Monday, September 09, 2024

Maryland U.S. Senate candidate Larry Hogan's 100th tour stop is Montgomery County

Maryland U.S. Senate candidate Larry Hogan (R) notched the 100th stop on his Strong Independent Leadership tour in Montgomery County yesterday. His choice for the campaign milestone was Silver Spring. Hogan attended the Saints Constantine & Helen Church Greek Fest at 721 Norwood Road. "We enjoyed some great food and had the chance to meet so many members of our Greek community," Hogan tweeted last night. 

The former Maryland governor ended last week with a strong endorsement by U.S. Senator Joe Manchin, after a Gonzales poll showed his Democratic opponent Angela Alsobrooks moving 5 points ahead of him following a well-received speech at the Democratic National Convention last month. Hogan is leading Alsobrooks by ten points among independent voters, the poll showed, and eleven percent of those surveyed told pollsters that they are still undecided on the race.

Photos courtesy Hogan for Maryland, Inc.


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Literally all the GOP had to do was nominate someone who wasn't a bumbling, incompetent, treasonous felon at the top of their ticket and they'd have swept House, Senate, White House. Now they're likely to lose at least the House and White House. Oh well.

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      The GOP doesn't exist any more, it was taken over by the MAGA mob in 2016.

  2. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Larry knows his bread is better buttered outside of PG County and it's deteriorating 'Sister county,' Montgomery. He's looking to compete on merit which doesn't count down here anymore.

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      That rural audience can't help him this time around sonny, this is a blue state and hoagie Hogan won't get to be the Manchin shill for his peeps.

    2. Anonymous9:41 AM

      If you think MoCo "deteriorated" under Hogan, what do you think of Baltimore's violent crime skyrocketing under his 8 years? What do you think about how crime immediately started returning to O'Malley levels after Hogan was replaced? What merit, exactly, do you think Hogan earned?

  3. 9:56 Merit? Like $12M on useless Covid tests from his in-laws, or many millions wasted on his public-private Purple Line boondoggle? How about sending Maryland National Guard to clear protestors from Lafayette Park for Trump's little publicity stunt?

  4. Anonymous10:19 PM

    I voting for Harris and Hogan, we need to keep it as center a possible. To far left or too far right makes things go nuts. If not check how the Weed thing went down, now one can not drive around without smelling weed, and we do not need MOCO to turn into PG county, it is already bad as it is.
