Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Humiliating: Montgomery County loses another one

Gerber to move
New Jersey HQ to

The Gerber baby is the latest to hand the Montgomery County Council their [briefcases] in our newest loss to Northern Virginia in the economic development sphere. 1812 North Moore in Rosslyn will be the new address for the baby food giant's world headquarters, bringing 150 more good jobs to Virginia. Gerber has leased 23392 SF of office space at the gleaming new office building.
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said the Commonwealth's latest defeat of Montgomery County "reaffirms that Virginia is a prime location for headquarters operations." Gerber joins Northrop Grumman, Hilton Hotels, Volkswagen, Corporate Executive Board, Nestle and Intelsat in Northern Virginia's economic development trophy case. And those are just the ones in recent years - Montgomery County, by contrast, hasn't attracted a single major corporate HQ in two decades, a humiliating comparison.
“Gaining the headquarters of the iconic Gerber brand is an important win for Arlington County and the Commonwealth, and we are thrilled to welcome Gerber to Virginia’s corporate roster,” Virginia's Secretary of Commerce and Trade Esther Lee said in a statement Monday. Virginia will give $862,500 and a Major Business Facility Tax Credit to Gerber. In return, Arlington County will enjoy a $5 million headquarters investment by Gerber, and an estimated $4.2 million in net revenue as a result of the new HQ.
"We are thrilled to welcome Gerber to Arlington's business community," said Katie Cristol, Chair of the Arlington County Board. The Montgomery County Council? Not so much.
MoCo's latest economic development defeat comes on the heels of a devastating report that the County has had the worst new business growth rate in the entire D.C. region; only tiny Falls Church City had a lower growth rate, and has only 12,000 residents to Montgomery's 1.4 million inhabitants.


  1. Baloney Concrete5:44 AM

    As usual Mr. Dyer leaves out half of the story. Gerber is a subsidiary of Nestle, which moved to Arlington last year. Gerber is moving into their building.

  2. Anonymous7:00 AM

    You do realize, not a single reader thinks of you as a journalist, right? Opinion-writing, skewing fact blogger perhaps. Others above just Think you’re an outright liar.

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      7:00am your resentment of Dyer's journalism is clear

  3. Anonymous7:02 AM

    In fact, Gerber is moving into a portion of the 250,000 SF that Nestle has already leased. This is not a new corporate move to NoVa, but simply a fully owned division of Nestle moving into the space. This is not a corporate coup, but in fact a sign that Nestle apparently leased too much space, and was forced to back-fill some of their unused office space. They probably planned this consolidation for quite some time, and announced it now as a form of spin control.

  4. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Dyer got scooped on the big release of jbg’s Plans. Grocery store and three additional commercial spaces. Blueprints, graphics, and retail descriptions galore. He misses that but prints some skewed crap about businesses going to VA. Never ceases to amaze me.

  5. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Rosslyn is 5 minutes from DC, and about 10 minutes from the airport.
    Montgomery County, at best, is 30 minutes from either.

    Not exactly a level playing ground.

  6. Anonymous8:32 AM

    HEY! Have all of you commentators above noticed that the great boi wonder (Dyer) has not replied to a single comment you've made? Spot on! He's been made.

  7. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I enjoy how bitchy Dyer's troll gets if Dyer doesn't immediately respond to his inane comments.

  8. 7:51: What are you talking about? There's no such article anywhere online. How did I get "scooped?"

    8:12: Exactly - that's why I've been saying for years that we need to build the new Potomac River crossing to Dulles Airport.

    5:44/7:02: Sorry punk, this is the Gerber HQ, and it is moving from New Jersey to Rosslyn.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      You’re an idiot, Dyer. Theirs an article indicating four commercial spaces (2215, 1683, 915, 12,686 sq ft, respectively). Because you got scooped doesn’t mean it wasn’t reported on. You really are a megalomaniac.

  9. Anonymous10:44 AM

    If Dyer actually had any successes in his life, he'd understand that it's not just about humiliating other people.

  10. Anonymous10:47 AM

    "Sorry punk, this is the Gerber HQ, and it is moving from New Jersey to Rosslyn."

    Why didn't you mention the word "Nestle" in your article? They are both the owner of Nestle and the primary tenant of the building to which Gerber offices are moving.

  11. 10:47: Gerber HQ is a completely separate entity seeking a better location. MoCo dropped the ball again. It's okay to cry. You failed. Now elect me so we can stop losing and start winning again.

  12. Anonymous11:10 AM

    No it is not. Gerber is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nestle. Why are you being stupid as usual, Dyer?

