Sunday, September 15, 2024

Home invasion in East Bethesda

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a home invasion in East Bethesda on September 10, 2024. The break-in was reported in the 4500 block of Middleton Lane at 1:52 PM. A male suspect damaged a screen door, and then kicked the locked back door of the home until it gave way, destroying the door frame and damaging part of the wall. The man fled after an occupant of the home began shouting and called police.

Two occupants of another East Bethesda home were seriously injured during a home invasion last month, when they were beaten by the suspect who had broken into their house. The suspect in that case has been arrested and charged. Police have not yet released a description of the suspect in the September 10 home invasion. If you have any information about the Middleton Lane incident, or can help identify and locate the suspect, call police at (301) 279-8000.


  1. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Eating the cats and robbing and stealing kamala Harris has unleashed the third world cartels on us but hysterically laughing when Trump discussed

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      How weird

    2. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Oh boy. Note to trumpers: check on your fellow cult members to make sure they're ok and taking their meds.

  2. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Unfettered immigration with the promise of a Hollywood lifestyle meets the reality of slave wages and living conditions. It’s called a humanitarian crisis. Anyone who supported the idea of open borders out of some childish concept of virtuous empathy is a fool who is in need of actual empathy tempered by wisdom.

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      I'll take ranch dressing on that word salad.

    2. Anonymous7:35 AM

      #Walk away

  3. Anonymous12:08 PM

    There was a "disturbance" around 3:00am on Battery Lane (Aldon bldg)(across from 4970 Sussex House. A fire truck's red lights caught the corner of my eye and when I went out to investigate, the fire truck was leaving but there were at least 6 MoCo PoPo cars on both sides of the street. Possibly related? Could you get on that Robert?

  4. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Maybe it the lovely youth from BCC Highschool?

  5. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Next step to 'door to door.'

  6. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Another example, too, of how 'the authorities' parse out crime news so its difficult to see true impact.

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Stick to your 'alternative facts' then.

  7. Anonymous3:28 AM

    7:58: I agree. I commented at 4:41. I only saw one article about BCC HS students being arrested regarding carjackings Never saw another article..
    Upscale Bethesda is becoming a training ground for hoodlums.

  8. Anonymous6:04 AM

    The home invasion referenced that occurred last month was perpetrated by a woman from Alabama. There is no evidence currently that links the home invasion this article is referencing to anyone, including immigrants. The people here (9:32am and 11:37am) immediately assuming immigrants were behind this is nothing but un-Christ-like, blind hatred.

    Also, JD Vance today admitted that he made up the story about immigrants eating dogs and cats. He completely made up the story with his own imagination and yet you use it as the basis of your comments. How very odd and sad of you.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Typical of 5:04 not to even watch the entire interview as Vance did not admit that he made up the story but go ahead and parrot networks that do all your thinking for you.

  9. Anonymous4:48 PM

    "Am I a Racist?"

    Sunlight is the best disinfectant! Kinda exposes at least half the population around here.

  10. Anonymous10:47 PM

    For many, particularly 'city people,' there are two kinds of animals, farm animals and pets. We 'typical Americans' usually have disdain for consuming animals we don't ordinary classify as farm animals, other cultures eat things we'd never consider. And they continue to do that too. A bat is not a pet but yes, 'foreigners' eat them and they eat them here and illegally bring them in to our country with many other animals monkey, etc. They eat geese, dogs (popular Asocene, in the Philippines), and many continue this practice here with little regard for our laws and customs. Another topic for how our customs take a back seat.

  11. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Coming to a neighborhood near you!
