgomery County police officer found guilty in January 6 case

A Montgomery County police officer was found guilty today by a U.S. Circuit Court judge in Washington, D.C. of charges stemming from the violence at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Officer Justin Lee, 25, of Rockville, was found guilty of two felony offenses: assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers and civil disorder. Judge Trevor N. McFadden also found Lee guilty of the misdemeanor offenses of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, and disorderly conduct in a Capitol building. Lee will be sentenced by Judge McFadden on November 22, 2024.

The Montgomery County Police Department issued a statement today in which it said that Lee was not yet employed by the County police force on January 6, 2021. It stated Lee's actions at the Capitol did not come to light through its standard background investigation when Lee was hired. Lee was relieved of his police powers while the case went to trial. The MCPD stated that Lee's employment by the department will now be terminated following today's guilty verdict. 

Lee was identified in 2023 by law enforcement officials who were reviewing video footage from the Capitol on January 6, 2021 after they first noticed his Maryland flag gaiter. The U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia specifically accused Lee of throwing two objects at officers who were trying to prevent people from entering the Capitol. One incendiary device produced a smoke cloud. Lee was also accused of pointing a flashlight beam at officers. 


  1. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Looks like he was trying to protect and serve his own political interests by participating in that violent riot. Good riddance.

    1. Anonymous9:58 PM

      Gimme a break.

    2. Anonymous11:16 PM

      The only violence was Lt Michael Byrd, who is probably pretty nervous right about now.

    3. Anonymous6:19 PM

      You mean 'insurrection', don't you? You must have misplace your talking points. Meanwhile the country is falling apart at the seams - and people like you are silent.

  2. Anonymous5:29 PM

    It is purely political. Like most of the just strolled through the capital building.
    The property torchers of another riot were not prosecuted like this.

    1. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Can't even admit that attacking the Capitol to block the peaceful transfer of power was wrong in hindsight. Absolutely pathetic. History is going to judge you people for eternity.

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM

      5:29, What utter bs. You and those like you that try to minimize what happened act like this event wasn’t broadcast live to the world for all to see the violence. Go crawl back under your rock.

    3. Anonymous8:38 AM

      I wonder what the opinion is of the editor of this blog.

  3. Anonymous6:21 PM

    "Patrolling" our streets ocifer!

  4. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Maybe he'll be in prison with the Hamas rioters. Oh wait, all those charges against anti-Israel protesters were dropped. It good to be a liberal!

  5. Agreed, it was purely political. Stupid people were conned into trying to overthrow the will of the people.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Not to mention there were FBI in baseball caps inciting. People who actually believe your government is fair and above board are fools.

    2. You are entitled to your own opinion; you are not entitled to your own facts.

  6. Anonymous4:17 PM

    5:07 The were protesting what they believe to be a stolen election. Nobody torched the Capitol or throw bricks. Some folks got carried away. Versus the
    Floyd riots with bricks and flame and no charges.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      I guess you wouldn't mind if they entered your office (if you are smart enough to qualify for one) and defecated on your desk, urinated in corners, stole your laptop, that would all be just fine huh?

  7. Anonymous7:00 PM

    If you're an of duty MoCo PoPo don't do anything stupid on Cordell Ave in the vicinity of Alatri Bros or you'll get on that relocated crime camera!

  8. "The were protesting what they believe to be a stolen election." Stupidity is no excuse.