  13. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I hope Hans runs all these memes on his web page on the morning of Wednesday November 7.

  14. 11:10: Gerber has its own headquarters, knucklehead. It is moving that headquarters. Do you need flash cards to follow along?

  15. 11:12: Is that when he reports to prison?

  16. Anonymous11:16 AM

    @ 11:12 - You just can't bring yourself to say the word "Nestle", can you?

    @ 11:13 - What will he be charged with? Did you ever call the MoCo Cartel PoPo or the FBI?

    1. 11:16: We won't know until the FBI raids the County Council and Planning Department buildings, and gathers the evidence. Perp walks would follow.

  17. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Per Gerber Pres/CEO “closer proximity [they’ll occupy space in the same building] to Nestle USA’s new headquarters will provide efficiencies that will be reinvested in our people, products and production to fuel growth”.

    1. 11:36: Finally, you admit Gerber is its own company with its own CEO. You're progressing slowly, but surely, and this website is helping to make you smarter by the day.

  18. Anonymous11:42 AM

    TFW someone who knows nothing about business attempts to write about business. It's humiliating.

    1. 11:42: The County Council is writing about business? In what publication - MAD Magazine? LOL

  19. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Dyer you are nominated for Retard of The Year and are really pulling for you pal!!! #ISTANDWITHTARD

  20. Anonymous12:02 PM


  21. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Dyer Hans and the other "Losers" are scared to debate? Or they just don't have time to play with mentally retarded men that live in there moms basement?? Which makes more sense? Considering they have jobs and you just go to the mall everyday I would guess the latter makes more sense. It would be a good look to show them taking time to spend time with local tards, but I doubt anyone will waste time with you at this point

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Haven’t heard anyone call Robert an over-age mall rat lately. Glad to see the name calling has stopped.

  22. Anonymous12:07 PM


  23. Anonymous12:08 PM


  24. This most recent MoCo loss will pale in comparison to the utter humiliation and abject rejection of MoCo when Amazon finally announces the NoVa location that it has already selected for its HQ2.

  25. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Hans is probably confused why Robert calls people hobos and dumbasses and equally dumbfounded as to why Robert feels the need to threaten people with taunts of punching folks in the face and body slamming people through coffee tables. As Hans probably doesn’t know who Robert is, Hans is surely confused that people mock Dyer about living in his mom’s basement and call him an over-age mall rat. As a councilman, Mr. Reimer, is probably baffled why he always gets brought up in a little blog. I wonder if Councilman Reimer has any thoughts on Robert’s unhealthy and unhinged obsession of him.

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Riemer pissed his pants while debating Robert last cycle. You don't forget a thing like that. Particularly when it is on live TV.

      Hans Riemer Arrested.

    2. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Reimer probably doesn’t know who Dyer is. Reimer has everything Dyer covets - a wife, kids, a house, actual jobs in the past, not having to live with his Mom, actual constituents, and a social life (that doesn’t involve sitting in a basement and making bizarre YouTube videos).

    3. 1:36: Are you sure? Helpless Hans claimed to have gotten Barack Obama elected as his youth director in November 2008. Fact check: Lyon's Hans was actually out as youth director in April 2008, according to an Obama campaign staffer, long before Barry had even clinched the Democratic nomination. Four Pinocchios.

      What else has he exaggerated? We can't be sure about anything Helpless Hans Riemer says.

  26. Anonymous1:06 PM

    How do you begin to even critique such an imbecilic article? It's like its supposed to be satire, but it falls flat on its face.

    Among the many lies:
    "Gerber HQ is a completely separate entity seeking a better location"
    "Montgomery's 1.4 million inhabitants"

    Don't take my word for it. Any quick Google search will prove Dyer as a bold-faced liar.

    1. 1:06: "Any quick Google search will prove" that Gerber is moving its corporate headquarters from New Jersey to Rosslyn, as I reported above. Is English your first language?

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      What if English isn’t their first language, Dyer? Isn’t that comment akin to people calling you an aspie or a loser that lives with his mom at 50 years old?

    3. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Good question - got an answer #dodgingdyer?

  27. 12:28: You must be seeing things. There's no article URL above regarding JBG. You can't be "scooped" by an article that doesn't exist, "idiot."

  28. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Gerber is not "a completely separate entity". It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nestle, and their headquarters is moving into space that Nestle already leases at in their headquarters building.

    1. 1;41: Now you've admitted Gerber has a CEO *and* a corporate headquarters of its own. By the end of this night, you may have actually been able to comprehend my entire report about Montgomery County dropping the ball in the Gerber HQ race.

