Saturday, January 29, 2022

Pedestrian island ravaged on Woodmont Avenue (Photos)

A crosswalk pedestrian refuge island on Woodmont Avenue near Fairmont Avenue has been heavily damaged. The pedestrian island is located by Veterans Park, which the crosswalk connects to the eastern sidewalk of Woodmont, near its intersection with Fairmont. It has taken similar damage since it was constructed in 2013, the first time only 48 hours after it was opened to the public. 

A sign on the island directing drivers to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk is damaged and bent to the ground. There used to be two, but one destroyed previously was never replaced. Two bollards are also gone. It is currently unclear how the island was damaged, but it appears to have occurred since the snowstorm began Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    So dumb they just taper the curbs and effectively turn the thing into a ramp for cars. God forbid ped safety take priority over a car's tires. Make the curbs taller and out of granite.