  29. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Is this you, #UnsignedDyer @ 1:09 PM?

  30. cking2:06 PM

    I think some of you are overlooking the fact that Arlington won Nestle in the first place, not MoCo. So even if we agree that Gerber is merely moving into the new family digs, the family chose the other side of the river...

  31. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Anyone else think is funny that Dyer never responds to these postings before noon? Late night on COD?

  32. Anonymous2:29 PM

    2:06 - Yes, it's odd that Dyer can't bring himself to say the word "Nestle".

  33. Anonymous3:06 PM

    "...the gleaming new office building."

    5 years old, and completely vacant for the first 4 years.


  34. Anonymous3:09 PM


  35. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Man you got scooped today bozo check your competitors site!!!! They are mopping to floor with you #WESTBARDTARD

  36. Anonymous3:12 PM

    First Hans now the Beat is making you there bottom, your getting that butt hole abused Dyer #NOVaseline

  37. Anonymous3:14 PM


  38. Anonymous3:28 PM

    @ 3:06 PM - Good to know the context. Looks like Arlington County has had some big losses in the past decade. Federal offices have mostly abandoned Crystal City. And General Dynamics left for Merrifield - to fill the former ExxonMobil HQ that had fled to Texas. And the biggest tower in the region, completely vacant for four years.

    And NoVa will lose Volkswagen USA after that company goes belly-up following bankruptcy from the fines for falsifying emissions tests.

  39. Anonymous5:02 PM

    @3:28 Loudoun just lost Appian to Fairfax. Moving from Reston to Tysons. Announced today.

  40. Anonymous5:34 PM

    It's Musical Chairs in Moribund NoVA.

    Language trivia - "No va" means "it doesn't go" in Spanish. Is it any coincidence that MS-13 started in Virginia?

  41. Anonymous5:46 PM

    VW is still the largest car company in the world, and is actually doing just fine. Yes they got caught in some lies, but they seem to have recovered.

    Back to Robert for a second. Many her have made several thoughtful and politely considered observations about the nature of Nestle, and how they are now moving a portion of their company from NJ to fill out their vacant space in Roslyn. Instead of a polite discussion about our comments, or an insightful disagreement of a differ4nt opinion, Robert immediately has to call people punks and hobo’s. I am surprised he thinks that he has the civility to hold a public office, if his only retorts can be name calling.

    This blog has degenerated into a bunch of screaming childish remarks. Why can we all be civil and discuss the many topics about Bethesda in a polite and responsible fashion. Enough with the name calling and jokes. Let’s all try to clean this up and create a true forum for discussion.

    Robert should be commended for at least his efforts to create this space. I’m sure some trolls will still try to sling a bit of poo, but he can just delete these comments, leaving only civil discussions. Evenly the trolls will all get bored, and move on. Of course Robert has every right to use this forum to promote his electoral efforts. I just hope we call all be adults here and clean up our behavior.

    What do you

  42. Anonymous6:09 PM

    The fact that Dyer's troll thinks VW is going out of business shows how misinformed the troll is. Lies about Dyer and lies about VW.

  43. Anonymous6:28 PM

    "Of course Robert has every right to use this forum to promote his electoral efforts."

    He does. But then he should not characterize the forum as a journalistic endeavor.

  44. Baloney Concrete6:30 PM

    5:46: While I don't disagree, I should point out that Mr. Dyer himself has a tendency to censor polite, thoughtful commentary if it does not square with his narrative. For example, I've lost count of the number of times he's deleted comments of mine in which I simply express my opinion that it's nice to see small businesses thriving in our community.

  45. Anonymous6:46 PM

    "Gerber is a subsidiary of Nestle, which moved to Arlington last year. Gerber is moving into their building. In fact, Gerber is moving into a portion of the 250,000 SF that Nestle has already leased. This is not a new corporate move to NoVa, but simply a fully owned division of Nestle moving into the space. This is not a corporate coup, but in fact a sign that Nestle apparently leased too much space, and was forced to back-fill some of their unused office space. They probably planned this consolidation for quite some time, and announced it now as a form of spin control."

    Robert Dyer responds:

    "Sorry punk, this is the Gerber HQ, and it is moving from New Jersey to Rosslyn."

    "It's okay to cry. You failed. Now elect me so we can stop losing and start winning again."

    "Knucklehead. It is moving that headquarters. Do you need flash cards to follow along?"

    "Is English your first language?"

    Are these comments examples of a community leader fostering intelligent, respectful conversation?

  46. Anonymous6:58 PM

    This is a wee bit off topic, but I believe Robert Dyer will find it interesting:

    While March 2016 was the coolest March since 2014, globally, it was the third warmest March on record - not as warm as 2017 or 2016, but closely tied with 2002, 2010, 2015.


  47. Anonymous7:01 PM

    @6:58: If by "third warmest March on record" you mean "coldest of his lifetime," then Robert will agree with you. Otherwise expect your figures to be called out as "fake" or "wrong."

  48. 6:58: Fake news. March was clearly below average temperature in the D.C. area, as were December, January, and now April to this point.

    7:01: Science isn't what you want it to be; it is empirical data.

    6:46: Yes. Is Hans Riemer blasting the American system of government, saying it was against "us" from the beginning, an example of Riemer's patriotism and commitment to our Constitutional republic? Discuss.

    6:30: Small businesses aren't thriving in our community.

  49. Anonymous7:50 PM

    "March was clearly below average temperature in the D.C. area, as were December, January, and now April to this point."

    Sorry, typo in my post above, it should have been "March 2018 was the coolest March since 2014". March 2018 and April 2018 (so far) have been below average in terms of temperatures in the Washington DC area.

    The mean temperature for December 2017 was very slightly below the historical average. January 2018 had cold snaps and warm waves - that balanced out to a monthly mean temperature that was at the historical average for that month. Together with the record warmth for February 2018, that meant that the mean temperature for meteorological winter (December 1-February 28) was above average. (All statistics in this paragraph refer to the Washington DC area.)

    "Science isn't what you want it to be; it is empirical data."

    And Dyer has no empirical data, just his personal whimsy. It's amazing how he can type that with a straight face.

  50. Anonymous7:52 PM

    "Yes. Is Hans Riemer blasting the American system of government, saying it was against "us" from the beginning, an example of Riemer's patriotism and commitment to our Constitutional republic? Discuss."

    It's hard to have a discussion when NO ONE HAS THE SLIGHTEST IDEA OF WHAT THE FUCK YOU JUST SAID.

  51. 7:52: Is English your first language? No one else is having trouble reading that 3rd grade reading-level statement. Do you support Riemer's attack on the American system of government? Which alternative system does Riemer support?

    7:50: You can't fool people who have been living in the D.C. area this winter that December, January, March and April have been below average in temperature. We are clearly experiencing a global cooling event.

  52. Anonymous9:37 PM

    What exactly is "Riemer's attack on the American system of government"?

  53. 9:37: Something he posted on Facebook that I got a screen capture of where he attacks the American system of government, saying it has been "against us from the beginning." Not too smart when you've taken an oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution.

  54. Anonymous9:54 PM

    "You can't fool people who have been living in the D.C. area this winter that December, January, March and April have been below average in temperature."

    I suspect that what you typed was not what you actually meant to say.


    1) December 2018 - mean temperature SLIGHTLY BELOW the historical average for the Washington DC metro area.

    2) January 2018 - mean temperature AT the historical average for the Washington DC metro area.

    3) February 2018 - mean temperature WAY ABOVE the historical average for the Washington DC metro area.

    4) Winter 2017-18 (December 1 - February 28) - mean temperature ABOVE the historical average for the Washington DC metro area.

    5) March 2018 - mean temperature BELOW the historical average for the Washington DC metro area. But above that for March 2014.

    5) April 2018 - mean temperature for the month (so far) BELOW the average for the Washington DC metro area.

    So who are all these people who you claim "you can't fool" regarding recent temperatures in the Washington Metro area? Where is your data that contradicts that of the National Weather Service?

    "We are clearly experiencing a global cooling event."

    6) The Washington DC metro area occupies only a tiny fraction of the Earth's surface - approximately 3 hundredths of 1% of the total surface. The Earth does not revolve around your personal anthill in Westbard.

    Seriously, why are you so stuck on stupid, Dyer? You could have quietly admitted that you were wrong, weeks ago. Instead you have to make a bigger and bigger fool of yourself.

  55. 9:54: Anyone who lives here can confirm that December, January, March and April were below-average in temperature, Saul Alinsky. Global cooling event, Saul.

    "If every letter must receive a reply, send 30,000 letters." - Saul Alinsky

  56. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Star Wars wallpaper,*** #NOWESTBARDTARD

  57. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Dyer while your fighting with all of your guests to your site you are getting your butthole gaped by the beat!!! Out scooped all week old sport whats going on, you are falling off!!! #ISTANDWITHTARD

  58. Anonymous5:10 AM

    I don't understand why Dyer is claiming 9:54 is wrong for stating that March and April had below-average temperatures, then goes on to say the same thing.

  59. Anonymous5:39 AM

    "Something he posted on Facebook that I got a screen capture of where he attacks the American system of government, saying it has been "against us from the beginning.""

    So what is the full quote, in context? Five words doesn't mean a whole lot.

  60. Regarding Gerber's relocation, the Washington Post states that they are joining their parent company Nestle at 1812 N. Moore Street. Interestingly, the article also states that Arlington has been struggling to reduce its 20% commercial vacancy rate, which it has had for the past five years. Whereas Bethesda's vacancy rate is at 9.5% and is - according to BizJournals - about to experience an office resurgence since the adoption of the Downtown Bethesda Plan.


  61. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Robert: Even if your premise is correct that Maryland is losing all of its jobs to Northern Virginia, why do you focus only on the MCC and not on Governor Hogan and his Administration. Your article leads with a quote from Virginia's Democratic Governor Ralph Northam about how they have created a business friendly state. Governors and state agencies play at least as important a role as counties in making state's competitive. What has Hogan done? He hasn't given Montgomery or Prince Georges County a lot of attention and some of his policies have deliberately favored more rural counties that helped elect him Governor. He's been in office three years and is about to run for re-election. Why aren't you questioning/pressuring him to do more for Montgomery County? Virginia has had a series of pro-growing, business savvy, Democratic governors. You should give them some credit too.

  62. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Anyone interested in picking a few polling places and displaying notable quotes from the candidates on Election Day? What would Robert’s more notable quotes be? Thoughts, guys and gals?

  63. 3:14: The beauty of it is, you can't, because doing so would reveal your identity, likely landing you in federal prison for your harassment, threats and stalking of me and my family. Hope you like wearing orange.

    7"33: Wrong. Arlington, like much of Northern VA, has more SF of office space than downtown Bethesda and Montgomery County exactly because of their past success. When the morons in Congress caused a collapse in defense contracting, Virginia was left wit unexpected vacancies. It's not an apples-to-apples comparison for that reason. NoVa simply has far more office space to fill. We, on the other hand, have failed to fill the smaller amount we have, and in fact, the County has been demolishing office space and turning it into housing. This again artificially has reduced the amount of vacant office space in MoCo.

  64. Anonymous6:58 PM

    "Arlington, like much of Northern VA, has more SF of office space than downtown Bethesda and Montgomery County"

    I'm confused here. Which jurisdictions are you claiming have "more SF of office space" than which other jurisdictions?

    What is "much of Northern VA"? Which areas don't count?

  65. Anonymous7:01 PM

    "When the morons in Congress caused a collapse in defense contracting, Virginia was left wit [sic] unexpected vacancies. It's not an apples-to-apples comparison for that reason. NoVa simply has far more office space to fill."

    Vacant office space isn't something to brag about.

    And it seems like the morons in NoVa let themselves become way too dependent on defense contractors.

  66. 7:01: Wrong. Hilton, Volkswagen, Gerber, Nestle, Corporate Executive Board, none of those recent additions to NoVa's portfolio are defense contractors.

    Who's bragging about vacant office space? Surely not moribund Montgomery County.

  67. I thought about that one and these. Robert uses what is known as "Name-calling propaganda."

    "Punch yourself in the face until you black out to save us all time and energy"

    "You're the lazy bum who was too lazy to click on the link I bothered to give you in the article. You have the mind of a child, and the mentality of a criminal."

    "Punching you in the face would qualify under that, as well"

    "readers actually enjoy when I bodyslam you through the coffee table."

    "Shows how little you know about Bethesda. The only thing you'll be
    watching is my brass knuckles hitting your face, vermin."

  68. There's years and years and years worth of material, right here in this little blog.

    Maybe I could even have a sign of my own.
    "Anna Van Horn - threatened with coffee-table violence by Robert Dyer"

  69. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Ouch. Gonna make for a tough campaign. For the record, quoting a candidate is perfectly acceptable in a democracy (did you take civics or history in community college, Robert?).

  70. I cautioned him years ago that they would make great campaign signs if he ever ran again.

    He deleted my cautioning.

  71. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Anna @ 7:39 AM - #MeToo

  72. How was I wrong for quoting the Washington Post article? They are the ones who noted that the 20% vacancy rate had been the same for 5 years. Meanwhile BizJournals is behind a paywall, but if you Google "Bethesda office vacancy rate" you can read the 9.5% statistic in the article blurb that shows up.

    You are suddenly being very quiet regarding Gerber and Nestle though.
